Whether you�??re a working adult or a student, getting out of bed is no mean feat. Unlike wisdom which comes with age (it�??s proven!), I reckon I�??ll never be able to master the art of getting up early in this lifetime. If we share the same sentiment, here�??s a tip to motivate yourself: reward yourself with the most important meal - breakfast! Got your attention right there? Here�??s how to start your day on the right foot!
Local favorites
We Singaporeans love our food. These are the OGs in my opinion but hey, the list is non-exhaustive, of course.?�
Toast and eggs
Before the infiltration of cafes and Eggs Benedict, breakfast was not complete without traditional toast and soft-boiled eggs with a hot cup of coffee or Milo on the side. There�??s just a sense of satisfaction obtained from this combo. Indeed, old is gold.

Image: Expat Living
If you have cash to splash, establishments like Ya Kun Kaya Toast and Toast Box serve a mean toast. On the flip side, coffee shops and kopitiams are not that far off either. Some, like my mum, may even argue that the latter offers better tasting toast sets at a more affordable price.?�
Fried bee hoon
Don�??t let the fried element of this dish deter you from making your purchase. Once you get past that stage, the aroma of freshly cooked noodles will give you the affirmation you need.

Image: Miss Tam Chiak
In my humble opinion, fried bee hoon is a crowd favorite in the morning because it�??s highly customizable. Switch up the ingredients or noodles and you get a different breakfast. Delicious, filling and economical - what�??s not to love??�
There are a couple of hawker stalls who do a great job but my personal favorite would have to be 327 Fried Bee Hoon located in Hougang. They offer nasi lemak as well if you have a hankering for rice.
Nasi lemak
Where there is bee hoon, there is nasi lemak (most of the time).

Similar to fried beehoon, nasi lemak is a universal dish that would spark joy in most people. A good day begins with a good breakfast which is easy on the wallet. Craving for some fragrant rice with a side of unforgiving chili and chicken fried to perfection? Give the famous Ponggol Nasi Lemak, or Mizzy Corner Nasi Lemak a try.
Classy alternatives
Tired of waking up to the same old breakfast? Awaken your palate with options that are not only pleasing to the eyes but also your taste buds.
If you�??re all about that atas life, pastries like croissants and puffs are the way to go. These are easy to consume on-the-go, making it perfect for the busiest lifestyles.

Image: Anakjajan
For those looking for a quick yet fancy breakfast, PAUL Bakery should be on your radar. Be spoiled for choice with offerings ranging from pastries to bread across 5 outlets. Thinking of patronizing PAUL Bakery? Why not make some money on the side while you�??re at it?
Bon App??tit!
Fill both your stomach and wallet!
find out more about the campaign here
Alas, the epitome of an Instagram-worthy breakfast bound to make your friends drool with envy.

If you have an obsession for perfectly flowy egg yolks, a caf?? is where you should be. Think Eggs Benedict, light and crispy waffles, avocado toast and a cuppa. Inner white girl triggered? Caf??s serving all-day-breakfast are scattered across our sunny island - if money is not an issue, swing by a new cafe every week how �??bout that?
Regardless of your taste buds, a hungry man is an angry man. Don�??t be hangry first thing in the morning. Get your brain going with this list of breakfast ideas!