
4 Habits that Will Help You Sleep Better

Abigail John
September 14, 2022
August 13, 2024

Have you experienced waking up grumpy, sweaty or weak in the morning? The reasons vary greatly for every individual but it is undeniable that a good night's rest improves energy.

Beside being a night owl, or regular medications, irregular sleeping time and environmental factors could be some other reasons as to why you are awake and active at night.

Here are 4 habits we think would help you sleep better naturally:

1. Develop a sleep routine

With the ever happening day-to-day events, it could be especially challenging for adults to religiously follow a bedtime routine. The National Institute on Aging suggests that adults should go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday.

This helps adults prevent various health issues that could develop eventually such as having memory problems, depression, being irritable and prone to more falls or accidents. Some adults could have difficulties sleeping due to medications. However, if you often find it hard to sleep at night, it may be time to see a doctor.

2. Regular bedding maintenance

A study by the National Sleep Foundation concluded that “people who wash their bedding and sheets regularly reported a 19% better rest at night than those who neglected the hygiene of their bedding.” In addition to that, while sleeping, people shed about 1.5million skin cells per hour and can perspire as much as a liter in a night. These eye-opening factors are reasons why it is recommended to wash your bed sheets at least once a week.

Besides, the sheets and blankets also play a vital role in helping you sleep. Look for beddings and its materials that are comfortable to the touch and help maintain a good temperature as well. 

Materials and fabrics that are cooling on skin, sweat resistant, anti-bacteria, anti-odour, thermo-regulating and breathable are some factors to look out for depending on your personal preferences and suitability. 

🤩 Wake Rejuvenated with Eden Odyssey’s Bamboo Fitted Sheet 🤩

3. Avoid eating heavy meals close to bedtime

The habit of consuming heavy food close to bedtime could worsen the chances of falling asleep as your body is still digesting a big dinner. It is greatly recommended to avoid late night meals especially spicy or fatty foods. If you feel famished during the night, opt for light and healthy snacks like low-fat oats or biscuits.

4. Stay away from caffeine at night

The National Sleep Foundation states that caffeine consumed at night can cause more harm than good. Caffeine causes a burst of energy as it stimulates the central nervous system.

While it helps most people to stay awake and get their work done, it may affect individuals in the long term. The gradual effects of sleep loss due to caffeine induction may lead to anxiety, restlessness and dependency.

Hope you learnt a thing or two about developing good sleep habits. Share these facts with your friends and family, and follow us on Instagram for more interesting tips!

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