
Gift Your Brand Success: Influencer Marketing in Seasonal Campaigns

Bryan Koh
October 3, 2023

October marks the start of the final quarter in 2023, leaving us just three months to achieve those brand goals and marketing milestones. It's the perfect season to kick things into high gear, especially with all the upcoming holiday festivities. 

If you're wondering when to start preparing for your 11.11 promotion, Christmas bundles, Thanksgiving set meals, or Black Friday offers, the answer is now! 

Over the next three months, you have an opportunity to tap into the full potential of these festive seasons. What could be a more fitting strategy than integrating influencer marketing into your seasonal campaigns?

We share three reasons why considering influencer marketing in your upcoming seasonal campaigns is a strategic move–uncover the cost-effectiveness, relatability, and amplified impact of influencer reviews, especially during the year-end season.

What makes influencer marketing a strategic move for seasonal campaigns?

As we enter the final quarter of 2023, brands ramp up their marketing investments.

However, there's a catch: with the fierce competition for attention, the online space becomes increasingly crowded, making it more challenging to make a significant impact. It's a common practice for many brands to reserve their major marketing initiatives for the year-end, resulting in a deluge of advertisements saturating the market.

That's where influencer marketing shines.

Influencer marketing are cost-effective during this period

It's not surprising that running ads during the peak season can be costly, whether it's on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Brands want to boost awareness and market their products and services quickly.

As the cost of paid advertising is on the rise, it can result in a situation where acquiring each new customer through these paid ads becomes more costly. In other words, the expenses associated with paid advertising are growing, translating into a higher price for gaining each new customer.

Amid soaring advertising costs, influencer marketing emerges as an enticing alternative

In general, influencer rates tend to remain consistent, providing a more cost-effective alternative when compared to traditional ads. From our experiences with influencers, they're unlikely to change their charges during the year-end season. Influencers are also more receptive to creative campaigns when approached by brands for their holiday campaigns. 

Moreover, with people investing more in paid ads, the online landscape becomes cluttered with sponsored content. In contrast, influencer marketing brings authenticity to the forefront, helping your brand stand out amidst the mass of 'noisy' content.

Hence, we encourage you to spend your budget collaborating with influencers rather than ramping up paid ads. Through our platform, we can identify influencers to match your holiday campaigns with consistent payout, disregarding the time of the year.

Influencers craft relatable content for your seasonal campaigns

Gone are the days of holiday campaigns with just products and catchy music. Immediately, people will recognise it as "just another holiday" ad and often not give it a second glance.

With influencers, they also celebrate the festivities, bringing a unique relatability to your seasonal campaigns

When influencers share their own holiday experiences and traditions, their content resonates more deeply with your audience. Brands can leverage this authenticity to craft engaging campaigns that capture the seasonal joy. Imagine influencers sharing their dining experiences at your restaurant or showcasing their gift-shopping adventures with your products, which are parts of your campaign brief.

For example, you're planning to introduce a Christmas bundle. In this case, we recommend collaborating with nano-influencers (those with 200 to 4,999 followers). Invite them to purchase your bundle and create an engaging Instagram Reel or Story to highlight the uniqueness of your product–making it an appealing Christmas gift choice.

Influencers' reviews carry significant impact

We've all been there, scrolling through endless pages of "What to buy your friends as a Christmas gift?" search results. Often, we stumble upon influencer reviews of products they've personally tried. This discovery triggers a cascade effect, leading us to seek and watch even more testimonial videos. Before we realise it, we find ourselves convinced to purchase that same product!

As we approach the year-end festivities, many of us are in full-on gift-buying mode and planning where to celebrate. It's a time when we're extra careful about prices and pay close attention to what others have to say in reviews.

During this season, reviews matter more than ever. They become the trusted guides for our holiday shopping. So, if you're a brand, it's helpful to beef up your reviews section using influencers to get the word out. They share their own experiences and recommendations, giving your offerings a big boost in this competitive holiday market.

Moreover, leveraging influencers for holiday teasers or upcoming product launches can create an amplification effect through Instagram Stories or TikTok videos. Their genuine enthusiasm and authentic reviews can generate a buzz that resonates far and wide, giving your brand's seasonal offerings a spotlight amongst the many ads online.

The takeaway

With seasonal campaigns in every corner over the next few months, this presents a golden opportunity for your brand to shine by considering the strategic advantages of influencer marketing. Embrace influencer marketing to make your seasonal campaigns cost-efficient and authentically engaging to foster a deeper connection with your audience and ensure your brand stands out amid the online holiday rush. 

Don't wait any longer to make this holiday season unforgettable for your brand! Contact Partipost today to seize the moment and kickstart your holiday campaign by incorporating influencer marketing.