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Revolutionising Influencer Marketing Strategies: Key Insights and Trends for 2023

Lynette Chua
March 31, 2023
August 13, 2024

The social media landscape is constantly changing and evolving, with 2022 being no exception. This past year was full of valuable lessons for businesses looking to succeed on social media, from new features and trends to changing user behaviour.Brands have leveraged and optimised social media marketing efforts in recent years to attract prospects in novel ways. They've figured out how to catch the eye of potential customers in incredible ways, and now buying products directly from social media is as easy as a snap of your fingers.One prominent social media trend that nobody can deny is influencer marketing. Influencer marketing, which involves collaboration between brands and influencers, is a powerful strategy that can assist businesses in growing. It’s a marketing strategy used successfully by many brands and has grown steadily, especially in the last few years.It quickly emerged as one of the most effective methods to connect with its target audiences. Influencers have become powerful voices in shaping consumer behaviour, thanks to the rise of social media platforms and the increasing importance of authenticity and relatability in marketing.From the importance of authentic content, influencer creativity, and consumer trends to the rise of niche platforms, there have been several takeaways from 2022 that businesses should leverage as these trends would continue to pick up steam in 2023. Let’s take a look.

Why Authenticity Reigns Supreme in Social Media

Brands showcasing authentic moments and user-generated content saw higher and stronger engagement rates. As social media marketing has risen in popularity, users have developed a keener eye for detecting inauthentic and advertorial content. It means that audiences can easily spot content that appears too promotional or sales-driven, which can diminish the authenticity of a brand's social media presence. It’s where the importance of authenticity comes in–it can make or break a business's social media presence.

Brands should leverage user-generated content to showcase real-life experiences with their products and services in order to create content that resonates.While there are some guidelines for keeping social media presence authentic, such as focusing on followers and engaging with comments and feedback actively, the key to authenticity is creating a space for relatability and honest communication.If you're looking for an authentic marketing campaign that truly resonates with its audience, look no further than YouTrip. This innovative Singapore-based multi-currency mobile wallet leveraged Instagram's "Add Yours" sticker to showcase why people love using their app as their go-to travel card. By encouraging everyday individuals to share their travel moments and experiences, YouTrip successfully created an engaging and authentic marketing campaign that boosted brand awareness and perks.

Case Study: YouTrip Campaign

The Power of Creative Freedom for Influencers

One of the key learnings from 2022 was that brands that gave influencers more creative freedom tend to receive more organic and engaging content. Influencers appreciate the ability to create content that feels more authentic and less advertorial, resulting in a better connection with their audience. By giving influencers a looser brief, brands can benefit from influencer-generated content that feels unique and creative.Influencers with creative freedom can better resonate with their audience as they know the type of content their followers want to see. By letting influencers take the reins, brands can tap into their authenticity and creativity, resulting in more engaging and relevant content.It also helps to build trust and credibility with the audience. When influencers with creative freedom produce content that aligns with their values and beliefs, it comes across as more genuine and trustworthy to their followers. It can lead to a more positive perception of the brand and increased loyalty among the audience. The business and the influencer both benefit.Did you know allowing influencers creative freedom saves brands time and resources? When influencers get creative control, they are responsible for producing high-quality, on-brand content and tailoring it to their audience. The brands can then focus on other aspects of their marketing strategy while influencers create content that speaks directly to their followers.

Social Media as a Search Engine

Social media is no longer just a platform for mindlessly scrolling through content. It has evolved to become a new type of search engine. When finding product reviews or learning about a brand, users are more likely to search for them on Instagram or Facebook. While Google is still widely used, social media has gained immense popularity for various reasons.For starters, social media platforms enable users to search for more personalised and relevant content to their interests. In contrast to Google, which displays search results based on keywords and page ranking, social media platforms allow users to filter content based on their preferences, such as hashtags, location, and user accounts. Social media search results are more visual and engaging. Users can search for content on platforms like Instagram by scrolling through images and videos, making the search process more interactive and enjoyable.Social media offers a sense of belonging and social validation. Users can discover new accounts to follow and engage with on social media by searching for content as well as seeing what their friends and followers are interested in. It provides a sense of belonging and social validation that traditional search engines may not provide.Additionally, influencer-generated content that includes product reviews, unboxing videos, and tutorials can be valuable in this context. Influencers can help their followers make informed purchasing decisions by providing useful and informative content, assisting brands to boost engagement and sales.

Leveraging the Unique Strengths of Social Media Platforms

Different social media platforms have different strengths, and brands that capitalise on those strengths fare better. Instagram and Facebook, for example, are community-driven platforms that focus on providing day-to-day authenticity. On the other hand, TikTok is more content-centric, with results that can vary widely depending on the quality and creativity of the content.One example of a Facebook-centric content that can generate a high engagement rate is creating posts that prompt users to share their personal experiences or opinions. For instance, a skincare brand could post a question asking followers about their favourite skincare product or ask followers to share their go-to skincare routine. By creating interactive and relatable content, the brand can encourage followers to engage with the post, leave comments and share their experiences, leading to a higher engagement rate.Similarly, brands can leverage Instagram's stories to showcase short and real-time experiences of users testing out the skincare product and create reels to showcase routines, like the trending "Get Ready with Me" videos.Each social media platform has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these can make or break a brand's success. Brands can create tailored content that effectively engages their target audience, increases brand awareness and credibility, and ultimately drives business growth by leveraging the strengths of each platform.

Case Study: Coty GRWM Campaign

How Brands are Using Social Media to Make a Difference

Consumers support brands that share their values. As social media has provided a platform for consumers to voice their opinions and hold brands accountable for their actions, this trend is expected to become even more prevalent in the years to come.As a result, many brands have begun integrating social cause content into their social media marketing strategies. Brands can demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact while connecting with their audience on a deeper level by promoting and supporting social causes. Consumers are more likely to engage with content that aligns with their values and beliefs, and social cause content allows brands to make meaningful connections with their target audience.For example, in 2019, Nando's flagship restaurant at Plaza Singapura hosted a "Pay-As-You-Wish" event, inviting diners to come, eat, and pay forward for a good cause. Nando's then donated all the proceeds from the event to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, registered under the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE) which has been their community partner for 6 years.When brands align with a social cause, they frequently attract the attention of like-minded individuals and organisations. It results in increased brand visibility and exposure, which leads to more business opportunities and growth.

2022 Social Media Learnings

Brands should take a holistic approach to their influencer marketing. It means considering the perspectives of their target audience and carefully selecting the right influencers to work with. By doing so, brands can create more effective and precise campaigns that resonate with their audience and deliver better results. Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for brands to build authentic connections with their audience and achieve their marketing objectives.By leveraging these social media learnings, brands can establish a strong social media presence, connect with their audience on a deeper level, and ultimately drive business growth.