
Survey: influencers cite �??working with brands they love�?� as their number 1 motivation ?????�

May 31, 2022
August 13, 2024

There has never been a more opportune time to be an influencer or content creator. And for brands, there has never been a more opportune time to invest in influencers and the lasting impact they can have on your business!


Sure, influencer marketing can be a tricky road to navigate�??after all, there are the inevitable anxieties and challenges this strategy can have, such as sourcing the right influencers to represent your brand, managing them in time and cost-effective ways, and measuring their campaign results, among others. But looking at the landscape of the internet and social media post-pandemic, there�??s definitely more good news than bad. For one: more influencers are more excited than ever before to work with the brands they love!?�


This is precisely what a recent survey Partipost found among our consumer base: out of 6 other factors, Partiposters voted the opportunity to work with brands they love as their topmost motivation for becoming an influencer, far beyond financial and social reasons. In all, a total of 43.5% voted this as their foremost reason.


Today�??s influencers are also interested in self-improvement, the survey further found, with an overwhelming majority of 99.4% expressing desire to learn how to be more successful influencers and provide better quality content for brands and their followers.


The survey further found that influencers are nearly equally distributed when it comes to their commitment to their craft, with 50.3% of respondents expressing their intention to become full-time influencers�??only a narrow margin over the 49.7% who voted for a part-time commitment.

All this data presents ample opportunities for brands as we continue navigating the digital marketing landscape in a post-pandemic world. It also coincides with research indicating influencer marketing as a steadily growing and impactful industry in Southeast Asia, and one projected to continue exponentially throughout the rest of the decade.


Get the full consumer report today!


To best leverage this budding and lucrative landscape, there are a few best practices that brands and marketers can count on, including:


  • Collaborating with influencers to create content that truly resonates with and engages their followers
  • Tapping into the power of nano-influencers for authentic and impactful word-of-mouth
  • Leveraging influencers for contests and giveaways
  • Creating tutorials or unboxing videos that generate interest and engagement
  • Leveraging on technology to make the process as seamless as possible.


At Partipost, it�??s been our mission since 2016 to help brands connect with your audience in truly impactful and lasting ways that go beyond just numbers. With our combination of technology and talent, we�??ve created hundreds of influencer campaigns with scale and speed across brands of every industry to drive real, measurable growth. But don�??t just take our word for it�??try it for your brand today and see real results in no time!

Interested in running impactful and cost-effective influencer campaigns? Let Partipost help you elevate your social media presence and maximize your ROI. We humanize your brand with the power of word-of-mouth of everyday people. Leave us your email address and experience the Partipost difference today.