
3 Uncommon Routes To Take After Graduation

Abigail John
August 17, 2022
August 13, 2024

Graduated but can’t decide on the next steps?

A majority of graduates would usually consider joining the workforce post graduation but here are some routes for the minority of those who haven’t figured out what to do after graduation.

#1 Take a gap year to travel or work on your hobbies

That many years of studies, deadlines and exams surely calls for some vacation and relaxation. Taking a gap year right after graduation is often misunderstood to reflect bad on CVs. A survey conducted by Hostelworld proved that more than 80% of employers feel that traveling makes job candidates more employable.

Traveling boosts your self esteem, improves your decision making skills, and most importantly a great exposure by understanding the diverse culture. Whether it is a short holiday or an extended one, you’re making a great choice.

Not into traveling? Fret not, work on the hobbies and interests you’ve missed while studying. It helps us be more productive, focused and better able to handle difficult situations.

#2 Consider self employment

Setting up your own company requires a lot of confidence, tenacity and business acumen. If your final year project has good commercial potential, you might want to consider putting your entrepreneurial skills to work. Assess your skills and put your best foot forward!

#3 Confused about career after graduation?

Consider a professional career talk session. The main objective of career talks is usually to provide you with the knowledge to pursue the career path that resonates with you.

🤩 Attend a 1-1 career talk session with Nicholas Toon 🤩

Hope you’ve taken the time to consider these strategies as you decide on the next steps of life! Follow us on Instagram for more interesting tips.