If you�??re reading this now, you�??re probably just as clueless as me in the realm of photography. Is my subpar photography skills going to stop me from snapping fun moments? Nope. But if there�??s a 10% chance of becoming a better photographer (without the fancy filters I�??ve become accustomed to), I�??m all for it.
Photography tips and tricks are aplenty but are they really beginner-friendly? Let�??s find out!
Natural lighting
Deep down, you and I both know this. But as always, it�??s easier said than done. Before whipping out your camera, look around and check that you have good lighting. Better yet, take your photos in the day with natural lighting for the best outcome.?�
According to Format, the best timings for outdoor photography are during the Golden Hour (right after sunrise and before sunset), mid-morning and afternoon, as well as the Blue Hour (right before sunrise, and shortly after sunset - the opposite of Golden Hour).?�
The goal here is to stay away from harsh lighting. As someone with apparent eye bags, I can vouch that natural lighting is the way to go - it doesn�??t highlight your flaws. Instead, it gives you a nice #nofilter filter and blankets any physical insecurities you may have. Furthermore, natural lighting doesn�??t require adjustment every few seconds and creates a warm, airy effect worthy of an IG feature.
To prove my point, here are 2 photos for comparison - one taken in the day, and the other at night.

Image: neelieoh

Image: neelieoh
Unless you have some sort of lighting equipment, photos taken without natural lighting or at night in this case, are generally grainy and blurry. It�??s no surprise which picture made it to her Instagram feed! ????
Tip: Natural lighting is great for any photo and occasion.
Portrait Mode
While photography apps are easily accessible, it�??s good to go back to your roots every once in awhile and use your phone�??s camera as it is. Portrait Mode (or "Live Focus" on Android), an effect which allows you to focus on your subject while blurring the background, is arguably my favorite camera function. No talent at photography? No problem. Photos taken in Portrait Mode often turn out decent - the settings are preset after all.?�
Accessing Portrait Mode:
- Open your phone�??s camera app
- Swipe to the Portrait Mode Setting
- Check that you�??ve got your subject in the frame
- Follow the prompts e.g. �??Move farther away�?�. To get the most out of this function, you�??d have to stay within 1 to 1.5 meters of your subject.
Back when I switched sides from Apple to Android, I mourned the loss of my Portrait Mode but thankfully, most, if not all Android phones are equipped with this function today. Are you an Android user? Click here for the list of Android phones with Portrait Mode.
To put things into perspective, here�??s what your phone�??s in-built Portrait Mode is capable of:

Evidently, without the Portrait Mode, the same photo looks cluttered and uninteresting.

Tip: Portrait Mode is great for food and portrait shots. Literally stand out from the crowd with this function!
Edit, Edit, Edit!
There�??s been debate over touching up photos, especially in the Beauty industry where everyone�??s all about flawless skin. However, a little editing doesn�??t hurt. It�??s human nature to be drawn towards pretty things. You can easily edit your height or face with various apps in the market but we�??ll save that topic for another day.?�
Photos taken in natural lighting have the best results but if you�??re indoors or simply want to make your picture more appealing, there�??s no shame in editing. As a matter of fact, most influencers are great at photo editing and are more than willing to share how they do it! Sophie Willocq is a prime example - she has a series of IG stories labelled �??Photo Editing�?�?� dedicated to her photo edits done via mobile apps.
I�??m no expert at photo editing but a little editing makes a pretty big difference. Many influencers have been raving about Lightroom and so, I tried my hand at adjusting the Shadow, Blacks, Vibrance and the Color Mix to brighten my photo and make the colors of the house pop. If I can achieve this much in less than 5 minutes, you can definitely do better! The trick is to play around with the different functions until you�??re happy with the final product.

Tip: Some free photo editing apps we recommend are Snapseed, Adobe Lightroom, Afterlight and VSCO. Check out other cool ones here!
Timer shots
If you�??ve been following us closely on Instagram, this tip would be familiar to you because we�??ve featured it in our series of #PartipostPhotoTips! Yes, we do share photo and IG story tips from time to time so hit the follow button!
The last tip we�??ll be putting to the test is Timer shots. This is going to save you time since you won�??t have to wait around for a passerby to help you with your #OOTD! All you need is a tripod and your phone but let�??s be real, we won�??t have a tripod on us 24/7. If so, improvise!?�
Improvise - that�??s precisely what my friends and I did. From bags to towels, we used whatever we could get our hands on at the beach.

Tip: Experiment with different angles and poses. If you�??re taking a full body shot, ensure that your feet meet perfectly at the bottom of your screen to make you look taller!
Now that you�??ve learnt a trick or two, it�??s time to apply it. Join a campaign of your choice today and get snappin�??!
Bonus tip: Here�??s how to maximize your chances of approval for campaigns - brands generally welcome bright, creative and clear pictures. If that isn�??t enough to motivate you, some campaigns offer additional payout for the top few photo content so keep your eyes peeled. With that, we challenge you to step up your IG game and take us by surprise! ????