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Partipost talks social media marketing and content creation with Asma�?? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot ???񋨬

June 21, 2022
August 13, 2024

When it comes to social media marketing and building a brand presence, it can be a tricky road to navigate�??which is why it�??s best to turn to the trailblazers in the game who have found the right strategies that have led their brands to success!


And that�??s precisely what Partipost Malaysia did last June 15th at 10:30am, as we sat down with the entrepreneurs and content creators Asma�?? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot for an online session on all things social media marketing and content creation!


The webinar was held via Facebook live, where both founders shared their stories on building a brand presence from the ground up, primarily by leveraging social media and online platforms.


Helen, who launched Doublewoot in 2005�??just before social media entered the mainstream and took over everyone�??s lives�??shared her insights on the evolution of digital marketing and the online world, and some of the best practices have stood the test of time. One thing in particular that always works? Authenticity! No matter what platform in the digital space, it�??s always the sense of authentic human connection that creates truly meaningful impact. And this is what eventually translates into real-world actions and measurable results!


�??The brands we create are a reflection of who we are. How can we empower the people who wear our clothing? [...] Authenticity can actually be felt, whether it�??s natural or forced.�?� - Helen Tan, Doublewoot


This also holds true for Asma�??, who although she launched her own brand Gigi much later, has long held an illustrious career ranging from baking to fashion and many more, all while pursuing her personal passion for content creation! Building a personal brand anchored on authenticity has also been substantially beneficial to Asma�??, as it�??s essentially what sets her apart in the market as a business, as she discovered. For Asma�??, it�??s this innate authenticity and optimism that�??s always been part of her brand that�??s since carried over and contributed to Gigi�??s ongoing success.


�??Personal branding is so important, it�??s what sets you apart in the business. Knowing who you are is important.�?� - Asma�?? Nasaruddin, Gigi

Both founders also agreed on the inherent importance of word-of-mouth marketing aka influencer marketing even in an increasingly digital world, and particularly on the power of communities in building trust, which eventually helps brands�?? longevity in the long run.?�


The event was also later joined by Partipost�??s very own Business Development Manager, Keith Goh, who illustrated how brands can best optimize influencer marketing and content creation to reach their goals. This is especially effective with the help of new tech, like the Partipost platform!


Finally, the event concluded with a live Q&A portion with members of the audience, where both guests again emphasized the significance of fostering authentic human connections, whichever strategy or platform you implement. And although digital marketing will always be a constant process of trial-and-error as we move even further in the digital world, it�??s this inherent authenticity and trust that will leave a lasting impact, both online and in the real world.


You can rewatch a full recording of the webinar here!


The Partipost team again extends their thanks to everyone who took part in the webinar and made the event a success! We hope you picked up something valuable from our esteemed guests or the Partipost team to help your business. For updates on future events and more, keep in touch with Partipost on?� LinkedIn or Facebook!


Interested in running impactful and cost-effective influencer campaigns? Let Partipost help you elevate your social media presence and maximize your ROI. We humanize your brand with the power of word-of-mouth of everyday people. Leave us your email address and experience the Partipost difference today.?�