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How Nano Influencers Deliver Big Results for Brands

Lynette Chua
April 13, 2023
August 13, 2024

As the up-and-coming trend in influencer marketing, nano influencers are proving to be a game-changer for brands seeking to make a huge impact. Nano influencers are social media users with a small number of followers but a highly engaged following. They typically have from 200 to 4,999 followers.While they may not have the massive reach of micro influencers (5,000 to 30,000 followers) and macro influencers (more than 30,000 followers), nano influencers often have a more targeted and loyal audience. They are also known for their authenticity and relatability, which makes them attractive to brands looking to connect with a specific niche or community. As social media marketing evolves, many brands are turning to nano influencers to deliver impactful results.In this article, let's explore the power of nano influencers and how they can benefit brands.

The Power of Personalised and Genuine Content

Nano influencers have become increasingly popular with brands due to their authenticity and relatability with their audiences. Social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have made it easier for influencers to forge superficial relationships with their users. However, nano influencers, in particular, come across as more genuine.Nano influencers have the flexibility to choose brands that align with their values or beliefs, making their endorsement of products more credible. Additionally, they tend to create content that are more specialised, targeted, and tailored to their specific niche. By doing so, they attract and retain followers who are genuinely interested in their content, which can lead to a stronger, more engaged audience. Their followers are also more likely to trust their recommendations and engage with their authentic content.Nano influencers have a distinct advantage over their larger counterparts due to their small audience size. With fewer followers, they can focus on building personal connections with their followers. They take the time to respond to comments, engage in conversations, and share personal stories, which helps them create a sense of community around their brand.While many brands work with different groups of influencers, nano influencers deliver different results–usually smaller-but, with higher engagement rates and faster responses. In comparison, macro influencers typically have a larger audience, but their followers may not be as segmented or targeted.

Social Media as a Search Engine

Social media is no longer just a platform for mindlessly scrolling through content. It has evolved to become a new type of search engine. When finding product reviews or learning about a brand, users are more likely to search for them on Instagram or Facebook. While Google is still widely used, social media has gained immense popularity for various reasons.For starters, social media platforms enable users to search for more personalised and relevant content to their interests. In contrast to Google, which displays search results based on keywords and page ranking, social media platforms allow users to filter content based on their preferences, such as hashtags, location, and user accounts. Social media search results are more visual and engaging. Users can search for content on platforms like Instagram by scrolling through images and videos, making the search process more interactive and enjoyable.Social media offers a sense of belonging and social validation. Users can discover new accounts to follow and engage with on social media by searching for content as well as seeing what their friends and followers are interested in. It provides a sense of belonging and social validation that traditional search engines may not provide.Additionally, influencer-generated content that includes product reviews, unboxing videos, and tutorials can be valuable in this context. Influencers can help their followers make informed purchasing decisions by providing useful and informative content, assisting brands to boost engagement and sales.Two examples of nano influencers are @lilinnnnn and @s_isforstanley, who work with brands close to their lifestyles, fitness journey and passion for food and language. Because of who they are and how they create their content, brands can utilise their platforms to promote simple campaigns like the opening of a new gym or why travel to a specific country using this courier.

Statistical report of different content categories

Affordable Marketing with Cost-Effective Strategies

Another advantage of working with nano influencers is that they are often more cost-effective.Some groups of influencers may charge exorbitant fees for their services, whereas nano influencers tend to charge lower fees or even work for free in exchange for products or services they believe in. It is especially true for nano influencers who are just starting and looking to build their portfolio. Alternatively, some nano influencers work on a commission-based model, where they receive a percentage of the revenue generated by the brand based on the amount of content they create, post, and sell.It will help brands save up resources on brainstorming, content creation, process and follow ups.

Everyone is an Influencer (With the Right Campaign Delivery)

Posts from Lululemon's #TheSweatLife Campaign

Lululemon's #TheSweatLife Campaign is a prime example of how nano influencers (and everyone, for that matter) can deliver positive results for a brand. The campaign aimed to promote Lululemon's activewear and encourage customers to share their workout journey on social media using the hashtag #TheSweatLife. Rather than working with a few high-profile influencers, Lululemon opted to work with a group of nano influencers who were passionate about fitness and had a small but engaged following. These nano influencers (gym owners, coaches, fitness enthusiasts, everyday gym-goers, mums) shared their workout routines and Lululemon outfits with their followers using the campaign hashtag.The campaign results were impressive, with Lululemon reporting the hashtag being used over 8,000 times on Instagram during the campaign period. This success attributes to the personal touch and authenticity of the nano influencers' content, which resonated with their niche audience of fitness enthusiasts. Lululemon's choice to work with nano influencers allowed them to reach a targeted and engaged audience without high costs.Similarly, Partipost reported a campaign with Pepsi working with nano influencers, delivering a cumulative reach of 509,396 on Instagram. These nano influencers shared a post about Pepsi's collaboration with BlackPink after purchasing it, and there were 200 posts shared with a 9.95% average engagement rate amongst the nano influencers. The average engagement rate achieved by the nano influencers is an impressive result that outperforms the industry average.Despite the smaller audience size, the engagement rate of nano influencers often exceeds that of macro influencers, demonstrating the effectiveness of their targeted approach. Through an audience-targeted campaign spearheaded by everyday people (nano influencers), brands can expect to receive fast results with high engagement rates.

Posts from Partipost's campaign with Pepsi

How Nano Influencers are Taking Social Media by Storm

After running thousands of influencer campaigns over the years at Partipost, we have gathered that the average engagement rate of a nano influencer is typically more than 4%, whereas micro influencers range from 2-4% and macro influencers have engagement rates below 1%.The success metric of a nano influencer is calculated based on their followers. For instance, if they have 5,000 followers, they should have an engagement rate of 250 likes or comments. As brands grow and seek to achieve specific goals through their influencer campaigns, they should choose the right type of influencer to deliver the desired results. And sometimes, this means working with both nano and macro influencers to reach optimum results in influencer marketing.By working with a mix of nano and macro influencers, brands can ensure they speak to various target audiences, maximising their reach and engagement. For example, a brand may work with a nano influencer with a small but dedicated following in a specific niche and a macro influencer with a bigger following but appeals to a broader audience. It helps the brand to connect with a range of consumers and build a more well-rounded influencer marketing strategy.