
5 Useful Skills To Learn In 2022

February 3, 2022

Learning new skills and upgrading yourself is the best way to upskill yourself. These are essential life skills to know that improve productivity, help communicate better, understand online platforms, connect with new people and get started on your venture. Learn these skills and be the best version of yourself today.


Self-management is an essential skill that teaches you how to be organised. It’ll be great to know how to increase productivity on a day-to-day basis. This way, you can eliminate any distractions and improve your focus on tasks you’ve set for yourself to accomplish.

Always plan your day ahead to avoid missing a deadline for an important project or forgetting an appointment. Utilise calendars and to-do lists that can act as physical reminders to keep you on track for the day. You can either use physical notepads and calendars or utilise the calendar or to-do list features on your laptop/phone to be on track with the things you need to get done.

Communication Skills

Having strong communication skills aids in effectively comprehending information more accurately. It’s a great soft skill to have whether it’s in your professional life or personal. Most of the time, poor communication skills lead to misunderstandings that can be avoidable. 

To be a great communicator, it’s essential to listen first. Once you start paying close attention to what others are saying, it’ll eliminate ambiguity and opportunities for miscommunication. When it’s your turn to convey a message, ensure that you’re straight to the point and practice good body language. Avoid using filler words or lengthy sentences that derail from your main point, and utilise hand gestures and eye contact if it helps you to relay information confidently. 

Improve your communication skills with ZilLearn. ZilLearn is a subscription-based plan that supports your upskilling journey to remain agile and competitive in the digital economy. The platform unifies your learning via the 10,000 quality lessons anytime and anywhere that you can pick up at your convenience.

Especially if you’re keen on improving your communication skills, do check out the ‘Soft Skills You Need to Be Successful | Communication Skills’ course on Zillearn’s platform. Additional perks? Share your experience of attending the lesson with ZilLearn via an IG Story and earn $63. Click the link below for more information. 

✏️ (IGS) Never Stop Learning with Zillearn ✏️

Digital Literacy

The growth of technology has displaced traditional methods of learning such as encyclopedias and newspapers. Hence, it’s necessary to be equipped with digital skills in the 21st century. Whether it’s for communicating with loved ones via online platforms or learning how to utilize systems for work, being literate keeps you connected and enhances productivity.

Here’s how to grow your digital literacy skills - start by asking questions about basic computer skills. Avidly pondering about technology by researching on Google or asking friends helps you to understand more about the skills you need to know to be digitally equipped. The basic requirement is to learn how to manoeuvre through the different functions of your laptop. According to, here are easy shortcuts to know if you are a Mac or PC user to get work done efficiently online.

How to Network

Are you looking for a job and don’t know where to start? Start networking with professionals and people in your industry. Networking is a top skill to have that enables you to create opportunities for yourself in your relevant industry. 

Utilise social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry experts with a click of a button. You’re able to see the journey of other industry professionals and the advice that they offer on their feed as well in some cases. 

With Covid-19 deterring social networking face to face, grab the chance to attend online events or lessons that teach you how to be employable and get the job you desire. ZilLearn has a ‘Find a Remote Job you love and work online’ class that teaches how to successfully get a remote job and exclusive information from senior remote workers and recruiters. This way you get to meet industry experts virtually and learn a lot of valuable skills that you can employ in your career.

Guess what? You can share about this ZilLearn session you had via an IG Post and earn $84. Click the link below for more information. 

✒️ (IGP) Never Stop Learning with Zillearn ✒️

Fundamentals of starting your own business

Learning how to start your own business is a great skill to have right now. During Covid-19, there were major disruptions to the workforce with people losing and switching jobs. Hence, many opted to start their own small businesses to have some sort of income during this period. 

Starting your own business teaches you a variety of hard and soft skills from being organised, planning efficiently to marketing skills. To start a business, ensure that you have a strong idea to begin with. It either has to be a niche area that you can stand out in or a product/service you know that would be popular amongst the demographic you're targeting. Effective planning and research are required to plan your business and find the resources needed to launch.

Utilise social media platforms like Youtube, Facebook and Instagram to learn more about starting a business. There are vast amounts of information on Youtube and other small businesses operating on Instagram and Facebook that you can learn from. 

A big step needed to get your business started is marketing. Use free resources like Canva which has a plethora of designs and templates to create your marketing collaterals. Ensure to start social media accounts to promote and raise awareness of your brand. Also, plan when you want to post your content via social media schedulers like Planoly. Being consistent and pushing out content regularly would be the key to spreading the word about your product/service.

Hope these top skills recommended come in handy for you in 2022. Upgrade yourself and be better than you were yesterday. If you enjoyed learning more about these skills, do follow us on Instagram for more!