Tell us more about yourself!
I’m Jacintha and my Instagram handle is @jacinthawee! I’m an entrepreneur. Fun fact! I haven’t worked in a corporate job before.
Wow! Interesting! When did you start your journey as an entrepreneur start?
Back in Poly when I started my own blog shop! It brought in a considerable revenue so I thought why don’t I just continue being my own boss instead of working for someone else.
That’s really young! So what kind of business are you doing now?
A large proportion of my income comes from Instagram. Besides that, I am also running a business that organises bazaars with a business partner. My role is more of being in charge of the marketing aspects. Lastly, I’m also a financial advisor with AXA.
You must be really busy then! Tell us something interesting about yourself!
Yes, I’m usually really busy! I think people have the impression that I’m very demure and feminine from my Instagram feed but that’s not really who I am. People who know me personally would know. I would describe myself as an edgy, ‘crazy’ (the fun kind) individual.
I’m surprised! Could you tell us more about what got you started on Instagram?
In the beginning, Instagram was really just a platform where I post things for fun and connect with a lot of girls I meet through work. By the way, I met A LOT of people cause I was in the events industry. Because of the number of people I met through my job, my Instagram already had around 7-8k followers at that time. I’m not sure if that’s the actual reason, it could also be because I had already gained a following back when I ran a blog shop.

Wow! That’s quite a following for someone who wasn’t focusing any efforts in growing her Instagram following! What made your following grow to what it is today then?
To be really honest, I’m not too sure myself. But I guess one of the reason could be when I started the business with my business partner, I was tasked to market it. So I thought why not just use my Instagram page right? Since I already had 7-8k followers. It was from then that more brands started to come and engage me and that was when my Instagram following grew.
What’s would you say is the aesthetic theme of your Instagram feed at the moment?
Right now, I’m trying my best to edit and create an earthy tone (brown and gold shades) for my Instagram feed!

We love your beautiful Instagram feed! Do you engage professional photographers? Who takes the photos for you?
No, I don’t engage a professional photographer! Most of the time fellow girlfriends I go out with take my photos for me! One of them is Yi Xin - @snnngorious whom you did an interview with and Esther -@estherksz.
Interesting! What do you enjoy posting about on Instagram? Besides producing content for brands and your business.
Definitely travel and fashion content. Personally, I feel that the kind of fashion I display on my Instagram page isn’t actually the fashion that I like. But that’s largely because the fashion I aspire to showcase may not be suitable in Singapore. Another reason may be because I’ve been so caught up with work that a lot of content I enjoy creating has been pushed back.
What is the most challenging aspect of social media or Instagram to you?
There was this incident where someone told various brands to be cautious of me and that my following wasn’t genuine, i.e. fake followers. Initially, I was quite affected and tried my best to justify myself to the brands. But eventually, I just felt it wasn’t necessary to explain myself to anybody cause there’ll always be haters who want to bring you down. You just have to be you and believe in yourself! Don’t let the negativity affect you!
How did you find out about Partipost?
To be candid, I can’t really remember but I think I received an email from Partipost and that was how I got introduced to Partipost!
What got you started on Partiposting?
I think there was a fashion related campaign going on at that time, the Zilingo campaign if I’m not wrong! I’m like creating fashion content so I decided to take part in it! After that campaign, it just became a habit where I constantly check out the new campaigns on the app and take part in those I am interested in! I think another reason why I have been Partiposting is that it allows me to try out new brands. Some of the products we need to get for the campaigns are quite useful in my life. For example, trying out the Essano Rosehip skincare products.
Tell us more about the most interesting/fun Partipost campaign you took part in!
The Uppercut Boxing campaign! I love Muay Thai and boxing is pretty similar so I went for it! Plus, I strongly advocate for a healthy and fit lifestyle. Another campaign would be the Guinness Mooncake campaign that I went with Esther @estherksz. I really had fun arranging props for the flat-lay shot.

Are there any brands or campaigns you would like to see on Partipost in future?
I would love to see more fashion or travel campaigns!
Do you see yourself as an influencer?
Frankly, I don’t see myself as an influencer because that isn’t what I had set out to be or aspire to become. That being said, I still hope my content does inspire people.
What is your favourite trend at the moment?
The idea of bringing back a fashion trend is a trend in itself! Personally, I don’t really like to follow the trend and do what the masses do. I enjoy waiting for a trend to die before following it. Makes me stand out from the crowd.
Are there any local influencers that you look up to?
Xiaxue (@xiaxue)! I really admire her courage to speak up on issues and not be afraid of backlashes. She’s also not afraid to be genuine and herself!