Did you know that it�??s possible to blink five times in a second? Bet you just tried to blink five times, and bravo if you were successful. We might have learnt that our eyes are specialized sense organs that receive visual images and carry them to the brain. However, here are some fascinating eyes facts that schools didn�??t teach you:
Your Eyes Can Get Sunburnt
Yes, it�??s true! Your eyes can get sunburnt when they are overexposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. According to Todd Altenbernd, an ophthalmologist, it's known as Photokeratitis whereby there is a possibility of your cornea becoming damaged. Also, Photokeratitis can occur when you're exposed to the bright light from arc welders and strong lighting in tanning beds as well.
An Ostrich�??s Eye Is Bigger Than Its Brain
We all know an Ostrich as the fastest bird. Here�??s an intriguing fact - Its eyes are bigger than its brain. An Ostrich�??s eyes are as big as a billiard ball at 5 centimetres long. In fact, its huge eyes are crucial for it to protect itself from danger. This sensory perception feature helps Ostriches to view its predators from great distances and to escape in time.
Newborns Can't Tear At Birth
We�??ve all heard newborn babies crying non-stop. Have you ever noticed that they don�??t have tears streaming down their cheeks? That�??s because their lacrimal glands have not fully developed. Usually, our lacrimal glands produce tears that flow over our eyes which babies don�??t have enough of from birth. As a result, babies have visible tears between the ages of 1 to 3 months when they cry.
The Iris Has 256 Unique Characteristics
If you thought your thumbprint was unique, our Iris has over 256 unique characteristics. The Iris is the muscle in your eye that controls the amount of light that enters your eyes. Furthermore, our DNA determines the colour and structure of our Iris. However, the swirls, rifts, and pits in your Iris are what makes it so unique. Even identical twins do not possess similar types of Iris.
In recent years, companies have adopted security systems that involve Iris scanning. This solution has proved to be more reliable and accurate.
Human Eye Vs Camera
Scientist and photographer Dr Roger Clark suggests that the resolution of the human eye is 576 megapixels. If you were wondering how great that is, Apple�??s iPhone 13 is 12 megapixels. However, our eyes possess certain flaws that cameras and phones do not have. Our eyes only capture moving objects at 576 megapixels. Hence, a still image would range from 5-15 megapixels. We can�??t directly compare our eyes to a camera as we only see high resolution in a small area of our vision and cannot store images in a memory card. Our eyes sense the surroundings and capture them to send these visuals to our brain to piece them together.
As great as the ability to see is, it is imperative to protect and care for our eyes. Acuvue, a trusted eye care brand globally, is committed to bringing a healthy vision to everyone.
Grab your chance to earn $12. Complete a 2-part Acuvue Eye Health Survey on the Partipost App. You need to require vision correction or wear glasses in order to participate. Click the button below for more information!
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