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5 Steps to Make Your FMCG Brand Stand Out Using Influencers in Singapore

Learn why influencers bring greater engagement, trust, and cost-effectiveness for food and beverage brands aiming for impactful marketing.

7 Proven Strategies for E-Commerce Brands in Singapore to Leverage Influencer Marketing

Find out how influencer marketing can help you reach new heights with your e-commerce business in Singapore.

Unlocking Sales with Influencers in Singapore’s Festive Season

Boost your brand's festive campaigns through the power of influencer marketing—here’s how brands like Starbucks and ZALORA did it!

How to Leverage Influencer Marketing for E-Commerce Success in Singapore

Discover how e-commerce brands in Singapore are using influencer marketing to boost sales and build trust.

Singapore’s Holiday Season: Crafting the Ideal Influencer Marketing Campaign

Learn how to craft the ideal influencer marketing campaign for Singapore’s holiday season.

5 Key Considerations for Leveraging Influencer Marketing During National Days in Singapore

Create impactful campaigns for Singapore’s National Day celebrations with influencer marketing. Learn the strategies that resonate deeply with local audiences.

Influencer Marketing Strategies for Singapore’s Festive Seasons

Discover how brands in Singapore can leverage influencer marketing to create impactful holiday campaigns.

9 Considerations When Choosing Between Micro and Macro-Influencers in Singapore

Learn the essential differences between micro and macro-influencers and how to leverage each for effective influencer marketing in Singapore.

Influencer Marketing Strategies: Tapping into Macro-Influencers in Singapore

Learn how to craft successful influencer marketing campaigns using macro-influencers in the Singapore market.

Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Which is Best for Your 2024 Marketing Campaign?

Learn how to choose between nano and micro-influencers for your influencer marketing strategy in 2024.

Why Micro-Influencers Are Key to Successful Marketing Campaigns

Learn why micro-influencers are essential for successful marketing strategies, offering cost-effective and targeted reach.

Introducing our Partipost Communities and How to Join Them

Join Partipost’s thriving communities and connect with peers across various interests and life stages. Find out which community fits you and how to sign up.

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Partipost 與鹿人與泥鰍限定聯名《社群大亂鬥 PartiLand》桌遊!一起體驗社群生態!

社群生態總是五花八門,各種新鮮事隨時都有。Partipost 與知名插畫家鹿人與泥鰍(@twodeerman)推出限量聯名桌遊 《社群大亂鬥 PartiLand》,其結合的插畫家獨特風格與 Partipost 的社群理念,希望透過遊戲般趣味的方式,讓所有想要成為社群創作者的網友,輕鬆體驗社群網紅的種種生態。‍《社群大亂鬥 PartiLand》是款以交流為主的機制陣營互動遊戲。一場遊戲會耗費約 15 至 40 分鐘,不過你很有可能⼀玩就接連玩上好幾場,現在就讓我們開始吧!



中山新地標!Partipost 新辦公空間,沒看過哪麼愛打卡的公司?

2017 年 Partipost 從一張辦公桌開始,與創作者們和品牌攜手合作,完成各式各樣的活動,感謝大家一路的支持,讓我們可以大膽追求更創新的方式,與多元的社群創作者合作。‍2023 年 Partipost 終於在台北市中山站打造全新的辦公空間,期待與所有夥伴共同創造更友善的社群創作環境。

IG 執行長公開流量密碼,新演算法原來是這樣!

近日 Instagram 負責人 Adam Mosseri 親自分享影片和官方部落格文章,重新解釋各版位,包括「動態消息」、「限時動態」、「連續短片」、「探索頁面」的演算法依據。目的是為了讓創作者與品牌更了解 Instagram 目前的各個版位背後的運作機制,日後可以嘗試其建議並有效做出社群經營,藉此提升更好的成效。

請收藏!5 種常見情境應用,讓 Facebook 也能玩創意互動貼文!

根據統計每人平均一天使用 33 分鐘在 Facebook,比起與朋友互動,更多時間更像是漫無目的的在 FB 上閒逛,看看有沒有吸引自己的內容。當人們在閒逛的 33 分鐘裡大約會接觸那麼多品牌,對於品牌貼文、廣告大多都是過目即忘。

從番茄醬到全球餐桌的百年經典品牌 - Heinz

你曾經看過一則廣告,廣告名為「畫出你心中的番茄醬」 (Heinz Draw Ketchup),邀請來自各國的消費者畫出心目中的番茄醬,沒想到每位畫出的成品共通點都是 Heinz(亨氏番茄醬),可見 Heinz 在消費者中的地位,同時也成功讓 Heinz 獲得 2021 年 Mobius Awards 表揚作品。

隱藏字體 IG 限動排版選擇無痛升級!

是不是每天沒發一則限時動態就會渾身不對勁?除了 Instagram 的限時動態提供快速、創意和互動性強的分享方式,能夠更輕鬆、自由地表達自己,同時也獲得即時且私密的互動體驗。因此限時動態受到大家的喜愛和廣泛使用。‍

IG 流量密碼是 ____?這麼熱門音訊你還不抓緊嗎?

目前 Reels 在 Instagram 上有四個曝光版位,分別是「 Instagram 首頁」、「探索頁面」、「 Reels 首頁」和「個人檔案首頁」。這些多樣化的曝光機會為你的影片提供更多被用戶看見的機會。Reels 的優勢之一是它會隨機推播陌生帳號的短影音內容,也意味著只要你發布影片,就有可能被更多人看到,即使你的粉絲數不多,也可以創造比自身粉絲數還高的曝光機會!

台劇大爆發,那些經典 IP 的長尾行銷術


社群垃圾資訊太多?各大平台開始逼大家「Pay」 Attention!

Twitter 和 Meta 的藍勾勾之亂尚未完全平息,Google 的 Gmail 接踵而至,推出了自己的「藍勾勾」驗證標誌,仿佛「藍藍勾時代」已然來臨。 在這個資訊爆炸的數位時代,各大平台希望通過藍勾勾來維護社群的良好環境,然而同時也促使用戶「付費」以集中注意力。在藍勾勾之亂之下,Partipost 正在整理最近各大平台在「藍藍勾時代」所提供的資訊。

真的嗎?IG 預告限時動態要跟 Reels 結合了?

今年是短影音的一年,各大平台都積極更新短影音功能。Instagram 也不斷優化 Reels 的使用與分享方式,根據外媒 SocialMedia Today 報導,現在 Instagram 計畫開放用戶在限時動態中查看不只 15 秒影片,預計可以觀看一分鐘的長度的影片。也強調項功能將有助於加強 Instagram 平台上的觀影體驗,並提高 Reels 的可見度和使用率。


我們是認真的!Partipost 於 2023 年啟動「創作者加速器」專案,邀請社群上當紅的創作者擔任導師,透過一系列課程與規劃,協助年輕創作者們面對「卡關」問題。不管是找尋風格、品牌定位,或是⾯對品牌溝通、實際操作…等,不單只是提⾼「個人曝光」,更希望搭起創作者與品牌之間的友善橋樑,畢竟⾯對「資訊爆量」的快速變化,能創造更多與品牌合作的經驗,共同打造良好的創作者⽣態圈,讓社群優化也是我們的重要任務與目的。

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5 Bước Đưa Thương Hiệu FMCG Vượt Trội Với Influencer Tại Việt Nam

Làm thế nào để thương hiệu FMCG nổi bật với influencer marketing tại Việt Nam? Influencer marketing đang trở thành công cụ quan trọng giúp các thương hiệu FMCG, đặc biệt trong ngành F&B, thu hút khách hàng và xây dựng lòng trung thành. Bài viết chia sẻ 5 bước để tối ưu chiến lược này: bắt đầu với việc xây dựng nhận diện thương hiệu thông qua nano hoặc micro-influencers; tạo niềm tin bằng nội dung giáo dục; mở rộng chiến lược qua nhiều nền tảng như TikTok, Instagram; tận dụng mùa chi tiêu cao điểm cuối năm; và sử dụng nano, micro-influencers để đạt hiệu quả chi phí. Mỗi bước đều giúp thương hiệu tiếp cận khách hàng một cách tự nhiên và chân thực, tạo lợi thế trong thị trường cạnh tranh.

9 Yếu Tố Cần Xem Xét Khi Chọn Giữa Micro Influencer và Macro Influencer

Tìm hiểu những khác biệt cơ bản giữa micro influencer và macro influencer và cách tận dụng từng loại để đạt hiệu quả trong chiến lược marketing influencer tại Việt Nam.

Chiến Lược Marketing Influencer: Khai Thác Macro-Influencer tại Việt Nam

Tìm hiểu cách xây dựng các chiến dịchmarketing thành công bằng cách sử dụng các macro-influencer tại Việt Nam

Hướng Dẫn Chọn Influencer Phù Hợp Cho Thương Hiệu Của Bạn

Hướng dẫn ngắn về cách các công ty có thể xác định và chọn những influencer phù hợp nhất cho thương hiệu và đối tượng mục tiêu của họ.

Thiết lập Mục Tiêu Và KPI Cho Các Chiến Dịch Marketing Sử Dụng Influencers

Marketing sử dụng influencer là một công cụ mạnh mẽ, nhưng để thành công cần có mục tiêu rõ ràng và các chỉ số đo lường. Việc đặt ra các mục tiêu cụ thể, có thể đo lường (như tăng 20% số lần nhắc đến thương hiệu) và theo dõi các KPI (tỷ lệ tương tác, phạm vi tiếp cận) đảm bảo rằng mọi người đều hiểu rõ mục tiêu và giúp tối ưu hóa các chiến dịch để đạt được ROI tốt hơn. Các nền tảng như Partipost có thể giúp đơn giản hóa quá trình này.

Nano-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers: Lựa Chọn Nào Tốt Nhất Cho Chiến Dịch Marketing Năm 2024 Của Bạn?

Tìm hiểu cách chọn giữa nano và micro-influencers cho chiến lược influencer marketing của bạn vào năm 2024.

5 Cách Để Xây Dựng Quan Hệ Hợp Tác Dài Hạn Với Influencers

Influencers được đặt tên một cách khéo léo vì họ có sức mạnh tác động đến cộng đồng của họ. Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu nuôi dưỡng các mối quan hệ đối tác lâu dài với influencers? Làm thế nào để các thương hiệu tận dụng ảnh hưởng của họ để khiến thương hiệu của mình luôn hiện diện trong tâm trí người tiêu dùng? Hãy đi sâu vào năm chiến lược chính này và thiết lập các mối quan hệ bền vững với influencers có thể nâng cao vị thế của thương hiệu bạn một cách sâu sắc.

3 Mẹo Thu Hút Influencers Tham Gia Chiến Dịch Của Bạn

Khám Phá 3 Chiến Lược Để Thu Hút Influencers Cho Chiến Dịch Của Bạn, Hoàn Chỉnh Với Những Ưu Điểm Và Thách Thức Của Từng Phương Pháp.

Community Marketing : Cách Bắt đầu và Tại sao Lại Quan trọng

Khám phá những yếu tố cần thiết của Community Marketing, tìm hiểu tầm quan trọng của nó đối với các thương hiệu và nhận các chiến lược thực tế để xây dựng một cộng đồng thúc đẩy sự trung thành và tăng trưởng.

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How brands can optimize word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age���

How brands can optimize word-of-mouth marketing in the digital age���

Though it�??s undoubtedly been around for years, the power of influencer marketing is still growing stronger than ever, especially as its power shifts more towards smaller, niche communities and organic, authentic content.
Partipost Malaysia shares tips for brands on running efficient influencer campaigns���

Partipost Malaysia shares tips for brands on running efficient influencer campaigns���

Last Thursday, June 30th, members of the Partipost Malaysia team sat together to talk all things influencer marketing, as well as the best practices brands can pick up from previous campaigns and recommendations on how to generate real results from influencers.
Survey: Instagram remains most used social media platform among influencers���

Survey: Instagram remains most used social media platform among influencers���

While the past few months have seen the atmospheric rise of video-centered social media platforms such as TikTok, it seems the reign of Instagram isn�??t slowing down anytime soon.
Learn how you can optimize influencer marketing to reach your brand�??s goals! ????���

Learn how you can optimize influencer marketing to reach your brand�??s goals! ????���

This June 30th at 10:30am, the Partipost Malaysia team is coming together for a one-time online event just for brands on all things influencer marketing and how it can best be optimized for each marketing strategy�??and you�??re invited!
Partipost talks social media marketing and content creation with Asma�?? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot ???񋨬

Partipost talks social media marketing and content creation with Asma�?? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot ???񋨬

When it comes to social media marketing and building a brand presence, it can be a tricky road to navigate�??which is why it�??s best to turn to the trailblazers in the game who have found the right strategies that have led their brands to success!
How to apply influencer marketing into the AIDA marketing model���

How to apply influencer marketing into the AIDA marketing model���

Here are some effective strategies on how you can implement influencer marketing into each stage of the AIDA marketing model and convert your audience into loyal customers.
Save the date: ?? Asma? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot are joining Partipost for a webinar on social media marketing this June 15th!

Save the date: ?? Asma? Nasaruddin of Gigi and Helen Tan of Doublewoot are joining Partipost for a webinar on social media marketing this June 15th!

On June 15th, Asma�?? and Helen are joining Partipost via Streamyard to discuss all things social media marketing!

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How Nano & Micro Influencers Are Driving 3x More Engagement—And How Your Brand Can Benefit

Nano and micro influencers are generating up to 3x more engagement than their larger counterparts in the world of influencer marketing. These influencers have unique advantages such as authenticity and trust, as they cultivate stronger personal connections with their audience. Their recommendations feel more relatable and trustworthy, making their content more relatable and trustworthy. Nano influencers achieve engagement rates of 7-10%, compared to 1-13% seen in macro influencers, and see 60% more engagement than macro influencers on average. This high engagement leads to more conversions for brands. Nano and micro influencers provide raw, unfiltered content that resonates with their audience, building trust, cost-effective collaboration, hyper-targeted audiences, and increased credibility. To leverage these influencers, brands should analyze engagement, audience demographics, and content style, encourage long-term partnerships, give creative freedom, and track engagement, website clicks, and conversions to assess campaign effectiveness. By shifting focus from follower count to real engagement, brands can drive higher ROI, stronger brand loyalty, and more sales.

Mastering TikTok’s Algorithm for Small Business Success

TikTok has revolutionized content discovery for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with its unique algorithm, which considers user interactions, video information, and device settings. By understanding the algorithm and crafting trending, SEO-friendly content, SMEs can reach massive audiences without hefty advertising budgets. To stay relevant, SMEs should adapt trends to their brand, monitor trends early, and use SEO-friendly captions. Tips for crafting SEO-friendly captions include using keywords naturally, being direct, and pairing them with hashtags. Utilizing TikTok SEO for long-term visibility ensures content remains discoverable long after posting. To succeed on TikTok, SMEs should post consistently, engage authentically, experiment with video lengths, and use analytics to reveal which content resonates most with their audience. A well-crafted TikTok strategy can increase brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, and boost sales. By mastering the algorithm, jumping on trends, and optimizing captions for SEO, SMEs can thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Maximizing Reach on YouTube Shorts: An Opportunity for Brands

YouTube Shorts is a platform that offers brands a unique opportunity to connect with younger audiences and drive discovery and engagement with longer-form content. With over 2 billion monthly logged-in users, YouTube Shorts is a global powerhouse for video content, making it an ideal platform for brands looking to expand their reach. It acts as a gateway, linking viewers to longer, more in-depth videos on a brand's channel. Gen Z, who spends an average of 67 minutes per day consuming short-form video content, aligns perfectly with the Shorts format, demanding brevity, creativity, and impact. Benefits of YouTube Shorts for brands include enhanced discoverability, cost-effective content creation, boosting engagement and retention, and driving traffic to longer videos. To succeed on YouTube Shorts, brands should stay trendy, prioritize authenticity, use strong CTAs, and leverage hashtags and titles. By staying updated on viral trends and incorporating authentic content, brands can effectively engage Gen Z and drive their reach.

Beyond Visuals: Subtle Branding Tactics for Small Businesses on Instagram

Small businesses must strike a balance between a personal touch and a professional presence in the crowded Instagram market to appeal to customers who value genuineness over pushy sales techniques. Today's consumers prefer authenticity over hard-sell strategies, so subtle branding is a great method to connect with them. Small businesses can master subtle branding by emphasizing visual identity consistency, using storytelling instead of sales pitches, integrating branding into everyday contexts, interacting with real influencers, concentrating on value-driven content, strategically using Instagram Highlights, and adopting minimalist captioning.

PartiStars Batch 2 Timeless Magic of Christmas at Enchanted Kingdom's Christmas Lighting Event

Partipost launched the second batch of PartiStars during Enchanted Kingdom's Enchanted Christmas Lighting and Grand Parol Lighting event, titled "Timeless Magic of Christmas." The curated group of nano and micro-influencers, handpicked for their creativity, authenticity, and ability to connect with audiences, were tapped to champion brands and campaigns. The launch was spectacular, with Enchanted Kingdom (EK) serving as the perfect backdrop. The event featured the Enchanted Christmas Lighting and Grand Parol Lighting ceremony, a heartwarming tradition at the park. PartiStars created engaging content, capturing the essence of the holidays and sharing it with their followers. Partipost's PartiStars initiative highlights the power of authentic storytelling in influencer marketing and highlights the importance of Filipino holiday traditions. As PartiStars continue their journey, they are set to collaborate with diverse brands across industries, empowering them to shine and make an impact in the digital space.

The Power of Video: A Guide for SMEs to Increase Engagement on Instagram and TikTok

Short-form video content on platforms like Instagram and TikTok is increasingly popular among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as it is easy to consume and more engaging than traditional content. These videos, typically under 60 seconds, have higher engagement rates compared to traditional posts, making them a cost-effective way to engage potential customers. To create impactful videos on a budget, start with a story, leverage authenticity, experiment with trending sounds and hashtags, use built-in editing tools, hook the audience within the first few seconds, and encourage interaction. By embracing short-form video on these platforms, SMEs can connect with audiences in a personal and impactful way, allowing them to build a robust online presence, engage customers, and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Authenticity in 2024: How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Genuine Influencer Partnerships

Values alignment is essential for authenticity, as followers are quick to notice when a partnership feels forced. Long-term relationships allow influencers to integrate the brand into their lives, making endorsements more believable. Creative freedom allows influencers to interpret a brand's message in a way that resonates with their audience, making the partnership more relatable and engaging. Real-life stories and testimonials are more relatable to consumers, making them more likely to become repeat buyers and recommend the brand. By embracing authenticity and leveraging influencer partnerships, small businesses can create a lasting impact in 2024.

Partipost's Dynamic Engagement with University Events

Partipost has been actively involved in university events, connecting with students and promoting the potential of influencer marketing. At the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Manila's Freshie Orientation, Partipost provided students with insights into influencer marketing through its platform. At the University of Caloocan City—North Campus, Partipost showcased its platform for students to grow as influencers. These engagements demonstrate Partipost's commitment to fostering growth and professional development in young students, inspiring them to think creatively, embrace digital innovation, and seek avenues for personal and professional development.

Leveraging Facebook Community Engagement for SME Growth in 2024

In 2024, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have the opportunity to connect with customers and build lasting relationships through Facebook's community groups and niche networks. These platforms can enhance brand credibility, foster customer engagement, and build trust with local audiences. SMEs can build credibility through niche communities, where they can share insights about their products or services, aligning with their target audience. Creating interactive content within Facebook communities can significantly boost engagement levels, as algorithms prioritize posts that encourage interaction. For example, a small catering business could host live cooking demos in food lover groups or offer quick recipe tips and meal-prep ideas. Hosting giveaways or contests exclusively for community members can help foster a loyal audience base and generate buzz. Showing authenticity in Facebook communities allows SMEs to emphasize their operations, values, and team culture, fostering a sense of connection between the brand and its customers. Responding to customer questions, reviews, and complaints in an honest and timely manner builds credibility and strengthens customer loyalty. Cultivating brand advocates from engaged customers is another strategy for SMEs. By encouraging satisfied customers to share their stories, reviews, or photos of using the brand's products or services in dedicated Facebook groups, SMEs can nurture lasting relationships and turn their community members into powerful promoters. Keeping up with Facebook's community and algorithm changes is crucial for SMEs to stay relevant and effective. By focusing on building relationships within these groups rather than simply promoting products, SMEs can create a supportive environment where their audience feels valued and engaged.

How Big Brands Can Harness Nano Influencers for Maximum Impact

Big brands are increasingly using nano influencers to expand their reach and build genuine connections with their audiences. These influencers, typically with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, offer a unique blend of authenticity and engagement, making them valuable in a crowded marketplace. To effectively leverage nano influencers, brands should identify the right influencers, focus on authenticity and relationship building, create co-created content, leverage micro-communities, utilize local and hyper-local influencers, measure and optimize campaign performance, foster long-term partnerships, encourage user-generated content, offer exclusive incentives, and leverage influencer networks. Nano influencers have a more niche and engaged audience, making them more relatable and authentic than macro influencers. By engaging with influencers personally, understanding their content style, and collaborating on campaigns that feel natural and authentic, brands can build trust and authenticity with their followers. By leveraging nano influencers, brands can create genuine connections and elevate their presence in today's digital landscape. By focusing on authenticity, leveraging micro-communities, and leveraging influencer networks, brands can effectively leverage nano influencers to drive meaningful engagement and enhance their marketing efforts.

The Influencer Advantage: Why You Need Influencers in Your Marketing Mix

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach engaged consumers through trusted voices. Influencers have a unique relationship with their audience, building a loyal community around their expertise and interests. This loyalty leads to trust and influence, making their recommendations more likely to be listened to. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand and target audience, you gain access to a pre-qualified pool of potential customers who share similar interests. This focused approach leads to higher engagement and better return on marketing investment. Influencer marketing is not just a fad; it can help businesses build brand awareness, generate interest, and convert leads into sales.

Fintech Revolution in the Philippines

The Philippines' fintech landscape is undergoing significant transformation due to rapid advancements and the adoption of digital financial services. Key players in this transformation include PalawanPay, GoTyme, GCash, and Salmon App. PalawanPay is a digital wallet introduced by Palawan Pawnshop, offering wide accessibility and user-friendly interfaces. GoTyme, a collaboration between Tyme and Robinsons, offers a digital banking experience with a focus on financial inclusion. GCash, operated by Globe Telecom, is a leading mobile wallet in the Philippines, offering comprehensive payment solutions, a GCash Mastercard, and investment and insurance options. Salmon App, a relatively new entrant, focuses on managing personal finances and investments. It offers tools for budgeting, expense tracking, investment opportunities, and educational resources to promote financial literacy. These fintech companies are playing a crucial role in shaping the future of financial technology in the Philippines, bridging gaps and empowering Filipinos to take control of their financial futures.