It�??s finally your turn to escape from reality and take a breather in a different environment.?�
Travelling is fun but most people dread packing for their trip. Here�??s an unpopular opinion: it�??s not that bad at all - doesn�??t it create more anticipation for your holiday? Whether you�??re an early bird or a procrastinator, here are some travel essentials to bring on your next escapade:
Compact blanket

Image: the-Expedition
If you�??re easily bothered by the cold unlike Elsa, and will be travelling on low-cost carriers which don�??t provide free blankets, we recommend getting a light-weight blanket to make your flight more bearable. The last thing you want when you�??ve finally found the perfect sleeping position is to be rudely awakened by the cold!
We like the Fold �??n Go�?� Blanket & Case by Cabeau because it�??s portable, offers complete coverage, does its job of keeping you warm and is multi-functional - a blanket, pillow, seat cushion, and lumbar support all in one!

Image: Hyperhidrosis Network
Want to avoid icky pit stains? Remember to take your anti-perspirant along! Apart from saving you from embarrassment, deodorants can save you from nasty blisters on the back of your heels. Deodorants can also be applied on your nose to stop your glasses from sliding down the bridge of your nose! #lifehacks
PSA ladies: Staying clean and fresh up there is as important as it is down there. Regardless of your travel destination, caring for your nether region should not be overlooked! Betadine is a brand we highly recommend to first-time users of feminine hygiene products as their washes come in two variations - liquid and foam - for greater convenience! The foam wash is perfect for travel because you need not wait for it to lather. Experience the difference today!
Stay fresh with Betadine!
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Small bag

If you�??re travelling with your spouse, don�??t be that person who puts your things in their bag. On behalf of the population that brings their own bag: we have our own things to carry too y�??know!
Getting around with a big and bulky bag is inconvenient, especially if you�??re taking public transportation. Besides, nobody wants to carry a heavy bag for long hours! Bringing a small bag on your adventure is not only practical, it doubles as a great photo prop too. Unsure of what to do with your awkward hands? Best believe your trusty bag will come in handy. We love the bags from Tallulah as they�??re not only chic but roomy as well!
Phone casing with a lanyard

Image: Waw Case
Call it old-fashioned, but you can�??t deny how travel-friendly this is. Do a quick search online and you�??ll find that different sites like Shopee carry similar products at varying price points. Before making your purchase, remember to stop by the review page to ensure you like what you see!
These phone cases are not only sturdy but perfect for days where your outfit doesn�??t have pockets. No more fumbling around your bag and getting a mini heart attack when you can�??t find your phone!
Foldable bags

Image: DHgate
Here�??s a tip to save the environment and your money:
If you�??re headed to countries that impose a ban or charges for plastic bags (Africa, Australia and China to name a few), don�??t forget to bring a foldable bag for your shopping sprees or risk lugging loose items back to your accommodation! Even if a carrier is being sold at 10-cents each, resist, you must. You could get a drink with the total amount of money saved from bringing your own!
There are a ton of variations out there but we recommend getting bags that can pass off as an unsuspecting keychain when not in use. 5 stars for aesthetic and practicality!
Global SIM Card

Image: The Straits Times
Get yourself a global SIM card. Unlike portable WiFi, these SIM cards don�??t require charging and can be used multiple times throughout the year.
If you travel at least once a year, we suggest getting your hands on a SIM card from AirSIM for fuss-free mobile network across 100 countries! What�??s more, you�??re entitled to free voice calls of 30 minutes for each package you buy. If you have dual-SIM on your phone, it means you never have to go through the hassle of switching out your SIM cards!
Here�??s how: Head to their website, select your destination and desired package, and they�??ll send it to you via SingPost within 5 working days for free.
Now that you have a better idea of what to pack for your upcoming trip, it�??s time to get to it! Share this with your travel buddy to get them started too!