
Fun Mother's Day Idea 2022

May 4, 2022

The month of May calls for a celebration of our mothers and mother figures in our lives with us this Mother’s Day! Looking for ideas to celebrate this special occasion? Here are some gift ideas that may be useful for your loved ones ❤️

#1 Book Album

Compile an album full of old photos of your Mom and you throughout the years! It could be from when you were growing up or moments of the two of you spending time together. Simply print out one of the memorable moments that reminded both of you of the good old times.

You can also put in written notes such as dates, location or what occasion the picture was from. It is a thoughtful gift where you and your Mom can spend time together reminiscing about the memories of your childhood.

#2 Shopping

It is always a good time to shop! Spend time with your Mom and go on a shopping spree. Allocate some budget to let your Mom splurge or spend on something she's been eyeing. You could also plan matching outfits or get matching outfits as a gift.

You could also end the day with a relaxing activity like a mani-pedi or massage. Something that both of you can enjoy together.

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#3 Have a cooking session

Sharing the same hobbies can be a great way to bond - in this case, cooking! You can set up a day for you and your Mom to go on a grocery run and plan out a meal course for both of you to cook! It can be like a Masterclass session with your Mom, at the same time a great way to catch up and spend time together. Besides, nothing tastes better than a mom’s cooking.

Another idea that you can do if you want to get out of the house is to book in to any classes available in your area that both of you can enjoy. It could be a pottery class, sewing class, art class or maybe just a book reading class.

There is no specific way on what is the best way to celebrate this special occasion. It all depends on your preferences and the most important is, to spend quality time together, showing love and appreciation.

We hope these few simple idea tips can help you get ahead and start planning what to do for mother’s day. Do follow us on Instagram for more interesting content!