
Partipost Edition: Key Influencer Marketing Trends and Takeaways from 2023

Bryan Koh
December 5, 2023

In a glimpse of an eye, 2023 is coming to an end as we excitingly (and unknowingly) welcome the year 2024 in a few weeks.

Over the last 12 months, we've worked with countless brands in various industries–locally and regionally–and developed many creative campaigns to achieve our client's marketing goals. 

Whether it was increasing brand awareness, achieving sales targets or gaining brand loyalty, you name it, we've done it–alongside the help of social media influencers, from nano to celebrity influencers.

In this article, let's reflect on the roots of influencer marketing, the landscape today, a short recap on tiers of influencers, and, most importantly, uncover the most prevalent trends in 2023.

Next week, we’ll share our predictions for the influencer marketing terrain of 2024. 

This 2-part series is also a summary of our recent webinar titled, “Influencer Marketing Guide: Reflecting on 2023 & Anticipating 2024 Trends.”

How influencer marketing has grown to date

When you think of influencer marketing, the image that likely comes to mind is a major celebrity or a prominent company collaborating with a single influencer for a campaign. 

While influencer marketing initially revolved around macro and celebrity figures, its landscape has evolved, witnessing a significant surge in micro and nano influencers.

What was once dominated by pay-per-posts and isolated ad campaigns has shifted significantly towards the impactful realm of word-of-mouth marketing, driven by "everyday influencers"–individuals like you and me.

At Partipost, we actively navigate this dynamic landscape, strategically harnessing the strengths of various social platforms, influencer tiers, and campaign mechanics. Our goal is to effectively tailor campaigns, ensuring seamless alignment with industry dynamics, brand objectives, and the ever-evolving concepts of creative and relatable campaigns.

We also partner with influencers of different tiers, appreciating the benefits each tier offers. Whether pursuing brand visibility with macro or celebrity influencers or aiming for cost-effective high engagement with nano-influencers, we adeptly leverage their strengths when aligning with clients and their objectives.

We realised that one effective strategy is a harmonious blend of different influencer tiers within a single campaign.

Now, let's dive into the year's trends and takeaways, Partipost edition, drawn from industry reports, client discussions, and our own campaigns.

Influencer marketing trends and takeaways in 2023

1. Using social media as a search engine

When was the last time you scrolled on Instagram or TikTok to explore your next travel destination or read reviews before purchasing?

In the digital age, the way we seek information is evolving, with social media becoming a primary source for exploration. When venturing to new destinations, traditional search engines may guide us to famous landmarks, but the real treasures lie in the local gems—a cosy bookstore or a tucked-away café. Platforms like TikTok and Lemon8 have emerged as unconventional search engines for travel, offering a visual feast through pictures, videos, and personal reviews. 

Users get to uncover hidden gems, avoid overhyped spots, and find unique experiences through the eyes of fellow travellers. Beyond travel, TikTok and Lemon8 are versatile search engines for topics ranging from beauty and fashion to career insights.

What this means:

Users increasingly rely on authentic content from influencers to discover unique experiences and make informed decisions, making these platforms essential for brands to engage with their audience and tap into the power of user-generated content.

2. Leveraging on the convenience and effectiveness of live streams

Live streaming has rapidly gained traction, providing brands a unique opportunity to cultivate closer relationships with their audiences and instil greater trust. 

Live streams offer a window into "behind-the-scenes" aspects of your business, allowing customers to connect more deeply through interactive Q&A sessions and insightful webinars. Moreover, this medium facilitates a more personalised interaction with your audience through the immersive nature of video messaging. 

By embracing live streaming, brands can not only showcase authenticity, but also enhance engagement by bringing a human touch to their online presence.

What this means:

By integrating live streams, brands and influencers can achieve elevated engagement and viewership, all from the convenience of their environment. It has the potential to draw a broader audience and enhances the human element of their brand identity.

3. The return of physical events

Since the emergence of COVID-19, many brands and businesses have stopped having physical events. 

However, we noticed the return to hosting in-person events in 2023, making it a pivotal strategy for businesses aiming to establish meaningful connections with customers and enhance brand awareness. 

From setting up engaging pop-up shops to sponsoring prominent trade shows and participating in industry conferences, the avenues for creatively integrating this proven marketing strategy into one's business are diverse and promising. 

As the world gradually resumes face-to-face interactions, embracing these real-world opportunities becomes a powerful means to leave a lasting impact on your audience and foster authentic connections.

What this means:

This return to face-to-face interactions reflects a strategic move to leave a lasting impact and strengthen brand-consumer relationships, showcasing a trend where influencers play a vital role in bridging the offline and online connection.

4. User-Generated Content (UGC) is here to stay

Unlocking the potential of User-Generated Content (UGC) has proven to be a highly effective strategy when targeting Generation Z. 

This approach enables brands to harness authentic opinions and recommendations of their consumers, fostering trust and credibility within the younger demographic. 

Collaborating with social influencers or encouraging customers to generate and share product reviews, testimonials, photos, or videos is a dynamic way to engage Gen Z. 

In the era of the creator economy, valued at an estimated $104 billion in 2022, staying attuned to content marketing trends is essential for brands seeking to resonate with this demographic.

What this means:

Brands that can confidently tap into the authentic opinions of consumers, either through social influencers or direct engagement, not only build trust among Generation Z but will win the hearts and buying power of many consumers.

5. The effectiveness of long-term partnerships between brands and influencers

Establishing long-term partnerships is a strategic approach to crafting a consistent brand message. 

Instead of opting for short-lived or one-off collaborations, working with brands over an extended duration becomes a key trend. This enduring commitment fosters a deeper understanding of the brand's values and objectives, allowing influencers to convey a more cohesive and resonant message to their audience. 

As influencers consistently align themselves with a particular brand, their audience is more likely to perceive the partnership as genuine, fostering a sense of loyalty and reliability. This loyalty, in turn, can lead to increased engagement and eventually, a higher ROI.

What this means:

The shift towards long-term partnerships signifies a move beyond transient engagements, emphasising sustained and impactful relationships between influencers and brands.

The takeaway

From the growing reliance on social media as a search engine to the resurgence of physical events, brands navigated diverse strategies to connect with audiences. Live streaming emerged as a powerful tool, offering a personalised and authentic touch, while the sustained rise of User-Generated Content (UGC) and long-term partnerships underscored the importance of authenticity, trust, and enduring connections. 

As influencers played a pivotal role in bridging the offline and online realms, these trends highlight the imperative for brands to adapt, engage, and resonate with their audience through innovative and enduring influencer strategies, especially in the last year.

Stay tuned for our insights on the upcoming trends in influencer marketing for 2024—coming your way next week!