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The Growing Role of Micro-Influencers Within the E-Commerce Sector

June 27, 2019
August 13, 2024

We are all aware of the impact that social media has had upon retail sales and the e-commerce industry as a whole. One of the most useful options which are employed by numerous budding enterprises involves partnering with social media influencers in order to lend credibility to the products or services being offered. However, we are also witnessing a trend towards a concept known as micro-influencer marketing. What does this notion involve, why is it beneficial and how can it be integrated within an existing e-commerce strategy?

The Benefits of Micro-Influencer Marketing

As the name likely suggests, micro-influencers (can be broken down further to nano-influencers and micro-influencers) are individuals who have a relatively smaller number of followers (generally up to 50,000). Although such personalities might appear to have less of an impact when compared to the so-called "big names", the exact opposite is actually true.

Micro-influencers are known to breed a higher level of loyalty amongst their followers. This is due in no small part to the rather personal connections which they are able to make. In fact, recent studies have shown that micro-influencers enjoy loyalty rates as high as eight percent (1). Larger social media personalities are generally associated with rates of around four per cent.

This only stands to reason, as client engagement and real-time interactions will often define the success of a growing enterprise. Followers who feel as if they are capable of developing somewhat personal relationships with the influencer in question will inevitably be much more interested in what he or she has to say. This is a critical portion of the overall marketing conundrum.

The Inextricable Link with Bespoke E-Commerce Solutions

Social media has become an important facet of any e-commerce platform. In fact, it has been shown that word of mouth has just as much of an influence upon the decision-making process as any claims made by the seller in question. Those who are able to incorporate micro-influencers into their existing campaign are likely to gain a greater number of followers. Perhaps more importantly, such individuals will remain loyal over time.

The observation mentioned above reflects a growing trend within the e-commerce sector as a whole. No longer are successful businesses defined by more technical aspects such as SEO, lead generation and product turnover. They are now heavily concerned with engaging their customers in a targeted and efficient manner. While e-commerce solutions will partially help to address this requirement via multi-channel marketing and live chat options, it needs to be stressed that micro-influencers are capable of adding a much-needed human element to the overall equation. This is why we should expect the role of these individuals to become even more important in the coming years.

Would you like to connect your brand with receptive consumers? Partipost, a crowd influencer-marketing platform, can help with that! Reach out for a free consultation and learn how Partipost can help your brand.


Get a free consultation with our team of experts to find out how your brand can leverage on the fastest growing network of influencers in Asia to reach your potential customers and experience the power of crowd marketing!