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4 Must-Do Tips to Leverage Influencer Marketing for Seasonal Success

Bryan Koh
October 10, 2023
August 13, 2024

Picture this: the year-end is fast approaching, and you're gearing up for those pivotal seasonal campaigns. 

Last week, we unveiled reasons to take your marketing strategy in the final quarter of 2023 to the next level through influencer marketing. We dug deep into why it's more cost-effective than traditional ads, how influencers inject authenticity into their content as they celebrate the festivities, and why influencer reviews matter more during the year-end frenzy.

Armed with these insights, we're now here to provide tips to supercharge your seasonal campaigns. These aren't just theories–they're the same strategies we've shared with our agencies and brands as they prepare for the coming months.

1. The planning starts now

We can't stress this enough–the time to start mapping out your year-end seasonal campaigns is now. Whether you're gearing up for the frenzy of 11.11, preparing Christmas bundles, or fine-tuning your Black Friday sales, early action is the key to executing flawlessly when the moment arrives.

With a crowded battlefield with thousands of brands and their ads in the digital space, you don't want to be left scrambling to catch up, right? We believe it's essential to plan thoughtfully to ensure your campaign stands out and has a competitive advantage by starting early.

So don't delay and start planning early to ensure that you have plenty of inventory in case of an uptick in sales, time to update your website and social media pages and identify and book the influencers you want to work with.

2. Working backwards from the launch date with influencers

Early planning also has a clear advantage–it allows you to set a well-defined launch date for your exciting campaigns. With this date in mind, you can work backwards, creating a generous window to engage influencers and have them test your products or menu items.

With influencers on board and campaign details locked in, you can even furnish them with campaign briefs and requirements well in advance, giving them ample time to craft their content. It means their content can be properly looked through and ready to be launched during prime time. 

Our experience has shown that campaigns executed with precision can generate a widespread effect. Influencers who are well-informed about the launch and release schedules can contribute to spreading the word effectively, maximising your campaign's impact.

3. Investing in wins from last year

While it may sound like common sense, it's surprising how often this simple yet effective tip gets overlooked. If you've observed the resounding success of a past campaign, there's no harm in reprising it–especially if it's a tried-and-tested winner.

Many of your loyal customers may be eagerly anticipating a repeat of those familiar offers or promotions as the year draws to a close. Instead of racking your brains for an entirely new campaign concept, consider implementing a similar strategy to entice returning customers.

If you've had a successful collaboration with an influencer in a past Christmas campaign, don't hesitate to reach out to them again. Using the same familiar face can leave a lasting impression on your customers, helping them recognise and form a positive association between the influencer and your product.

4. Focus on UGC and creative content

As the festive season approaches, we've observed a significant shift in consumer behaviour. Instead of relying on traditional paid advertisements, people are on Instagram and TikTok to seek gift ideas, reviews, and recommendations. Audiences crave creativity, authenticity and experiences.

Your goal should be to showcase the uniqueness of your product and why it deserves a spot on your customers' shopping lists.

One effective strategy is to tailor your campaigns to match the behaviours and desires of year-end consumers. Many are in a shopping mood, looking for travel experiences or planning visits to their favourite restaurants. To capture their attention, infuse influencer-driven content with excitement and engagement. Shift your focus from the hard sell to user-generated content (UGC), and don't shy away from injecting creativity into your campaigns. Don’t be afraid to spend more in UGC too as they can be more effective than overwhelming paid ads.

You can collaborate with influencers to do unboxing videos, showcase the dishes on your menu, or visit your store to receive a free collectible (every other store can be a different collectible), leading to a surprise gift upon collecting all of them. This will entice your audiences to be more engaged and interested in your campaigns.

The takeaway

For seasonal campaigns, success lies in strategic execution and collaboration with influencers. By embracing the four essential tips we've uncovered–planning, syncing influencer efforts with launch dates, replicating past triumphs, and shifting focus towards user-generated content and creativity–you can maximise your seasonal impact and achieve your goals.

Ready to dive in? Let Partipost be your guide, streamlining every facet of your influencer partnerships to setting the stage for a successful holiday season and more!