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Facts And Myths About Diabetes

October 27, 2021
August 13, 2024

Diabetes is a term that we have all heard before, but how well do we know what it really means? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Diabetes is a chronic health condition where your blood glucose levels are too high. You might be wondering – why do people have high blood sugar?

Many of us feast on our favourite foods all the time. Whether it’s a juicy burger or nostalgic chicken rice, they release glucose – our main source of energy. A hormone produced by the pancreas known as Insulin helps our cells to absorb glucose and convert it into energy. A diabetic person has low amounts of insulin, or the insulin does not function as it should, preventing the glucose from reaching the cells. Hence, having too much glucose in your system can lead to health problems such as heart, eye, and kidney disease.

The most common types of diabetes are known as Type 1, Type 2, pre-diabetes, and gestational.

According to Soma Technology, Type 1 Diabetics do not produce any Insulin. Type 2 Diabetics produce Insulin but are unable to use it efficiently. Pre-diabetes refers to having high blood glucose levels but not as high as to be considered Type 2. Lastly, gestational diabetes refers to a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy.

Now that we know more about diabetes, let’s jump into some commonly heard sentences about Diabetes and debunk whether they are facts or myths!

Diabetes has no cure


Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes at the moment. However, there are lifestyle changes and treatments you can undergo to manage your high blood sugar levels. Simple changes to your routine like exercising regularly and having healthier snacks control your glucose level.

Abbott, a globally diversified healthcare company, is offering its GOALS Type 2 Diabetes Lifestyle Engagement Programme. If you have Type 2 diabetes or care for someone with Type 2 diabetes, sign up for this programme that offers a 14-day trial right away. Even better, join our campaign with Abbott and earn $150. Click the link below for more information.

Abbott: Type 2 Diabetes Lifestyle Engagement Program

Diabetes is caused by eating too much sweet food


Consuming sugar alone is not a direct risk factor that leads to diabetes. Other factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and your overall diet have an impact as well. However, many studies have revealed that those who drink sugary beverages are at a 25% higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Excessive sugar in your body is also converted into fatty acids and stored as body fat. Therefore, watch your sugar intake as too much sweet food might not be the primary cause of getting diabetes but it definitely increases your risk of being diabetic.

You can have Diabetes and not know about it


Yes, it’s true! Many people with type 2 diabetes do not display any symptoms in the beginning. It’s also possible to not have any symptoms for many years. Here are some early symptoms you can look out for recommended by – Increased thirst and urination, hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision. In the case you suspect having diabetes, do consult a doctor immediately for a professional opinion.

People with diabetes are dangerous drivers


As absurd as this sounds, it’s safe to say that this myth is a misconception. Diabetic drivers are just as responsible and practice safety measures while driving on the road. These generalisations attribute to the inaccurate stereotypes about diabetics in our society. The main danger associated with diabetes and driving is Hypoglycemia, where one’s blood sugar is too low. However, statistics show that accidents that occur due to Hypoglycemia affect less than 0.2% of drivers treated with insulin.

Hope you learnt a thing or two about diabetes. If you want more informational content like this, be sure to follow our Instagram and subscribe to our weekly newsletters for more!