In this day and age, it's safe to say that everything's but a click away. Need groceries? There's an app for that. Need a new outfit pronto? Consider it done.
It�??s easy to get carried away with shopping online before finally feeling the pinch when it�??s time to check out. But here�??s the catch - what if I told you it�??s possible to get paid for spending money?
With Shopback, anything�??s possible. Accessible online and via a mobile app, all you have to do is select a store available on Shopback, and continue shopping as per usual from the redirected site. Within 7 days, your cashback will be credited into your Shopback account, and you�??ll have the option to receive the payout in your bank or paypal account. Voilà!
Without further ado, here are 5 lesser-known items up for grabs on Shopback via the app and website, unless stated otherwise.
1) Grab $5 Voucher Code
Getting around in the heat can be taxing; why not travel in style with Grab?
For just 99-cents (after a $3.43 cashback), get yourself a $5 Grab voucher code on Lazada!
P.S. This irresistible deal is only redeemable via the Shopback and Lazada mobile app on 8 Sep 2019.

Image: Marketing Interactive
2) Spa services
Pamper yourself at a fraction of the price with a whopping 20% Cashback on 9 Sep from 8AM to 10AM on Vaniday!
Their extensive range of services range from Body Scrub to Slimming and Cellulite Treatments to name a few. If that�??s up your alley, remember to download the Shopback and Vaniday mobile app to enjoy the promotion.

3) Mahjong cards
Transitioning between places whilst travelling can be a bore - why not gather your travel kakis for a round of Mahjong on-the-go from Shopee?
Compact? Check.
Lightweight? Check.
Noise-free? Check.
Unlimited fun? Undoubtedly.
What�??s more, enjoy 20% cashback for purchases made on 9 Sep from 10PM to 12AM (capped at $5) via the Shopback and Shopee mobile app!

Image: Shopee
4) Liho Milk Tea
Life is not all sunshine and roses but Liho is here to sweeten your day with a medium-sized Milk Tea with pearls at $2.30 (U.P. $3.10).
Tip: Make your purchase on Klook and receive an additional discount of 8% with the promo code SETOFFSEPT - that works out to be $2.12!

Image: Klook
5) Bouquets
Ladies and Gentlemen, scrambling around for flowers on your special date is now a thing of the past with Shopback.
Enjoy up to 3.5% cashback for an array of floral arrangements for every occasion from FarEastFlora.
Currently in a LDR with your loved one? FarEastFlora does international delivery too so you can keep the flame burning from a thousand miles away!

Image: FarEastFlora
Tired from all the online shopping? How about a quick game to unwind and reward yourself with sure-win cash instantly?
Everyone's a winner with Coin Monster
Stand to win a jaw-dropping $8,888 with Shopback�??s Coin Monster game.
Coin Monster - only accessible via the Shopback mobile app - is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is to collect as many coins as you can with your mouth in this AR game to obtain a sure-win prize!
Here are the rules:

- Participants would need to have a front-facing camera phone, as well as the Shopback and Facebook mobile app to access the game.
- Only participants who share and tag @shopbacksg as a Facebook post will be considered as an eligible entry for the $8,888 Prize Pot.
- For more information, refer to the Cash Monster banner on the Shopback mobile app.
Film yourself playing the Coin Monster game OR post a screenshot of your blurred out reward code on IG Story along with the required hashtags!
Put your game face on and try Coin Monster now.
Be the biggest winner! MAXIMIZE your earnings here.
find out more about the campaign here
IT�??S NOT OVER.Brace yourselves for 1 last chance to celebrate 9.9 on 9 Sept with 5 upcoming campaigns* from Shopback!*Each user can only choose 1 from these 5 new campaigns (excludes Coin Monster)
[9.9 ShopFest] Cheap Thrills[9.9 ShopFest] 9th Minute Flash Sale[9.9 ShopFest] Epic Klook Cashback*[9.9 ShopFest] Epic Irvins Cashback* [9.9 ShopFest] Epic Shopee Cashback*
*Check back for link