Noticed a drop in reach and engagement rate for your posts on Instagram? You’re not alone. Thanks to the new Instagram Algorithm, your content is only viewed by 10% of your followers. Oh, the horror! 😱
There are a few tricks to maximize your post reach. The most straightforward method? Re-share your posts on Instagram story like most content creators do. There has to be a reason for the “New Post” GIFs...right? Keep reading for some ways to get more eyeballs under 5 minutes.
Music player
This is one of my favourites by far. It’s easy on the eyes and able to stop thumbs without screaming for attention. What's more, 3 GIFs are all you need.
Image: @lalalalisa_m / Music: Rook1e
How To: Re-share your post on IG story. After changing the colour of your background, make use of the font tool to create a separate black background. Lastly, search for 3 GIFs - a music player, a disc and “new post”. Feel free to add anything else you deem fit.
Colour blocking
The second idea is pretty straightforward. Use the font tool to create the background, which would consist of colours from your post itself. Doing so ensures greater synergy between the story and your post.
Music: Rook1e
How To: Re-share your post on IG story. Use the font and colour picker tool to create several “text boxes”, and arrange them however you like. We find that it’s better to choose complementary colours so the end product looks more consistent.
One downside to this idea is that the photo or GIF might shift to the back of the coloured text boxes towards the end, which means you’d have to start over from scratch. Be careful of the areas you tap on, and keep practicing!
Stand out from the crowd and imprint your content in your followers’ mind with this last method that screams “eyes here!”
If you’re afraid of your followers missing out on your Instagram story, this is the most foolproof way to get noticed. A couple of copy and pasting later, this is what you’ll end up with:
Music: Jeff Kaale
How To: Re-share your post on IG story. Switch up the colour of your background with the colour picker tool, and type “New post” multiple times. You may change the font and font colour to better suit your re-shared content as well. Once you’ve got a substantial amount of “New post” on screen, expand the text to get the best fit. Next, tap on your photo and finish up by adding some GIFs.
Feel free to add doodles or lines to make it look more attractive.
Enjoyed this article? Give the 3 ideas a shot on your next Partipost campaign and refine them accordingly. Psst... we've got new campaigns for you! Head over to our app for more deets.
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