
5 Things Most Millennials Have Done In Their Life

Partipost TW
November 12, 2019
August 13, 2024

Growing up is tough. One minute you’re messing around with your friends, and the next, you’re paying taxes. We can’t travel back in time as much as we want to. This explains why we often reminisce about the simpler times. If your age falls within 22 to 37 years old, this one’s for you.

Frequent nightclubs

The original Zouk located at Jiak Kim Street was home to many millennials. Stories of seniors sharing their clubbing experiences fuels us to dream of our highly-anticipated first night out, unless you’re a rebel who borrowed an ID to sneak into clubs. As the most talked about nightclub, it was certainly a dream to finally set foot in Zouk!

Regardless of which club you first visited, after a long night out, the hunger pangs start to hit you (unless the alcohol knocks you out first). You want food and you want it immediately, but you’re now broke. What do you do? Most of us reach for cup noodles, which is greatly satisfying but unhealthy.

Well, lucky for you, there’s a secret to eating healthier without cutting out your comfort food. KOKA is about to launch their healthier take on instant noodles which contains purple corn and is baked (not fried!) without compromising on the taste we love. As someone who used to eat 2 packets of noodles at a go, it’s a pity there weren’t healthier alternatives back then. For all you know, I could potentially have a thigh gap by now…

Sounds too good to be true? Here’s your chance to be the first few in Singapore to try it!


Don’t crumble, choose purple!

Earn up to $55 by sharing your food review!

Find out more about the campaign here

Attend chalets

As a West-sider, there are only a few reasons why any Westie will travel to the East. If it’s not for Changi Airport or Chalets, it’s either Escape Theme Park or Wild Wild Wet. One of the best parts of attending school has got to be the class chalets that come in tow. It’s the time to truly bond with your classmates and to create fond memories. Lucky for us, smartphones weren’t as big back then, making it easier to bond and actually converse with minimal distractions.

What’s a chalet without a bbq? In fact, everything about barbecues are enjoyable apart from clearing up. From shopping for ingredients, starting of fire and marinating of meat to the actual cooking, seeing everyone having fun while doing their assigned task somehow brings about an indescribable feeling. Apart from barbecues, common activities included night cycling, staying up all night to HTHT (sleep is for the weak!) and exploring haunted buildings in the vicinity since, well, we love the thrill and wanted to be seen as a hero. Also, FOMO was already a thing back then.

Little did we know that all these were a recipe for disaster. Come next day, everyone was groggy and the chalet was suddenly filled with sniffles and people clearing their throats. Heading to a chalet soon? Avoid post-bbq sore throat and stay in tip-top condition with Three Legs’ Cooltopia which comes in 3 refreshing flavors – lime, guava and lychee!


Stay cool with Cooltopia!

Earn up to $20 by sharing your review!

Find out more about the campaign here

Hang out in town

As a student, I often thought highly about entering the workforce where I’ll get paid to do work. But now that I’m at that age, reality is often not as sweet as I imagined it to be. While students are cash strapped, time is on their side. What then do you do with all these time to spare?

Image: Robert J Steiner

The list of things to do now has definitely expanded since the early 2000s but back in the day, there was no better way to pass time than to chill out with your buddies in town. If you’re a cool kid, Cineleisure was the place to be. The mall has undergone a face-lift (shout-out to Stickys – gone but not forgotten!) but one stall that has withstood the test of time is Beadstreet. It had everything a cool kid needed – from the trendiest black ear studs to affordable phone covers. Need a black nail polish to complete your emo look? You know where to get it from.

Visit Escape Theme Park

Before Universal Studios and Adventure Cove was established, the OGs – Escape Theme Park and Wild Wild Wet – were all we had. But nobody’s complaining!

Image: Muhaaiimin

Universal Studios is fun, but if you’ve ever been to Escape Theme Park, I’m sure the carnival-style park holds many fond memories for you. It was THE place to visit with your friends and family. Escape Theme Park was home to many iconic rides which seemed scary back then, but they are certainly way more manageable than USS’ Battlestar Galactica.

Image: YouTube/ SMB3587P MightySparks

Nothing is quite as iconic as the Rainbow and Inverter (the one that is somehow decked in Pepsi’s brand colors). Fun fact: this Rainbow ride in Singapore was the last of its kind worldwide due to an accident in Sweden back in 2008!

Lurk on MSN Messenger

For many of us, the first thing we did when we got home from school was to switch on our computer and log in to MSN Messenger. This was our main form of communication before the birth of Whatsapp, FB messenger and Telegram.

I never knew how nostalgic it was until I chanced upon a video with MSN’s iconic notifications. *curls up and cry* Nothing beats the feeling of receiving a message.

You were probably guilty of doing these:

1) Patiently waiting for your crush to come online, and when they do, you wait awhile for them to strike a conversation with you. No new message? No problemo. Simply log in and out periodically so he/she will see your name pop up at the bottom of their screen. Alternatively, changing your status from “appear offline” to “online” does wonders too. *wink*

2) Nudging your friends repeatedly when they take way too long to reply.

How cute is it to see your screen jiggle? It’s all fun and games until you’re on the receiving end.

3) Changing your display picture and status message according to your mood – both of which were low-key a conversation starter. Were you one of the k00l kids who used song lyrics as your status message?

"Run baby run, don't ever look back <3”

Did nostalgia hit you hard? Remember to enjoy the phase you’re at now and create new memories because time flies. Before you know it, it’ll be nothing but a flashback!