As marketers, the AIDA model is undoubtedly one of the most fundamental concepts that anchors every strategy and campaign, and acts as the backbone behind every marketing effort. From its first introductions in the late 19th century as part of the personal selling process, to ads in radio and television later on, up to today�??s online marketing following the digital revolution, the AIDA marketing model has remained steadfast in its effectiveness in converting customers, no matter what era.

The AIDA marketing model�??s effectiveness hinges on one thing: its ability to let content, in any form or channel, to act as stimuli that guides people to take certain actions. And as marketers, it�??s our job to find out how to best navigate all these channels and content types to achieve our desired result. And with the introduction of many more variables in the digital age�??Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, the list goes on�??it can be a difficult road to navigate.
That�??s precisely where influencer marketing comes in.
There�??s no denying that we live in the age of the influencer, and have been so for much of the last decade. While influencer marketing certainly is a rapidly growing industry (with expectations to reach a $15 billion value in 2022) there are certain strategies and practices that you can adapt to create smart, impactful influencer marketing campaigns that effectively lead customers towards conversion, and bring in real, measurable results. This is most especially when you have a brand objective in mind followed by the right strategy targeting audiences at all stages whether it�??s awareness, interest, desire, or actions. There�??s certainly an influencer campaign that�??s the right fit for each stage bringing out the best-desired results!
And while there�??s often a misconception that influencer marketing�??s impact is limited to just generating awareness, this definitely isn�??t the case. Here are some effective strategies on how you can implement influencer marketing into each stage of the AIDA marketing model and convert your audience into loyal customers.
Stage 1: Awareness
Probably one of the most well-known strategies, influencer marketing has long proven its effectiveness in raising awareness for brands of any category, simply by having influencers discuss and share them on their social channels. Influencer campaigns for awareness are also advantageous to the Marketing Rule of 7, effectively converting online audiences into potential customers via repeated brand and product awareness.
Pro tip: To drive word-of-mouth that fulfills the marketing rule of 7, it�??s best to deploy a large group of influencers to see its effectiveness.
Stage 2: Interest
Going beyond awareness, the 2nd stage is probably the most crucial stage in the entire process, as it determines whether your potential customers will actually remain loyal to your brand among others, and eventually move forward towards making a purchase. Therefore, in this stage, the responsibility lies with you to continue upholding your customers�?? interest. This can be done by specifically-targeted content such as benefits and use-cases that are helpful for your customers.
Pro tip: the key in this stage is finding the right influencers that align with your brand�??s values to get the best chance of attracting like-minded customers who are more likely to stay loyal!
Stage 3: Desire
At this stage, you�??re definitely getting close to sealing the deal! While the first two stages primarily focus on garnering attention and raising awareness of your product among your audience, the final two are all about spreading and cultivating those positive feelings to help them move towards the final stage. Therefore, you will need to grab the opportunity to convince customers that they want your product, even if they may not necessarily need it. An effective way to do this is by partnering with influencers, as they have the power and influence to do just that! By sharing positive reviews of your products on their platforms, influencers transfer these positive feelings with their followers, thereby effectively converting them into your customers as well.
Stage 4: Action
At the last level, all that�??s really needed is one final push to convert audiences into buying customers. At this stage, your product is already in your customers�?? minds, and all that�??s needed is to encourage them to follow through with the transaction. There are a few tried-and-true tactics that have stood the test of time, such as discount codes and freebies�??which you can offer via select influencers�??that help close that transaction.
And there you have it! There really are no limits on how influencer marketing can fit into your brand�??s strategy. As we continue living in an increasingly digital world, it�??s imperative that brands and marketers stay on top of the game, and fully optimize the tools at hand to create real, meaningful connections�??and eventually lead your brand to long-lasting success!
Interested in running impactful and cost-effective influencer campaigns? Let Partipost help you elevate your social media presence and maximize your ROI. We humanize your brand with the power of word-of-mouth of everyday people. Leave us your email address and experience the Partipost difference today!