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5 Key Considerations for Leveraging Influencer Marketing During National Days in Singapore

Bryan Koh
September 17, 2024
September 20, 2024

In Singapore, where national day celebrations and public holidays reflect the country’s rich cultural diversity, these occasions present a unique chance for brands to engage with consumers through influencer marketing. 

The Magic of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become a key player in modern strategies, especially during festive seasons when consumer engagement is at its peak. Influencers naturally shape consumer behaviour during these times; their authentic content resonates deeply with followers who are already in a celebratory mood.

Take Chinese New Year in Singapore, for example. Influencers share their personal festive preparations, traditional recipes, and holiday shopping experiences. This kind of content not only connects deeply with followers but also provides the perfect opportunity for brands to seamlessly integrate their products or services. It’s less of an advertisement and more of a natural part of the influencer’s holiday experience.

Or think about how a local fashion brand might team up with influencers to showcase festive outfits during Hari Raya. Similarly, a food brand could collaborate with influencers to share recipes using their products during Deepavali. These partnerships do more than just boost brand awareness—they inspire action, with followers more likely to trust and act on recommendations from influencers they follow closely.

By tailoring holiday campaigns to fit the unique cultural contexts and behaviours of your audience, and by choosing influencers who genuinely align with your brand’s values, you can create campaigns that really resonate during these key periods.

1. How to Make Your Campaigns Relevant and Relatable

Stay Culturally Sensitive

Singapore’s diverse cultural landscape means brands need to be mindful of the cultural significance of national holidays. Aligning your message with the values and traditions of these holidays is crucial. 

During National Day, for instance, themes of unity, progress, and multiculturalism are central to the celebration. Brands that weave these themes into their campaigns tend to resonate more with Singaporeans.

Example: A campaign might feature an influencer sharing personal stories about their National Day celebrations, emphasising the importance of community and togetherness. This approach not only makes the campaign feel authentic but also more relatable and impactful.

Keep It Real

It’s easy to get caught up in the festive season’s potential for sales, but it’s essential to balance genuine engagement with your marketing goals. Consumers can easily spot inauthenticity. Brands that focus on genuine interactions rather than just pushing products will see better results.

Example: Instead of just promoting discounts, a brand could collaborate with influencers to create content that reflects what National Day means to them personally, fostering a deeper connection with the audience.

2. Picking the Right Influencers

Choose Influencers Who Match Your Brand Values

The success of your campaign often depends on picking influencers who align with your brand values and who can resonate with your target audience. During national holidays, this becomes even more critical as the content is closely tied to cultural identity.

Example: For Hari Raya, a brand focusing on halal products might partner with Muslim influencers respected in their community, ensuring the brand’s message is both relevant and credible.

Know Your Audience

Understanding the demographic makeup of an influencer’s audience is key to ensuring your campaign reaches the right people. National holidays bring together people of all ages and backgrounds, so it’s essential to work with influencers whose followers reflect this diversity.

Example: An influencer with a broad demographic reach, including families, young professionals, and seniors, would be ideal for a National Day campaign aimed at promoting a sense of national pride and unity.

3. Crafting a Winning Message

Focus on Community and Unity

National Days are a time for reflecting on collective identity and shared values. Campaigns that emphasise community and unity are likely to resonate strongly with audiences.

Example: A campaign featuring influencers participating in community events or sharing stories about how they contribute to society can help brands tap into the national spirit of togetherness.

Use Storytelling to Connect

Influencers are great at creating personal connections with their audiences. By sharing personal stories related to National Day, influencers can make your brand’s message more relatable and impactful.


Example: An influencer might share a day-in-the-life video showing how they celebrate National Day with their family, incorporating the brand’s product naturally into their routine.

4. Timing and Execution: Timing is Key

Start Early, But Keep the Momentum

Timing is everything when it comes to holiday marketing. Start your campaign well before the holiday to build anticipation, but keep the energy going throughout the holiday period to stay top-of-mind.

Example: Begin teasing your National Day campaign a few weeks in advance with sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content, then ramp up activity as the day approaches.

Go Multi-Platform

To maximise your campaign’s reach, consider using a multi-platform approach. Mix social media posts, email marketing, and even in-store promotions—all tied together with a cohesive message.

Example: An integrated campaign could include influencers sharing content on Instagram and TikTok, supported by email newsletters and special in-store promotions leading up to National Day.

5. Measuring Success and Learning from Feedback

Set Clear Goals

Before launching your campaign, it’s essential to define what success looks like. Engagement rates, brand mentions, or conversions are some of the key metrics you can track.

Example: Track the number of likes, shares, and comments on influencer posts, as well as any increase in brand-related hashtags or product inquiries during the campaign.

Learn and Adapt

After the campaign, take the time to analyse what worked and what didn’t. Gather feedback from both influencers and followers to gain insights for future campaigns.

Example: Review engagement data and survey the influencers for their thoughts on the collaboration. Use this feedback to refine your strategy for the next National Day campaign.

The takeaway

Leveraging influencer marketing during National Days in Singapore requires thoughtful consideration of cultural relevance, timing, and influencer alignment. By focusing on authenticity, community, and strategic execution, brands can create campaigns that resonate deeply with their audience, driving both engagement and conversions.

Explore how Partipost can help you create impactful and culturally resonant influencer marketing campaigns for the upcoming National Day celebrations and other key holidays. 

Reach out to us today to learn more!