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5 Steps to Make Your FMCG Brand Stand Out Using Influencers in Singapore
Learn why influencers bring greater engagement, trust, and cost-effectiveness for food and beverage brands aiming for impactful marketing.
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Community Marketing: How to Start and Why It Matters
Discover community marketing essentials, learn its significance for brands, and get practical strategies to build a community that boosts loyalty and growth.

3 Methods to Attract Influencers to Your Campaign
Explore 3 strategies to engage influencers for your campaigns, complete with advantages and challenges of each approach.

8 Ways to Use Instagram Carousels in Your Marketing
Learn how to effectively engage your audience, showcase products, and boost interaction with these 8 ways to use Instagram Carousels.

Innovative Strategies for Big Brands to Leverage Nano Influencers
Explore 6 tactics where nano influencers play a crucial role in amplifying big brand campaigns. Learn how their genuine engagement can translate into
significant brand growth and audience trust.

Embracing the Power of Red: A Strategic Guide for Lunar New Year Marketing
Unlock the secret to captivating Lunar New Year campaigns with our strategic guide on leveraging the auspicious power of red to elevate your brand and connect culturally.

Romance Meets ROI: 5 Valentine's Day Campaigns with Impact
Explore five innovative Valentine's Day marketing campaigns that blend authenticity, creativity, and digital engagement to connect brands with consumers and boost sales.

Building Brand Loyalty Through Influencer Marketing
Discover how influencer marketing is the secret ingredient for building brand loyalty in 2024, and why it's essential for thriving in Singapore's competitive market.

2024 Influencer Marketing Insights: Key Metrics and Industry Trends
Explore the evolving world of influencer marketing in 2024, from the rise of nano influencers to key metrics and the influencers vs creators dynamic. Discover insights and strategies for effective influencer marketing.

Get Ahead in 2024: Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing with Partipost
As we enter a fresh new year brimming with possibilities, let's dive into why Partipost is your go-to partner for revolutionising influencer marketing.

2023 in Review and Future Insights with Jonathan Eg, Partipost CEO
As 2023 comes to a close, we caught up with Jonathan Eg, Partipost CEO to talk about how the year went, the lessons learned and what's ahead for him and Partipost in 2024.

Influencer Marketing Success Stories: 5 Iconic Partipost Campaigns in 2023
We’re excited to share five iconic Partipost campaigns that stood out in 2023.

Partipost Edition: 2024 Influencer Marketing Predictions and What It Means
Let's dive right into four influencer marketing key trends in 2024, Partipost edition.
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Cover 創作者正夯,翻唱翻跳二創出流量密碼!
大學生必修三學分:社團、愛情、課業,而其中的社團一定會聯想到較常聽到的「熱舞社」、「熱音社」,近年來學生除了參加線下的成果發表會,也會大量的拍攝個人作品並發佈到自己的社群平台,其中又以 Cover 為最大宗,成為了另一種時下流行!
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畢業季到!超過 1/3 大學新鮮人的夢幻職業竟然是他?

Cover 創作者正夯,翻唱翻跳二創出流量密碼!
大學生必修三學分:社團、愛情、課業,而其中的社團一定會聯想到較常聽到的「熱舞社」、「熱音社」,近年來學生除了參加線下的成果發表會,也會大量的拍攝個人作品並發佈到自己的社群平台,其中又以 Cover 為最大宗,成為了另一種時下流行!

在 Netflix 近期上映的原創韓劇《絕世網紅》(Celebrity),揭開網紅界的生態秘辛。故事以女主角徐雅莉(由朴珪瑛飾演)的視角展開,與觀眾一起窺看網紅真實的人生。劇情以「在人人都是創作者的時代,讓大眾認識自己的臉和名字似乎變得很重要。」開場。

【新手創作者看這邊】Partipost App 使用教學-終極操作篇
Partipost 是創作者的好朋友,是一個媒合「你與品牌」的新型態數位廣告 App 平台。秉持實現「人人是網紅」的理念,我們支持每位創作者,相信人人都能發揮影響力!讓創作融入生活中,用真實原創作品分享故事! #一起成為社群創作者吧!

Z 世代的倍速人生,TP 值才是吸引他們的關鍵!
發跡於日本的 TP 值,是指在資訊流通、爆炸的情況下最為當道;用最短的時間,換取最大的效益與資訊。消費者的結構和判斷標準逐漸有所改變,除了改以時間當作主要考量,同時也以 Z 世代的年輕人為主要的消費者組成。

Omi 廣告模仿風潮,沒有 YouTube Premium 才看得懂!
「我遇見很多人卻只想和你慢慢周旋⋯」其實這是沒有 YouTube Premium 才懂,這句歌詞真的有聲音,一聽到它你可能立刻聯想到在 YouTube 上經常出現的在交友 App Omi 的廣告上。這支廣告由於頻繁播放,已經成為各種梗圖、迷因和二創影片的素材,你是不是也跟著模仿了?

ChatGPT 支援 Siri 功能,真的是完美結合嗎?
曾經風靡一時的 Siri 小幫手,剛推出時連說笑話都要靠它,但經過多年卻始終無法完全普及,近期的 AI 風潮甚至嚴重威脅到其地位。儘管像 Siri 這樣的語音助手功能在技術上非常出色,但只靠語音功能仍無法改變使用者的搜尋習慣...

「爺奶網紅」崛起! #granfluencer 薑還是老的辣!
「叫妳阿嬤來囉!」現在廣告詞不僅是廣告詞,阿嬤們真的來了,甚至比你還紅!近幾年高齡KOL 在社群上大放異彩,爺奶網紅展現新潮有活力的一面,跳脫對於長輩的刻板印象,在網路上吸引大批粉絲,也讓各大品牌開始與他們合作!

2023 年 IG 經營秘笈:增加自身內容,為更多互動佈局!
Meta 官方期待,人們會因為需要與人聯繫而來到 Instagram。在 2023 上半年 Instagram 新增許多新功能,大多聚焦在與朋友分享與社交功能上,利用不同的方式分享生活中,也邀請更多的朋友用有趣的方式建立聯繫和互動。Partipost 整理 3 個對於品牌和創作者來說非常實用的功能,可能是下半年創造社群互動的關鍵。
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10 Ide Konten TikTok yang Wajib Dicoba agar Masuk FYP
Ide konten TikTok bisa sangat bervariasi. Jika kamu saat ini sedang merintis perjalanan sebagai content creator di TikTok, kamu wajib coba ide-ide konten berikut ini.
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5 Bước Đưa Thương Hiệu FMCG Vượt Trội Với Influencer Tại Việt Nam
5 Bước Đưa Thương Hiệu FMCG Vượt Trội Với Influencer Tại Việt Nam
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5 Bước Đưa Thương Hiệu FMCG Vượt Trội Với Influencer Tại Việt Nam
Làm thế nào để thương hiệu FMCG nổi bật với influencer marketing tại Việt Nam? Influencer marketing đang trở thành công cụ quan trọng giúp các thương hiệu FMCG, đặc biệt trong ngành F&B, thu hút khách hàng và xây dựng lòng trung thành. Bài viết chia sẻ 5 bước để tối ưu chiến lược này: bắt đầu với việc xây dựng nhận diện thương hiệu thông qua nano hoặc micro-influencers; tạo niềm tin bằng nội dung giáo dục; mở rộng chiến lược qua nhiều nền tảng như TikTok, Instagram; tận dụng mùa chi tiêu cao điểm cuối năm; và sử dụng nano, micro-influencers để đạt hiệu quả chi phí. Mỗi bước đều giúp thương hiệu tiếp cận khách hàng một cách tự nhiên và chân thực, tạo lợi thế trong thị trường cạnh tranh.

9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer
Tìm hiểu những khác biệt cơ bản giữa micro influencer và macro influencer và cách tận dụng từng loại để đạt hiệu quả trong chiến lược marketing influencer tại Việt Nam.

Chiến Lược Marketing Influencer: Khai Thác Macro-Influencer tại Việt Nam
Tìm hiểu cách xây dựng các chiến dịchmarketing thành công bằng cách sử dụng các macro-influencer tại Việt Nam

Hướng Dẫn Chọn Influencer Phù Hợp Cho Thương Hiệu Của Bạn
Hướng dẫn ngắn về cách các công ty có thể xác định và chọn những influencer phù hợp nhất cho thương hiệu và đối tượng mục tiêu của họ.

Thiết lập Mục Tiêu Và KPI Cho Các Chiến Dịch Marketing Sử Dụng Influencers
Marketing sử dụng influencer là một công cụ mạnh mẽ, nhưng để thành công cần có mục tiêu rõ ràng và các chỉ số đo lường. Việc đặt ra các mục tiêu cụ thể, có thể đo lường (như tăng 20% số lần nhắc đến thương hiệu) và theo dõi các KPI (tỷ lệ tương tác, phạm vi tiếp cận) đảm bảo rằng mọi người đều hiểu rõ mục tiêu và giúp tối ưu hóa các chiến dịch để đạt được ROI tốt hơn. Các nền tảng như Partipost có thể giúp đơn giản hóa quá trình này.

Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Lựa Chọn Nào Tốt Nhất Cho Chiến Dịch Marketing Năm 2024 Của Bạn?
Tìm hiểu cách chọn giữa nano và micro-influencers cho chiến lược influencer marketing của bạn vào năm 2024.
5 Cách Để Xây Dựng Quan Hệ Hợp Tác Dài Hạn Với Influencers
Influencers được đặt tên một cách khéo léo vì họ có sức mạnh tác động đến cộng đồng của họ. Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu nuôi dưỡng các mối quan hệ đối tác lâu dài với influencers? Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu tận dụng ảnh hưởng của họ để khiến thương hiệu của mình luôn hiện diện trong tâm trí người tiêu dùng? Hãy đi sâu vào năm chiến lược chính này và thiết lập các mối quan hệ bền vững với influencers có thể nâng cao vị thế của thương hiệu bạn một cách sâu sắc.

3 Mẹo Thu Hút Influencers Tham Gia Chiến Dịch Của Bạn
Khám Phá 3 Chiến Lược Để Thu Hút Influencers Cho Chiến Dịch Của Bạn, Hoàn Chỉnh Với Những Ưu Điểm Và Thách Thức Của Từng Phương Pháp.

Community Marketing : Cách Bắt đầu và Tại sao Lại Quan trọng
Khám phá những yếu tố cần thiết của Community Marketing, tìm hiểu tầm quan trọng của nó đối với các thương hiệu và nhận các chiến lược thực tế để xây dựng một cộng đồng thúc đẩy sự trung thành và tăng trưởng.
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Choosing Between Micro and Macro-Influencers: 9 Key Considerations for Your Malaysia Marketing Campaign in 2024
Learn how to strategically decide between micro and macro-influencers for your brand's influencer marketing efforts in Malaysia.
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Choosing Between Micro and Macro-Influencers: 9 Key Considerations for Your Malaysia Marketing Campaign in 2024
Learn how to strategically decide between micro and macro-influencers for your brand's influencer marketing efforts in Malaysia.

Maximising Your 2024 Marketing Strategy: Harnessing Macro-Influencers for Impact in Malaysia
Learn the key benefits of partnering with macro-influencers to maximise reach and engagement in Malaysia.

Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Which Should Power Your 2024 Marketing Campaign?
Discover the pros and cons of nano and micro-influencers and learn how to choose the best fit for your influencer marketing strategy in 2024.
Achieving Successful Marketing Campaigns in Malaysia with Micro-Influencers
Discover how micro-influencers can transform your marketing strategy with authentic connections, targeted reach, and cost-effective campaigns.

8 Ways to Use Instagram Carousels in Your Marketing
Learn how to effectively engage your audience, showcase products, and boost interaction with these 8 ways to use Instagram Carousels.

Innovative Strategies for Big Brands to Leverage Nano Influencers
Explore 6 tactics where nano influencers play a crucial role in amplifying big brand campaigns. Learn how their genuine engagement can translate into significant brand growth and audience trust.
Explore How Lalamove Achieved Remarkable Results through XiaoHongShu (XHS) Nano Influencers
In this case study, we delve into how Lalamove built a lasting impression within the community through the strategic use of XHS influencers.
Emerging Social Media Platform: XiaoHongShu - The Next Big Opportunity For Your Brand
XiaoHongShu (XHS), aka the Little Red Book (RED), is a dynamic platform that integrates social media with e-commerce and it has emerged as a significant player. It’s known for its algorithm-driven content feed and has evolved from a space for sharing product reviews and tips to a comprehensive lifestyle feed.
5 Ways of Fostering Long-Term Influencer Partnership
Influencers are aptly named as they hold the power to sway their communities. How can brands nurture long-term influencer partnerships? How can brands capitalize on their influence to get their brand buzzing in consumers’ minds consistently? Deep dive into these five key strategies and establishing enduring relationships with influencers that can profoundly enhance your brand’s standing.
The Lady Boss: A Country Head, Micro Influencer, and Yogi
Delve into the inspiring story of Andrea, a remarkable individual who not only holds the prestigious position of country head at Partipost Malaysia but also seamlessly embodies the role of a micro-influencer, wife, yogi and it’s not complete without being a fur-mama.

For Agencies: The Ultimate Playbook to Influencer Marketing For Your Clients
Influencer marketing is ever-evolving and we, as an agency, are responsible for high adaptability to the current influencer and social media landscape. We believe that every agency possesses our own strengths that we could leverage to achieve success for our clients.

How to Smash Seasonal Influencer Campaigns in 2024
Influencer marketing isn’t just here to stay; it will grow even stronger in 2024. With a slew of festivals lining up at the dawn of 2024 - Thaipusam, Chinese New Year, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri, delve into three aspects of how can brands seize these golden opportunities.
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How Nano & Micro Influencers Are Driving 3x More Engagement—And How Your Brand Can Benefit
Nano and micro influencers are generating up to 3x more engagement than their larger counterparts in the world of influencer marketing. These influencers have unique advantages such as authenticity and trust, as they cultivate stronger personal connections with their audience. Their recommendations feel more relatable and trustworthy, making their content more relatable and trustworthy. Nano influencers achieve engagement rates of 7-10%, compared to 1-13% seen in macro influencers, and see 60% more engagement than macro influencers on average. This high engagement leads to more conversions for brands. Nano and micro influencers provide raw, unfiltered content that resonates with their audience, building trust, cost-effective collaboration, hyper-targeted audiences, and increased credibility. To leverage these influencers, brands should analyze engagement, audience demographics, and content style, encourage long-term partnerships, give creative freedom, and track engagement, website clicks, and conversions to assess campaign effectiveness. By shifting focus from follower count to real engagement, brands can drive higher ROI, stronger brand loyalty, and more sales.
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Why Partipost is the Key to Building Brand Trust with Authentic Influencer Marketing
Partipost is a platform that helps brands build trust and credibility through influencer marketing. By shortlisting influencers based on demographics, interests, and audience reach, Partipost ensures brands partner with the right voices who can connect with their target market. The platform also fosters a collaborative environment, allowing brands to provide feedback on content creation, suggest edits, and approve submissions before they go live. This process facilitates a direct and interactive relationship between brands and influencers, fostering trust and transparency. Partipost's difference lies in building trust, one campaign at a time, by connecting brands with trusted voices that resonate with consumers. This leads to brand loyalty and success.

Rolling into Success: Partipost Marks 3 Years in the PH and Launches PartiStars
Partipost celebrated its 3rd anniversary in the Philippines with a grand celebration at Roller Fever PH. The event showcased the launch of PartiStars, a recognition program for top creators who embody creativity, passion, and unique flair in their content. Partipost's mission is to empower creators and influencers to bring their authentic voices to brands, turning every campaign into something extraordinary. The event was a roller-skating extravaganza, with attendees skating through the night. Partipost encourages users to participate in more campaigns through the app, with the possibility of being featured as the next PartiStar. Partipost has rapidly grown into one of the country's leading influencer marketing platforms, connecting brands with everyday consumers and empowering users to earn by promoting brands they love. The platform plans to expand its reach and introduce more engaging features for both creators and brands, fostering a vibrant, supportive community where creators can thrive.

Wellness and Self-Care Content: A Growing Trend in Influencer Marketing
Wellness and self-care content has become a popular trend in today's online world, allowing people to slow down, breathe, and invest in themselves. Influencers are at the heart of this trend, creating content that speaks to the desire for a healthier, more mindful lifestyle. The wellness boom is driven by the realization that well-being is worth the hype and the realization that after years of hustle culture, we need to chill. Influencers are crafting content that speaks to our desire for a healthier, more mindful lifestyle, creating a vibe where followers can virtually step into and feel good. Trends in the wellness space include mindful morning routines, skincare as self-care, fitness for all, and mental health talks. Successful influencer campaigns in wellness are deeply personal, inviting followers to try out products that could genuinely benefit them. Authenticity is key in the wellness craze, and brands should partner with influencers who genuinely embody the self-care message. By understanding this, brands can build lasting relationships based on trust and well-being.

Nano Influencers: The New Trust Builders in Digital Marketing
Nano influencers, who live and breathe the communities they serve, are becoming the go-to partners for brands looking to build genuine connections. These influencers are relatable, frequenting the same cafes, attending the same events, and understanding the local vibe. This makes their recommendations feel personal, almost like advice from a trusted friend. Working with nano influencers means tapping into a tight-knit community where trust runs deep, leading to higher engagement rates and stronger consumer trust. Their strength lies in their relatability, as they don't need a fancy production team or high-end equipment to make an impact. Successful campaigns with nano influencers thrive on authenticity, as they create genuine, community-driven conversations around the brand. To maximize hyper-local influence, brands should focus on finding influencers who align with their values and target audience, prioritize authenticity over follower count, and let influencers create in their own style. Trusting their local flavor is what makes them stand out and allowing them to bring your brand to life in a way that feels natural and engaging.

The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: How TikTok and Instagram Reels are Reshaping Influencer Marketing
In the digital age, short-form video content has become a popular marketing tool for brands. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels offer bite-sized entertainment, capturing interest in 15 to 60 seconds. These videos not only entertain but also build genuine connections with consumers. Influencers are leading the charge in showcasing products and their integration into their everyday lives. Brands can ride the short-form wave by storytelling, partnering with influencers who create content that resonates with their audience. The challenge is keeping up with trends, as platforms thrive on new trends. Brands need to stay agile and collaborate with influencers who can seamlessly blend brand messages into their content while keeping it trendy. Short-form video is transforming influencer marketing by being fast, engaging, and effective.

Setting Goals and KPIs for Influencer Marketing Campaigns
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool, but success requires clear goals and measurement. Setting specific, measurable goals (like a 20% increase in brand mentions) and tracking KPIs (engagement rate, reach) ensures everyone's on the same page and helps optimize campaigns for better ROI. Platforms like Partipost can streamline this process.

A Guide to Choosing the Right Influencers for Your Brand
A short guide on how companies can identify and select the most suitable influencers for their brand and target audience.