
The Secret to Becoming A Better Version of Yourself

Partipost TW
October 8, 2019
August 13, 2024

At some point in time, we fall victim to self-doubt and lose ourselves to our surroundings. Take a minute to think about all the times you downplayed your strengths, and beat yourself up over a careless mistake. Mistakes are inevitable but as long as you’re brave enough to admit and correct it, you’re off to a good start. It’s common to want to improve yourself and treat others better. However, it’s good to take a rain check and ensure you’re not neglecting your personal well-being. I’m no expert but here’s my take on how you can become a better you.

Personal hygiene matters

Ever found yourself leaning away from sweaty kids who’ve just ended their sports practice on public transports? It’s human nature to avoid unpleasant smells and be drawn to nice fragrances – hence, the birth of deodorant and perfume. Apart from smelling good, personal hygiene encompasses maintaining the cleanliness of your body and clothing. This means washing your clothes after each wear though they seem “clean”. It could also be as simple as washing your hands with soap after visiting the restroom.

There are various feminine products available in the market. But how many of us actually use them? Just like how there are a variety of shampoos for different purposes, regular body soap can’t be used as a substitute for your lady bits! Regular soap is alkalic and would disrupt the pH level of our nether region which is acidic by nature. Feminine wash on the other hand is in the optimal pH range and would therefore do a better job at cleaning and freshening the area. Ready to experience the difference today? Betadine would like to offer you a chance to try their range of feminine care products!


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Staying clean inside out means less room for viruses and infections, benefiting you and others around you! Plus, when you smell good, you’ll instantly feel good and less self-conscious. *wink*

Find your own style

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but of course, we’re attracted to pretty-looking things and people. In Korea, looking good is a prerequisite to securing a job interview. Thankfully, the Government is trying to change this appearance-based approach of hiring.

There are a ton of videos online about makeup and hair styling ideas. Instead of sticking with one style, experiment and uncover what works for you. Everyone’s skin is a little different; what works for others may not necessarily work for you. For instance, specific colors complement certain skin tones and may wash others out. If you’re unsure of where to begin, seeking advice from the experts is a good stepping stone. It’s as easy as popping by the nearest Sephora to get matched by their team of specialists.

Image: Harper’s Bazaar

Snipping off your long locks or getting a new hair color may be daunting. But take it from someone who has watched countless transformation videos – seek help from a professional and you’ll be in good hands.

Get to the root of the problem

Dealing with persistent acne or hair problems? You’re not alone. To deal with such concerns, our first instinct is to find a home remedy online and scan the web for highly raved products that actually work. There’s nothing wrong with doing your research online but self-treatment is not enough! Regardless of your skin/ hair condition, getting an expert to treat and maintain it is more important than you think. After all, these experts are equipped with the right tools and experience to get to the root of the problem. There’s only so much we can do ourselves. Celebrities look flawless all the time but they do take precautions such as pills and cosmetic procedures to maintain their skin – nothing comes easy.

Searching for a one-stop place to deal with all your beauty concerns? From professional hair to beauty and nail services, there’s bound to be a solution for you at Euro Sense!



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With the rise of social media comes the pressure to look good at all times. The question is how far are you willing to go to look better? There’s no shame in turning to cosmetic procedures if you’re willing to take the risk. Unfortunately, if your threshold for pain is low, working out is your best option. Aside from looking good, leading an active lifestyle is paramount in keeping you in the pink of health. In addition, you’ll start developing better stamina and physique. I would imagine that you’d feel stronger and more confident strutting your way around town.

Laziness and “lack of time” really shouldn’t be an excuse. There are people who wake up earlier to run and swim before heading to work. It’s commendable but definitely not for me. If you can relate, you’ll be pleased to know that taking a few minutes out to workout at home works too (there are plenty of tutorials online). Baby steps they say! If not today then when?

Stay true to yourself

Whatever you do, people are either going to agree or disagree with you. Since it’s impossible to please everyone, why not prioritize your happiness and live your best life? It’s normal to seek validation from others, especially those you’re trying to impress. But never let that get to your head. Be your #1 fan and give yourself a pep talk every morning if that’s what you need. Accepting yourself for who you are is so important!!

A study proved that being authentic and true to yourself does lead to a happier you. With that, don’t feel obliged to attend that gathering this weekend if you’d much rather stay in. You may lose some friends along the way but that just sieves out the ones worth keeping.

It’s cliche but at the end of the day, those who mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind. Choose your battles wisely!