By now, you should know what the highly talked about C-word is. Coronavirus. Because of this, thousands of people across the globe have suffered, and still are suffering. Healthcare professionals have been working round the clock, but you have a part to play too. Build your immune system and pick up the following items responsibly on your next grocery run!
Yakult has been a constant in my life, and probably yours too. As a kid, whenever the Yakult aunties visited my house, I’d get super excited because I l-o-v-e the taste of Yakult - especially the Grape and Peach flavored ones. That said, did you know that Singapore is the ONLY country with flavored Yakult?

Image: DanielFoodDiary.com
Yakult is widely loved by parents and children alike because it is tasty and improves digestion, killing two birds with one stone. It’s a versatile drink which can be consumed on its own or paired with a bottle of Soju, even bubble tea!
If you’ve been consuming Yakult as it is, I’m here to shake up your world. Apparently, you’re supposed to shake the product before consumption, for the gel precipitation (coagulated casein aka the good stuff for your body) stuck at the bottom to be mixed into the drink. If you love this probiotic drink more than Kanye loves Kanye, here’s your chance to collaborate with Yakult Singapore!
Be Cultured With Yakult!
Earn up to $30 by giving Yakult a shout out!
Find out more about the campaign here
Fatty Fish
Oil and fats are typically regarded as unhealthy, unless they originate from plant sources or fatty fishes such as Salmon and Tuna. These fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have a long list of health benefits from combating inflammation to preventing autoimmune diseases. Alternatively, if you have the guts, cod liver oil is another great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

These fishes can be consumed raw (in moderation) or cooked if you’re not a fan of sashimi. Here are some ways to cook salmon and tuna under 30 minutes:
Honey Garlic Salmon
All you need is soy sauce, honey, garlic, vinegar and of course, salmon fillet. Marry both together and you’re ready to dig in after 15 minutes! The full recipe can be found here.
Oven-Baked Salmon
You’ll require a salmon fillet, coarse salt and ground black pepper. If you’re feeling fancy, you may choose to prepare the Toasted Almond Parsley Salad as recommended by Food Network as well. All in all, 20 minutes in the kitchen and you’re good to go.
Tuna Steaks with Mint Sauce
To cook this dish, you’ll need garlic, mint leaves, parsley, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, extra-virgin olive oil, coarse salt and tuna steaks. Check out the recipe by Martha Stewart here.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system, consuming oatmeal is a given. According to Good Housekeeping, oats contain beta-glucan which are said to “boost our infection-fighting blood cells”. This means reduced cholesterol levels, a stronger immune system, and more stable blood glucose levels! If you can’t keep your hands away from late night snacks, reach for oatmeal and I promise you’ll be full in a jiffy.

Oats come in different variations - rolled and steel-cut. Rolled oats are steamed whole grains flattened with steel rollers and they typically cook faster. On the other hand, steel-cut oats are whole grains sliced with steel blades, and they have a longer cooking time. The good news is that despite their differences, both have virtually the same amount of nutritional value.
Aside from eating oats with milk and fruits, they can be added to smoothies, or used as a substitute for the base of cheesecake and bread crumbs if you intend to make croquettes.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, acai berries - regardless of which you fancy, all of them are high in antioxidants. What this means: reduced inflammation and strengthened immunity to fight flu, COVID-19, cardiovascular diseases and repair cells.

For best results, eat a variety of berries instead of focusing on one. As reported by Verywell Family, the amount of Vitamin C obtained from consuming a cup of strawberries is comparable to a cup of orange juice (that’s 100 mg of Vitamin C). Create your own yogurt or acai bowls, and add these superfruits to your breakfast cereals for a pop of color!
Green Tea
Green tea has been widely consumed across Japan, India and China. Similar to berries, green tea contains antioxidants (polyphenols and flavonoids). In fact, compared to other varieties of tea in the market, green tea has the highest concentration of antioxidants as it is least processed.

In addition to promoting a healthier immune system, green tea is the go-to for people looking to lose weight, improve skin care, and live a longer life. That’s probably one of the reasons why Japanese people generally have a longer life expectancy than the rest of the world population…
Health benefits aside, check out these fun hacks you can achieve with this super product.
Now that you’re equipped with your new-found knowledge, share this article with your loved ones to keep them well-informed too!
Once again, Singapore is well-prepared and has more than enough supplies to last us for months. Don’t be “sia suay” as Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing would say. Spare a thought for those who need the items more than you, stay calm and safe, fellow Singaporeans!