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Partipost 101: Types of Influencer Campaigns

July 12, 2022
August 13, 2024

Whether you're a new Partiposter (welcome!) or a veteran Partiposter, you've surely wondered at some point what's the difference between the types of campaigns Partipost offers. Some require registration, some require deposits, and some others are so simple that you just have to share a post to earn monetary rewards. There is always a constant stream of incoming influencer campaigns for you to join in on for the sake of entertainment and a dash of side income, but how do they differ? 

Let's break down the 3 kinds of influencer campaigns available to you:


1. Public Campaign

As the name suggests, public campaigns are open to the public - which means anyone and everyone is welcome to join! If you've met the minimum requirements (e.g. age, follower count, gender, etc.), then there's nothing to stop you from participating in a public campaign. 

Most of the time, public campaigns have simple terms and conditions, so you don't have to worry much if you're just starting out your influencer journey. That said, public campaigns do not mean that your submission will be automatically approved. Just like private and invitation campaigns, public campaigns also go through a vetting process. You will be notified within the campaign period when your submission is given the green light. If you're unsure, you could send the Partipost team a quick Instagram DM to enquire.

Tip: If you're looking to join public campaigns in Partipost, you should follow and stay tuned to our Instagram page (@partipost_my). Don't miss out by turning on the notifications for Partipost's Instagram stories! We also recommend that you join our Telegram channel to get first-hand dibs on all the latest public campaigns.


2. Private Campaign

To know if a campaign is labeled private, you just need to check if a registration prior to joining is necessary. Instead of the "start partiposting" button, you'll see one titled "register for this campaign" on the Partipost app. Again, you should ensure that the minimum requirements of the campaign are met before submitting your registration, otherwise, you would only be left with false hope and that's not nice for either party. 

The key difference between public campaigns and private campaigns is how the collaborating brands are allowed to go through and choose profiles that suit their campaigns based on brand compatibility and target audience. This saves you the trouble of working on tasks before gaining the brand's approval, including the purchase of products and shelling out on refundable deposits. 

If your profile has been selected, you will be informed by receiving a campaign invitation through the Partipost app. At this stage, you are given the opportunity to accept the invitation (if you're still interested to join the campaign) or to reject the invitation (if you no longer wish to participate). The decision is completely up to you! That said, it is highly encouraged that you do not back out of campaigns once you've accepted the invitation as it will be recorded in your Partipost record for future campaign references.


3. Invitation Campaign

Out of all the campaigns available to you at Partipost, invitation campaigns are the most exclusive ones to date with the biggest rewards! This means that if you are chosen to join an invitation campaign, you have beat hundreds of others in the running for this opportunity to earn more than the typical campaign's payout. Collaborating brands are shared a list of profiles to be vetted and handpicked. Similar to private campaigns, you will be receiving an invitation on the Partipost app to notify you of the selection.

However, unlike public and private campaigns, an invitation campaign is not visible to just anyone on the Partipost app. In fact, you are only given access to the full details after you have accepted the invitation to join. So how do you know about invitation campaigns? The Partipost team will reach out to you via Instagram DM to seek your interest in the campaign!


Now that you are aware about the different types of campaigns on the app, why not start Partiposting today?

It's simple, all it takes are 5 easy steps.

Tip: Ensure that your Instagram profile allows non-followers to send you DMs in order to not miss out on this unique opportunity! It is also encouraged that your social media profile does not mimic that of a billboard influencer to increase your appeal to brands. This means that you should focus on building your personal branding and avoid acting as a "billboard" for the advertisement of different brands.?�

Now that you have a better understanding of the types of influencer campaigns Partipost provides, you're all equipped to join campaigns that seem attractive to you! We strongly encourage you to join in on different campaigns to provide variations in your social media postings, so long as it suits your niche, of course! If you'd like to up your chances of being selected for private and invitation campaigns, we suggest that you look into tips and tricks of being a successful influencer and stay tuned to Partipost's Instagram and Twitter page for more influencer hacks!