
5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Job Interview

Abigail John
July 6, 2022
August 13, 2024

Congratulations, you secured a job interview! What’s next? 

Ace it like a pro! Interviews are intimidating but with proper research and facts ready at the back of your mind and some practice, you’ll be able to ace the interview. You would’ve come across multiple versions of interview do’s and don’ts from the internet and here are some unforeseen blunders to avoid during the interview.

Practice and prepare, especially if you are someone who lacks confidence and is struggling to land a job!

Now, let's crush that job interview 💪

#1 Criticizing past employers

Criticizing your past employers or colleagues is a NO-NO, even to the slightest. It gives out a bad impression because you are drawing negative aspects of your past company to potential employers. The interviewers would likely question what you would say about them in similar circumstances, thus, blowing off the chances of succeeding in an interview. 

Be diplomatic regardless of the reason you are leaving your past or current employment. Convert your complaints to positive steps you could take to overcome them.

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#2 Not asking questions

"Do you have any questions for us?"

Well, it is easier to just say no and end the interview as soon as possible. Truth is, it's never a good idea to say no. Let's be practical, when we are interested in something, we would think of prospective questions and how it would benefit us personally. Likewise, asking a couple of relevant questions shows your interest in the role.

Seize the chance to ask about progression opportunities, the company's vision and what do they expect from the role. Refrain from asking basic questions like what the company does, as you are expected to do prior research. Prepare at least two to three questions before the interview.

#3 Communicating too casually

Ever encountered a panel of friendly recruiters? You're lucky if you did!

It isn't always common to come across friendly interviewers and that doesn't mean we can bend our ways to be too casual in an interview. Using a friendly tone is nice, however, we get limited time with the interviewer. Hence, it is safe to stay focused, converse in a professional manner and remember to maintain a good posture as you speak.

#4 Overestimating your abilities

"But shouldn't I be speaking about myself?"

Indeed! This is the time to speak about your accomplishments, describe your talents and qualifications. However, do not sell yourself too aggressively, it can be perceived as bragging. Instead, provide advantageous and objective information about your professional life and how it would benefit the company.

#5 Being long winded

While you have the urge to take your time to answer their questions, remember that the longer you take, it decreases their concentration on you. Communicate with clarity, construct your sentences to be crisp and clear. Always take a minute to think and answer and weigh your words well. They are likely to be assessing your communication skills as well.

Hope you learnt a thing or two from this article! Know anyone who is attending an interview soon? Share these facts with them and follow us on Instagram for more interesting tips!