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Gift Your Brand Success: Influencer Marketing in Seasonal Campaigns

Discover three reasons to include influencer marketing in your upcoming seasonal campaigns.

Behind the Pop-Up Buzz: Aroma Truffle's Journey from IG Stories to Sales

Discover the secrets behind Aroma Truffle's success as they combined foot traffic and engaging IG Stories to create a buzz that not only tripled their sales but also achieved impressive conversion rates.

Working with Influencers: The Do's and Don'ts You Need to Know

Whether you're an experienced brand or just starting to work with influencers, we share our top two do's and don'ts when working with influencers today.

Nail Your Influencer Marketing Budget with These 4 Must-Know Considerations

A successful influencer marketing goes beyond just picking the right face–it's about setting a budget strategy that aligns with your brand's goals. Here are 4 key considerations when setting a strategic budget.

3 Assumptions You Made About Influencer Marketing

Dissect and debunk three common assumptions surrounding influencer marketing in this informative article to gain a fresh perspective on this dynamic field. Uncover the realities behind these misconceptions and discover how influencer marketing can truly transform your brand's outreach and impact.

3 Instagram and TikTok Updates You Need to Know (Updated as of August 2023)

Let's look at the top 3 updates from Instagram and TikTok (as of August 2023) and how you can leverage them in your business.

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隱藏字體 IG 限動排版選擇無痛升級!

是不是每天沒發一則限時動態就會渾身不對勁?除了 Instagram 的限時動態提供快速、創意和互動性強的分享方式,能夠更輕鬆、自由地表達自己,同時也獲得即時且私密的互動體驗。因此限時動態受到大家的喜愛和廣泛使用。‍

IG 流量密碼是 ____?這麼熱門音訊你還不抓緊嗎?

目前 Reels 在 Instagram 上有四個曝光版位,分別是「 Instagram 首頁」、「探索頁面」、「 Reels 首頁」和「個人檔案首頁」。這些多樣化的曝光機會為你的影片提供更多被用戶看見的機會。Reels 的優勢之一是它會隨機推播陌生帳號的短影音內容,也意味著只要你發布影片,就有可能被更多人看到,即使你的粉絲數不多,也可以創造比自身粉絲數還高的曝光機會!

台劇大爆發,那些經典 IP 的長尾行銷術


社群垃圾資訊太多?各大平台開始逼大家「Pay」 Attention!

Twitter 和 Meta 的藍勾勾之亂尚未完全平息,Google 的 Gmail 接踵而至,推出了自己的「藍勾勾」驗證標誌,仿佛「藍藍勾時代」已然來臨。 在這個資訊爆炸的數位時代,各大平台希望通過藍勾勾來維護社群的良好環境,然而同時也促使用戶「付費」以集中注意力。在藍勾勾之亂之下,Partipost 正在整理最近各大平台在「藍藍勾時代」所提供的資訊。

真的嗎?IG 預告限時動態要跟 Reels 結合了?

今年是短影音的一年,各大平台都積極更新短影音功能。Instagram 也不斷優化 Reels 的使用與分享方式,根據外媒 SocialMedia Today 報導,現在 Instagram 計畫開放用戶在限時動態中查看不只 15 秒影片,預計可以觀看一分鐘的長度的影片。也強調項功能將有助於加強 Instagram 平台上的觀影體驗,並提高 Reels 的可見度和使用率。


我們是認真的!Partipost 於 2023 年啟動「創作者加速器」專案,邀請社群上當紅的創作者擔任導師,透過一系列課程與規劃,協助年輕創作者們面對「卡關」問題。不管是找尋風格、品牌定位,或是⾯對品牌溝通、實際操作…等,不單只是提⾼「個人曝光」,更希望搭起創作者與品牌之間的友善橋樑,畢竟⾯對「資訊爆量」的快速變化,能創造更多與品牌合作的經驗,共同打造良好的創作者⽣態圈,讓社群優化也是我們的重要任務與目的。
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Exposure, Ini Pengertian dan Manfaatnya bagi Bisnis

Exposure menjadi istilah yang sering didengar dalam dunia bisnis. Memahaminya dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan brand visibility dan menarik perhatian pelanggan.

5 Tanda Kamu Mungkin Terkena Shadow Banned di Media Sosial

Saat terkena shadow banned kamu tidak akan menerima pemberitahuan resmi. Namun, ini lima tanda yang menunjukkan jika akunmu mungkin terkena shadow banned.

Apa Itu Marketing Mix? Kenali Marketing Mix 11P Terbaru!

Marketing mix terus berkembang hingga saat ini terdapat 11 poin yang dikenal dengan 11P. Pahami konsep marketing mix dan buat brand Anda stand out di market.

Jadwal FYP TikTok 2024, Hari dan Jam Posting Terbaik

Mau video kamu masuk FYP TikTok? Ini dia jadwal FYP TikTok 2024 lengkap dengan hari dan jam posting terbaik serta tips agar video kamu masuk ke FYP TikTok.

Apa Itu Campaign? Simak Penjelasannya Lengkapnya di Sini

Campaign merupakan usaha yang dilakukan oleh bisnis untuk mempromosikan produk dan layanan kepada konsumen. Simak penjelasan lengkap seputar campaign di sini.

Cara Efektif Membangun Program Referral bagi Brand

Dapatkan pelanggan baru, tingkatkan penjualan dan loyalitas pelanggan dengan program referral. Pelajari cara jitu membangun program referral di sini!
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9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer

Tìm hiểu những khác biệt cơ bản giữa micro influencer và macro influencer và cách tận dụng từng loại để đạt hiệu quả trong chiến lược marketing influencer tại Việt Nam.

Chiến Lược Marketing Influencer: Khai Thác Macro-Influencer tại Việt Nam

Tìm hiểu cách xây dựng các chiến dịchmarketing thành công bằng cách sử dụng các macro-influencer tại Việt Nam

Hướng Dẫn Chọn Influencer Phù Hợp Cho Thương Hiệu Của Bạn

Hướng dẫn ngắn về cách các công ty có thể xác định và chọn những influencer phù hợp nhất cho thương hiệu và đối tượng mục tiêu của họ.

Thiết lập Mục Tiêu Và KPI Cho Các Chiến Dịch Marketing Sử Dụng Influencers

Marketing sử dụng influencer là một công cụ mạnh mẽ, nhưng để thành công cần có mục tiêu rõ ràng và các chỉ số đo lường. Việc đặt ra các mục tiêu cụ thể, có thể đo lường (như tăng 20% số lần nhắc đến thương hiệu) và theo dõi các KPI (tỷ lệ tương tác, phạm vi tiếp cận) đảm bảo rằng mọi người đều hiểu rõ mục tiêu và giúp tối ưu hóa các chiến dịch để đạt được ROI tốt hơn. Các nền tảng như Partipost có thể giúp đơn giản hóa quá trình này.

Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Lựa Chọn Nào Tốt Nhất Cho Chiến Dịch Marketing Năm 2024 Của Bạn?

Tìm hiểu cách chọn giữa nano và micro-influencers cho chiến lược influencer marketing của bạn vào năm 2024.

5 Cách Để Xây Dựng Quan Hệ Hợp Tác Dài Hạn Với Influencers

Influencers được đặt tên một cách khéo léo vì họ có sức mạnh tác động đến cộng đồng của họ. Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu nuôi dưỡng các mối quan hệ đối tác lâu dài với influencers? Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu tận dụng ảnh hưởng của họ để khiến thương hiệu của mình luôn hiện diện trong tâm trí người tiêu dùng? Hãy đi sâu vào năm chiến lược chính này và thiết lập các mối quan hệ bền vững với influencers có thể nâng cao vị thế của thương hiệu bạn một cách sâu sắc.
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การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ในประเทศไทย: เทรนด์และข้อมูลเชิงลึกปี 2024

ประเทศไทยเป็นประเทศที่มีจำนวนผู้ใช้โซเชียลมีเดียจำนวนมากและเพิ่มขึ้นไทยทุกๆปี ซึ่งช่วยขับเคลื่อนการตลาดดิจิทัลให้เติบโตอย่างรวดเร็ว การตลาดแบบอินฟลูเอนเซอร์ได้กลายเป็นหนึ่งในส่วนที่สำคัญที่สุดในการตลาดดิจิทัล เหล่านี้คือข้อมูลเชิงลึกและแนวโน้มสำคัญในตลาดไทยปี 2567


การเป็นอินฟลูเอนเซอร์บนโซเชียลมีเดียถือเป็นเป้าหมายที่เป็นที่ต้องการอย่างมากในยุคดิจิทัล อินฟลูเอนเซอร์สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็น ซึ่งส่งผลต่อแนวโน้ม และการตัดสินใจซื้อ โดยมักจะได้รับผลตอบแทนทางการเงินจำนวนมากและความพึงพอใจส่วนตัว คำแนะนำทีละขั้นตอนเพื่อช่วยให้คุณเป็นอินฟลูเซอร์บนโซเชียลมีเดียที่ประสบความสำเร็จ

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เป็น Partiposter หน้าใหม่ใช่ไหมละ ? ไม่ต้องกลัวนะถ้ายังไม่รู้จะเริ่มใช้แอปฯ ของเรายังไง วันนี้เราจะมาสอนทุกคนให้เริ่มใช้แอปฯ ของเราให้เก่งสุด ๆ พร้อมสำหรับเริ่มเข้าร่วมแคมเปญแรกทันที มาดูกันเลย
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Resources & Guides

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The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: How TikTok and Instagram Reels are Reshaping Influencer Marketing

In the digital age, short-form video content has become a popular marketing tool for brands. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels offer bite-sized entertainment, capturing interest in 15 to 60 seconds. These videos not only entertain but also build genuine connections with consumers. Influencers are leading the charge in showcasing products and their integration into their everyday lives. Brands can ride the short-form wave by storytelling, partnering with influencers who create content that resonates with their audience. The challenge is keeping up with trends, as platforms thrive on new trends. Brands need to stay agile and collaborate with influencers who can seamlessly blend brand messages into their content while keeping it trendy. Short-form video is transforming influencer marketing by being fast, engaging, and effective.

Setting Goals and KPIs for Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool, but success requires clear goals and measurement. Setting specific, measurable goals (like a 20% increase in brand mentions) and tracking KPIs (engagement rate, reach) ensures everyone's on the same page and helps optimize campaigns for better ROI. Platforms like Partipost can streamline this process.

A Guide to Choosing the Right Influencers for Your Brand

A short guide on how companies can identify and select the most suitable influencers for their brand and target audience.