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5 Steps to Make Your FMCG Brand Stand Out Using Influencers in Singapore
Learn why influencers bring greater engagement, trust, and cost-effectiveness for food and beverage brands aiming for impactful marketing.
5 Steps to Make Your FMCG Brand Stand Out Using Influencers in Singapore
Learn why influencers bring greater engagement, trust, and cost-effectiveness for food and beverage brands aiming for impactful marketing.
Want Real Connections? See How POKKA Leveraged Everyday Influencers in Its Year-End Campaign
See how POKKA used influencers, authentic moments, and festive timing to drive engagement and brand loyalty.
7 Proven Strategies for E-Commerce Brands in Singapore to Leverage Influencer Marketing
Find out how influencer marketing can help you reach new heights with your e-commerce business in Singapore.
Influencer Marketing Tips for FMCG - F&B Brands Looking to Grow in Singapore Featuring C S Tay
Practical influencer marketing tips for FMCG - F&B brands in Singapore aiming to boost brand awareness and drive sales through authentic connections.
Why Your 11.11 and Year-End Campaigns Need Influencers in Singapore Featuring iShopChangi
Understand how influencer marketing can push your Q4 sales to new heights in Singapore.
How to Leverage Influencer Marketing for E-Commerce Success in Singapore
Discover how e-commerce brands in Singapore are using influencer marketing to boost sales and build trust.
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Cover 創作者正夯,翻唱翻跳二創出流量密碼!
大學生必修三學分:社團、愛情、課業,而其中的社團一定會聯想到較常聽到的「熱舞社」、「熱音社」,近年來學生除了參加線下的成果發表會,也會大量的拍攝個人作品並發佈到自己的社群平台,其中又以 Cover 為最大宗,成為了另一種時下流行!
畢業季到!超過 1/3 大學新鮮人的夢幻職業竟然是他?
Cover 創作者正夯,翻唱翻跳二創出流量密碼!
大學生必修三學分:社團、愛情、課業,而其中的社團一定會聯想到較常聽到的「熱舞社」、「熱音社」,近年來學生除了參加線下的成果發表會,也會大量的拍攝個人作品並發佈到自己的社群平台,其中又以 Cover 為最大宗,成為了另一種時下流行!
在 Netflix 近期上映的原創韓劇《絕世網紅》(Celebrity),揭開網紅界的生態秘辛。故事以女主角徐雅莉(由朴珪瑛飾演)的視角展開,與觀眾一起窺看網紅真實的人生。劇情以「在人人都是創作者的時代,讓大眾認識自己的臉和名字似乎變得很重要。」開場。
【新手創作者看這邊】Partipost App 使用教學-終極操作篇
Partipost 是創作者的好朋友,是一個媒合「你與品牌」的新型態數位廣告 App 平台。秉持實現「人人是網紅」的理念,我們支持每位創作者,相信人人都能發揮影響力!讓創作融入生活中,用真實原創作品分享故事! #一起成為社群創作者吧!
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Marketing KOL, Strategi Pemasaran Terbaik untuk Bisnis
Marketing KOL adalah strategi pemasaran paling efektif, terutama di era pemasaran digital. Pelajari tips menerapkan strategi ini untuk hasil yang lebih efektif.
5 Strategi Pemasaran untuk Menaikkan Penjualan Selama Bulan Ramadan
Apakah bisnis Anda ingin meningkatkan penjualan di bulan Ramadan? Simak artikel ini untuk mengetahui 5 strategi menaikkan penjualan selama Ramadan
Apa itu Personal Branding? Ini Manfaat, Contoh, dan Tips Mengembangkannya
Pernah dengar istilah personal branding? Yuk, cari tahu definisi, manfaat, dan cara membangun personal branding agar kamu dapat menjadi content creator yang sukses dan terus berkembang!
Bisnis Makin Cuan Selama Ramadan dengan Program RamadanXtra dari Partipost
Dapatkan ekstra exposure, ekstra engagement, dan ekstra revenue selama Ramadan dengan program RamadanXtra dari Partipost
Apa Itu Influencer Marketing dan Bagaimana Manfaatnya di Tahun 2024?
Ingin bisnis Anda semakin sukses di tahun 2024? Pelajari apa itu influencer marketing, sebuah strategi pemasaran paling jitu di tahun ini beserta manfaat yang ditawarkan.
Punya Penghasilan Menjanjikan, Ini 4 Cara Menjadi Content Creator
Ingin punya penghasilan hingga jutaan rupiah? Simak dulu 4 cara menjadi content creator berikut ini!
3 Cara Jitu Menjalankan Strategi Influencer Marketing di Instagram
Kolaborasi dengan influencer di Instagram belum optimal? Simak cara-cara efektif dalam artikel ini untuk mendorong kesuksesan campaign influencer marketing Anda!
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9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer
9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer
9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer
Tìm hiểu những khác biệt cơ bản giữa micro influencer và macro influencer và cách tận dụng từng loại để đạt hiệu quả trong chiến lược marketing influencer tại Việt Nam.
Chiến Lược Marketing Influencer: Khai Thác Macro-Influencer tại Việt Nam
Tìm hiểu cách xây dựng các chiến dịchmarketing thành công bằng cách sử dụng các macro-influencer tại Việt Nam
Hướng Dẫn Chọn Influencer Phù Hợp Cho Thương Hiệu Của Bạn
Hướng dẫn ngắn về cách các công ty có thể xác định và chọn những influencer phù hợp nhất cho thương hiệu và đối tượng mục tiêu của họ.
Thiết lập Mục Tiêu Và KPI Cho Các Chiến Dịch Marketing Sử Dụng Influencers
Marketing sử dụng influencer là một công cụ mạnh mẽ, nhưng để thành công cần có mục tiêu rõ ràng và các chỉ số đo lường. Việc đặt ra các mục tiêu cụ thể, có thể đo lường (như tăng 20% số lần nhắc đến thương hiệu) và theo dõi các KPI (tỷ lệ tương tác, phạm vi tiếp cận) đảm bảo rằng mọi người đều hiểu rõ mục tiêu và giúp tối ưu hóa các chiến dịch để đạt được ROI tốt hơn. Các nền tảng như Partipost có thể giúp đơn giản hóa quá trình này.
Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Lựa Chọn Nào Tốt Nhất Cho Chiến Dịch Marketing Năm 2024 Của Bạn?
Tìm hiểu cách chọn giữa nano và micro-influencers cho chiến lược influencer marketing của bạn vào năm 2024.
5 Cách Để Xây Dựng Quan Hệ Hợp Tác Dài Hạn Với Influencers
Influencers được đặt tên một cách khéo léo vì họ có sức mạnh tác động đến cộng đồng của họ. Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu nuôi dưỡng các mối quan hệ đối tác lâu dài với influencers? Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu tận dụng ảnh hưởng của họ để khiến thương hiệu của mình luôn hiện diện trong tâm trí người tiêu dùng? Hãy đi sâu vào năm chiến lược chính này và thiết lập các mối quan hệ bền vững với influencers có thể nâng cao vị thế của thương hiệu bạn một cách sâu sắc.
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การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ในประเทศไทย: เทรนด์และข้อมูลเชิงลึกปี 2024
ประเทศไทยเป็นประเทศที่มีจำนวนผู้ใช้โซเชียลมีเดียจำนวนมากและเพิ่มขึ้นไทยทุกๆปี ซึ่งช่วยขับเคลื่อนการตลาดดิจิทัลให้เติบโตอย่างรวดเร็ว การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ได้กลายเป็นหนึ่งในส่วนที่สำคัญที่สุดในการตลาดดิจิทัล เหล่านี้คือข้อมูลเชิงลึกและแนวโน้มสำคัญในตลาดไทยปี 2567
การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ในประเทศไทย: เทรนด์และข้อมูลเชิงลึกปี 2024
ประเทศไทยเป็นประเทศที่มีจำนวนผู้ใช้โซเชียลมีเดียจำนวนมากและเพิ่มขึ้นไทยทุกๆปี ซึ่งช่วยขับเคลื่อนการตลาดดิจิทัลให้เติบโตอย่างรวดเร็ว การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ได้กลายเป็นหนึ่งในส่วนที่สำคัญที่สุดในการตลาดดิจิทัล เหล่านี้คือข้อมูลเชิงลึกและแนวโน้มสำคัญในตลาดไทยปี 2567
การเป็นอินฟลูเอนเซอร์บนโซเชียลมีเดียถือเป็นเป้าหมายที่เป็นที่ต้องการอย่างมากในยุคดิจิทัล อินฟลูเอนเซอร์สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็น ซึ่งส่งผลต่อแนวโน้ม และการตัดสินใจซื้อ โดยมักจะได้รับผลตอบแทนทางการเงินจำนวนมากและความพึงพอใจส่วนตัว คำแนะนำทีละขั้นตอนเพื่อช่วยให้คุณเป็นอินฟลูเซอร์บนโซเชียลมีเดียที่ประสบความสำเร็จ
สุดยอดคำแนะนำ สำหรับ Partiposter หน้าใหม่ !!
เป็น Partiposter หน้าใหม่ใช่ไหมละ ? ไม่ต้องกลัวนะถ้ายังไม่รู้จะเริ่มใช้แอปฯ ของเรายังไง วันนี้เราจะมาสอนทุกคนให้เริ่มใช้แอปฯ ของเราให้เก่งสุด ๆ พร้อมสำหรับเริ่มเข้าร่วมแคมเปญแรกทันที มาดูกันเลย
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Choosing Between Micro and Macro-Influencers: 9 Key Considerations for Your Malaysia Marketing Campaign in 2024
Learn how to strategically decide between micro and macro-influencers for your brand's influencer marketing efforts in Malaysia.
Save the date: ?? Asma? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot are joining Partipost for a webinar on social media marketing this June 15th!
On June 15th, Asma�?? and Helen are joining Partipost via Streamyard to discuss all things social media marketing!
New to influencer marketing? Get started with these 6 basic influencer campaigns
So you�??ve decided to try out influencer marketing for your brand. Welcome! You�??re definitely on the right track�??insiders and industry experts have reported on the dynamically expanding landscape of influencer marketing, as well as their effectiveness in helping brands fulfill their marketing goals.
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How Big Brands Can Harness Nano Influencers for Maximum Impact
Big brands are increasingly using nano influencers to expand their reach and build genuine connections with their audiences. These influencers, typically with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, offer a unique blend of authenticity and engagement, making them valuable in a crowded marketplace. To effectively leverage nano influencers, brands should identify the right influencers, focus on authenticity and relationship building, create co-created content, leverage micro-communities, utilize local and hyper-local influencers, measure and optimize campaign performance, foster long-term partnerships, encourage user-generated content, offer exclusive incentives, and leverage influencer networks. Nano influencers have a more niche and engaged audience, making them more relatable and authentic than macro influencers. By engaging with influencers personally, understanding their content style, and collaborating on campaigns that feel natural and authentic, brands can build trust and authenticity with their followers. By leveraging nano influencers, brands can create genuine connections and elevate their presence in today's digital landscape. By focusing on authenticity, leveraging micro-communities, and leveraging influencer networks, brands can effectively leverage nano influencers to drive meaningful engagement and enhance their marketing efforts.
How Big Brands Can Harness Nano Influencers for Maximum Impact
Big brands are increasingly using nano influencers to expand their reach and build genuine connections with their audiences. These influencers, typically with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, offer a unique blend of authenticity and engagement, making them valuable in a crowded marketplace. To effectively leverage nano influencers, brands should identify the right influencers, focus on authenticity and relationship building, create co-created content, leverage micro-communities, utilize local and hyper-local influencers, measure and optimize campaign performance, foster long-term partnerships, encourage user-generated content, offer exclusive incentives, and leverage influencer networks. Nano influencers have a more niche and engaged audience, making them more relatable and authentic than macro influencers. By engaging with influencers personally, understanding their content style, and collaborating on campaigns that feel natural and authentic, brands can build trust and authenticity with their followers. By leveraging nano influencers, brands can create genuine connections and elevate their presence in today's digital landscape. By focusing on authenticity, leveraging micro-communities, and leveraging influencer networks, brands can effectively leverage nano influencers to drive meaningful engagement and enhance their marketing efforts.
The Influencer Advantage: Why You Need Influencers in Your Marketing Mix
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach engaged consumers through trusted voices. Influencers have a unique relationship with their audience, building a loyal community around their expertise and interests. This loyalty leads to trust and influence, making their recommendations more likely to be listened to. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand and target audience, you gain access to a pre-qualified pool of potential customers who share similar interests. This focused approach leads to higher engagement and better return on marketing investment. Influencer marketing is not just a fad; it can help businesses build brand awareness, generate interest, and convert leads into sales.
The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: How TikTok and Instagram Reels are Reshaping Influencer Marketing
In the digital age, short-form video content has become a popular marketing tool for brands. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels offer bite-sized entertainment, capturing interest in 15 to 60 seconds. These videos not only entertain but also build genuine connections with consumers. Influencers are leading the charge in showcasing products and their integration into their everyday lives. Brands can ride the short-form wave by storytelling, partnering with influencers who create content that resonates with their audience. The challenge is keeping up with trends, as platforms thrive on new trends. Brands need to stay agile and collaborate with influencers who can seamlessly blend brand messages into their content while keeping it trendy. Short-form video is transforming influencer marketing by being fast, engaging, and effective.
Setting Goals and KPIs for Influencer Marketing Campaigns
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool, but success requires clear goals and measurement. Setting specific, measurable goals (like a 20% increase in brand mentions) and tracking KPIs (engagement rate, reach) ensures everyone's on the same page and helps optimize campaigns for better ROI. Platforms like Partipost can streamline this process.
A Guide to Choosing the Right Influencers for Your Brand
A short guide on how companies can identify and select the most suitable influencers for their brand and target audience.