
What is a Mom Influencer & How to be One in Malaysia

June 14, 2022
August 13, 2024

If you�??ve been on the internet long enough, you�??ve probably come across one or two mom influencers. They usually feature their baby or toddler and their adventures of growing up, but more importantly, they show other mothers that they are not alone on this journey. Just like Catherine McBroom (from The Ace Family) and "Mrs. Mom" (from The Family UK).?�

Some mom influencers are seen as women who have found and understood the secrets to motherhood - the balancing act of being a parent, a spouse, and a boss lady in her career field. Other mom influencers present themselves as women who are still learning the ropes but willing to share the experience. Either way, they use their platform to inspire and reveal life hacks to followers, many of whom are also parenting young children.?�

While this sounds like extra work on top of an already busy schedule, mom influencers are actually one of the most sought-after niches by brands. This is because mom bloggers can expand and diversify the niche and make it their own by including personal interests and passions alongside their main motherhood-related content.?�

Besides that, mom influencers also build a tight-knit and loyal community through their honest conversations, product reviews, and lifestyle recommendations. Some have even found so much success in being a content creator; they earn more than their day job and end up quitting entirely to focus on this "side hustle" - all while spending time with their children.?�

Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? But are you having a hard time picturing yourself as one? Fret not! We've got your back.?�

Here are 3 tips on how YOU can be a mom blogger:

1. Think outside the box?�

One thing that successful mom influencers share in common is how different their content is compared to others in the field. What this means is that each influencer documents her motherhood journey and personal interests differently, making no two the same.?�

Some prefer to focus more on the children by sharing tips on home education in the preschool years and giving recommendations on books or toys that are beneficial for child development. Others prefer to focus more on what it's like to be a mother by sharing suggestions on how to physically and mentally recover from pregnancy and childbirth, as well as getting used to having a new addition to the family.?�

The key here is to get creative in how you choose to tell your story because it is YOURS at the end of the day. Everyone's experience with motherhood is unique, so don't be afraid to express yourself in whatever way makes the most sense to you. This is one of the best and most authentic ways to connect with your audiences.


2. Stay consistent

Just like everything else in life, consistency is important to achieve success as a mom blogger. The reason for this is that it takes time to build up your profile (aka online presence) and a community of engaging audiences.?�

The duration differs from person to person depending on your content and Instagram's everchanging algorithm, so the key here is to be patient and not lose hope too easily. In fact, this period should be looked at positively as it provides you with the space and time necessary to master your craft. The consistency also acts as a platform to learn what works for you and how it can be improved upon.

"It doesn't just happen overnight and takes a lot of practice and a lot of work." - @hannahacarpenter?�

3. Be real (relatability)

The main reason mom bloggers stand out from influencers of other niches is because of their authenticity. While most influencers seem to create an online persona to be more likeable, mom influencers keep it real. The honesty displayed enhances the audience's relatability.?�

This is in line with what the typical community of mom bloggers want to see. The raw, unfiltered life and advice shown online allow a good relationship to be built and helps create a close bond. Of course, this is not limited to just the content posted but also how you choose to engage with your followers. Make every effort to interact with them and create a social media strategy that allows you to connect with them on a more personal level.

"Be transparent through your posts, keep active engagement with your followers, and never let it become you" - @taylensmom?�

Now that you're more prepared to be a mom influencer start your blogging journey today and SIGN UP with us to join campaigns! We have a variety of collaborations with different partners, including mom-related content, so what are you waiting for?