
5 Mistakes to avoid when job hunting

January 12, 2022
August 13, 2024

It�??s the time of the year where many jobs are opening up, and firms are hiring new people. As you prepare to hunt for jobs, you might be asking yourself - How can I secure my dream job in 2022? Fret not, avoid these 5 mistakes, and you are good to go!

Not incorporating keywords in your Resume

Have you been applying to jobs like crazy, but no one seems to get back to you? Especially when you have the necessary qualifications and skills for the job. It could be due to a few resume errors that you need to avoid. Resumes are key in highlighting your work experience to employers and HR recruiters. You don�??t want to bore those perusing through your resume with too many details but reel them in with the right keywords.

Yes, using the right keywords makes all the difference between sealing the deal and getting your resume thrown out. You need to convince the recruiters that you deserve the job position.

Let�??s play a game - Spot the difference. Read the two sentences below from two Journalism resumes and see which sentence is more compelling. Importantly, if you were a recruiter, which candidate�??s resume would you go for?

Candidate A: Researched and wrote 2 weekly feature articles

Candidate B: Researched and planned 2 weekly articles and increased viewership on the blog by 20%

As you can see, Candidate A is more of a Do-er as compared to Candidate B who�??s an achiever which propels employers to pick Candidate B for their company. 

Pro Tip: Ensure to use keywords and buzzwords that would get the attention of potential employers. Scan the job ad for particular keywords that have been stated. Recruiters or managers usually look for job-related keywords and action verbs (Managed, developed, planned, maximised).

Only Emailing companies

Emailing companies directly is a great way to formally introduce yourself and show your interest in the firm�??s job opening. However, that should not be the only option to market yourself and get the word out. Networking opens the door to endless possibilities. Join networking events at your universities or polytechnics to meet with industry experts. You�??ll gain insights and tips that you can apply to your career. Most importantly, establishing these connections can be useful as they can act as a point of reference to a job that you would like to pursue. 

 Also, leverage on Job websites that list a wide pool of jobs available and allow you to update your resume within the site. This way you�??ll be able to access different jobs within your industry and scan through others if you�??re interested. JobStreet, one of Asia�??s leading online employment marketplaces, helps to facilitate the matching and communication of job opportunities between jobseekers and employers. Update your work experience and personal particulars on JobStreet and find your dream job right away.

It�??s your lucky day! Grab the opportunity to earn $3 when you simply sign up with JobStreet. Click on the link below for more information.

�??� Sign up: Let�??s Get To Work! �??�

Pro Tip: Make sure you leave the correct number and email on job websites as there are possibilities that HR Managers or recruiters may utilize that information to contact you personally for available job offers.

Lying about your skills

You know what�??s worse than exaggerating about your qualifications - Lying about them! Never lie about your skills and qualifications as they are detrimental to your career. Firstly, if you�??re hired for a job that�??s beyond your skill set, your performance at work will be affected. Secondly, it creates a negative impression with your co-workers and employers when they find out about your lie. Thirdly, in worse case scenarios, it may lead to you being fired from your job. Ultimately, it�??s undesirable to lie on your resume or at interviews as it causes unnecessary stress and negative impacts on your career in the long run.

Instead, upgrade your skills to be confident in your abilities and excel at your job. There are many free resources on Youtube, find books related to your industry at the library or attend virtual events online.

Pro Tip: Make a list of strengths and weaknesses of your skills and work from there to see what areas you can improve that would aid you to perform better at your job.

Showing up at an Interview unprepared

Interviews are great opportunities to make a good first impression with your potential employer. It allows you to show off your skills, achievements, and what you can bring to the table. The last thing you want to do is be unprepared for the interview with a job you really want. According to legal, 47% of candidates fail their interviews as they have inadequate knowledge of the company that they have applied to. Hence, it�??s essential to gather the information about the company that you�??re interviewing for. 

Pro Tip: Create a document where you�??re able to organise the information on all the companies that you�??re applying to. This way you�??ll be able to easily refer back to the essential details about an organisation when you�??re called in for an interview.

Not utilizing Social Media Platforms

Leverage social media platforms to share about your passion related to your industry. To stand out from your competition, utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to share about your interests. For instance, if you�??re an aspiring doctor, you could share interesting facts about science-related topics and your hospital school. This acts as a portfolio for you to showcase your work in a fun and engaging way.

There are also free online websites that you can make for yourself on Wix and WordPress that allow you to showcase your past work. Websites are impressive as they create great first impressions with employers who can see the effort you put into your work. It helps you to stand apart from others with only resumes.

As you�??re getting started on posting on social media, start practising by joining these campaigns and earn when you successfully complete them. Click on the links for more information: 

 �???  Nano IGP: Let�??s Get To Work �???

�???️ FB: Let�??s Get To Work With JobStreet  �???️

Pro Tip: Plan your content ahead of time and post them regularly to gain engagement with the audience on social media.

With Singapore�??s economic growth slowly recovering in 2022, it is expected for the job market to have a positive outlook this year. Ensure that you avoid the mistakes stated above to improve your chances of getting hired. Get your resumes and portfolios ready, be confident, and apply away!