With TikTok being the preferred short video platform for people to share their creations online now, it's necessary for social media influencers like yourself to hop on there and get into the trend.?�
Why, you asked??�
For starters, TikTok is one of the top 4 social media platforms in the world and ranks with other giants like Facebook and Instagram. What this means is that it would be a wasted opportunity to not leverage of this popular and growing platform as it possesses a wide and global audience reach. Besides that, the rise to stardom on TikTok is much easier compared to other social media platforms due to its unique algorithm, making it the ideal place to kickstart or further expand your influencer journey.?�
Just think of @sofyank96, @orchidslibrary, and @mshaffuan07 - Wouldn't it be wonderful to see your name being the topic of discussion online? Have thousands of people appreciating the content you worked hard to craft and have them validate your work and talent. Doesn�??t that sound great?
If you think you have what it takes to shine then it's time to learn how to edit TikTok videos and head onto the app for your big debut!

Step 1: Use effects and filters
TikTok offers a wide variety of effects for you to choose from, most notably the green screen effect that works similarly like a studio�??s. With it, you have the option to film using different backgrounds without having to spend money on a professional backdrop or travelling to outdoor locations. This is especially helpful if you prefer to keep some parts of your life private, including what your house or bedroom looks like.
Besides that, TikTok also has a built-in app feature that allows users like you to edit TikTok videos with colourful and unique filters, similar to the ones used on Instagram and Snapchat. By using it, you get to include a touch of personalization and showcase your personality and character. This also makes your content more engaging to the masses, thereby attracting more people to follow your work!
Step 2: Have smooth transitions
Another feature that this app provides social media influencers with is the ability to edit TikTok videos with ready-made transitions. What this means is that users just need to film their content in the right sequence before adding transitions between scenes. The key here is to choose the right transitions that would suit the tone of your video; otherwise, the emotional effects you're hoping to achieve from it will not reach the audience.?�
One tip that most storytellers swear by is the use of a storyboard. Before you even hit the record button, try to visualize what you want your video to look like. Some common questions to ask yourself are what angles should be used and what is the purpose of this specific shot. Once that's done, you can draw out your storyboard and include little notes for each scene to look back on when the camera starts rolling and when you start editing.
Step 3: Include sound effects
A great aspect of TikTok is it offers sound effects that can be included into your videos! There is a library of collections for you to choose from, whether it's voiceovers, sound clips from shows, or even the latest studio hits by renowned artists. This allows social media influencers to unleash more of their creativity with ease. Regardless of the niche you've chosen, this tool gives you the ability to make the videos your own!
The key here is to incorporate trending sound effects that have a high potential of boosting your video's visibility. One way to do this is by browsing through your "For You" page and finding sounds that have been repeatedly used by a number of different social media influencers. Another method is to look it up on the sound effects library itself through TikTok's multiple frequently updated playlists, such as "Weekly Trending" and "Viral". If you're feeling a little bold and adventurous, you could even hop onto TikTok challenges and have a shot of fame.
Step 4: Add visual texts
Last but not least, it's beneficial to you and your audience to edit your TikTok videos by including visual texts. The two main reasons for this are because visual texts allow for better emphasis of your video's key messages and help to break the language barrier. For example, if your video talks about the analysis of football players, it's easier to get the message across by including written texts in point form.
While it's true that social media influencers can opt to turn on auto-generated captions, most people might not watch your video till the end because it's easier to lose attention without visual texts. Besides that, auto-generated captions also do little to help build an international audience. If you're discussing in your native language (which is not English), then chances are that you will only stay known to those within that circle. Now, if you added visual texts in English but continued to speak in your local tongue, it would be easier to attract interest and for others to understand your message.
Now that you're up to date on the foolproof ways to edit TikTok videos, you're all set to put them to the test! These can be applied to any and every kind of content you're looking to produce, so don't be afraid to try them.
If you're confident that you've got the hang of it and want to do more with your platform, come join the Partipost community! We have a variety of social media campaigns (including TikTok) for you to choose from and earn side income.
SIGN UP an account on the Partipost app and join us now! Not only will you be able to create engaging content, but you'll also get paid attractively for them!