Just when you thought things were looking up, life throws you a curveball. Like it or not, it’s a fact that we’re in Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), and WFH is the default.
Not everyone thrives at home amid the pandemic but lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of the finest tips for becoming more productive at home.
P.S. We’ve included an Easter egg too. Keep reading to uncover the magic!
Plan your day

Creating a to-do list helps you mentally review what needs to be done that day. If billionaires do it every morning, it has to mean something, right? With your responsibilities clearly listed out, it’ll be easier to prioritise tasks. Moreover, striking the item off is a whole new level of satisfaction.
There’s always the option to write it out but if you'd rather go digital, there are plenty of to-do apps such as Google Calendar, Evernote and Trello. Some of these are compatible across different devices for ease of use, while others can be integrated with other apps like your email.
Listen to the right type of music

There’s a reason why many people feel more productive at cafes - it’s quiet, tables are decluttered, and you have calming music in the background to accompany you.
Research has shown that music does indeed boost productivity and creativity, but it depends on the following factors:
- Instrumental music VS music with lyrics
- Volume
- Tempo
- Language
- Nature of the tasks at hand (i.e. Level of focus and familiarity)
The key is to select music which will not distract you. This means instrumental music that is relaxing (but not too soothing) which plays at a consistent tempo - aka Lo-Fi music. From Animal Crossing to Star Wars, there are many playlists on Spotify. Fun fact: if you play a Star Wars song on Spotify desktop, the music progress bar becomes a lightsaber. You can even change its colour by clicking on it!
Get an energy boost

Sorry coffee lovers, we’re not talking about getting a cuppa, or tea, for that matter. After working your brain for some time, you'll start feeling lethargic, and struggle to focus. Especially since we’re spending more time at home now, crawling back to bed just got easier.
Times like these call for a sugar rush. But what if you can recharge without consuming sugar? Red Bull Plus is a reformulated zero sugar energy drink which doesn't compromise the distinct taste that many are familiar with. It also contains up to 50% more Vitamin B3, B5, B6, and B12 than regular energy drinks.
Keen to get your hands on ‘em? Try it for FREE now by indicating your interest for our campaign below from now to 21 May 2021, and you might earn up to $40 cash! Simply thank a frontliner and share your review of the drink.
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Simplify big tasks

Ever find yourself procrastinating and dreading a certain task?
Here’s how to work around it: have a think about your desired outcome, and plan for the steps needed to make it happen. Determine which areas can be further broken down into bite-sized chunks, and prioritise the important aspects. This will come in handy when you’re planning the timelines.
For instance, if you have a report to complete, start by creating the outline with headers and subheaders. Next, plan your time and decide on a deadline for each header/subheader. Make sure to allocate some time for reviewing it too.
Set reasonable timelines and stick to them

Oftentimes, you’re either (1) too caught up with a certain task and wind up neglecting everything else on your schedule, or (2) all over the place and overwhelmed from multi-tasking.
If that sounds like you, we suggest setting reasonable timelines and sticking to them. This means wrapping up your current work and moving on to task #2, even if you’re not done with the previous one. At the end of the day, you can always circle back to unfinished tasks.
Remember to allocate more time for bigger tasks, and take short breaks periodically - you’ll definitely feel more energised. This is commonly known as the Pomodoro Technique where you essentially take a 5-minute break for every 25 minutes of work (eventually, you’ll get a 15-minute break too). Time-management apps like Flat Tomato and Pomodoro - Focus Timer are worth a shot.
Seek help when you need it

It’s normal to want to portray ourselves as independent. But if you’re spending too much time on a certain area of work, there’s no shame in turning to online resources, or the people around you for a second opinion. For all you know, you might even come across the greatest idea after bouncing ideas off each other.
Tried any of these tips out? Let us know which worked best for you!
Spending more time at home now? Check out our app for more campaigns to help you earn safely from the comfort of your home. Click here for the latest campaign updates and stalk us on Instagram for more tips!