Imagine a world without technology.
The global pandemic highlighted the importance of technology. It�??s not only essential for businesses to stay afloat, but also crucial for the authorities to track affected individuals, and a means for us to stay updated on the latest happenings.
With budget cuts, companies are only hiring the best candidates (aka increased competition). But with the right skill sets, all eyes will be on you. Ready to rise above the rest? Here are the most important hard skills (physical capabilities and knowledge e.g. software) top startups in Singapore are attracted to:
Data Analytics

Taking the top spot is Data Analytics, the process of analyzing data to derive insights. This new-found information is then used to optimize processes and increase the efficiency of a business or system, as defined by Investopedia.
In the real world, businesses rely heavily on numbers to make important decisions. For instance, a business might conduct tests to see how they can speed up or automate certain processes to reduce costs.

If I had to list down one of my biggest regrets, this would be it. I regret paying little to no attention in school when they taught the basics of Photoshop.
Photoshop is a popular photo-editing software traditionally used by photographers and designers in the creative industry. It may not be a prerequisite for all job positions but if you�??re keen on joining the marketing industry, I�??d say that Photoshop is a pretty good tool to be familiar with. If you�??re not well-versed in this aspect, there are tons of tutorials online.
Social Media Marketing

A subset of digital marketing, social media marketing is basically promoting your business via social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok etc.?�
As seen on Statista, the number of social media users in Singapore has been increasing from 2017 to 2020, and is expected to rise with time. This means that people are more likely to notice your product/service social channels as opposed to newspapers for example. Keeping that in mind, social media marketing is definitely a versatile and useful skill to possess.
Structured Query Language

According to Techopedia, Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to manage data in relational databases (a database that identifies related information). In other words, SQL enables users to make sense of large collections of data by reading, manipulating, and changing data.
SQL is traditionally used by software engineers, but data analysts benefit from its ease of use too. Learn more about SQL�??s capabilities here.
Digital Marketing

Not to be confused with social media marketing, digital marketing encompasses a variety of marketing activities executed digitally. This includes Social Media, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Content Marketing, Public Relations, and Email Marketing to name a few.
As technology advances, more businesses have been incorporating technology into their marketing efforts with COVID-19 on the loose. If you�??d like to equip yourself with skills suitable for all industries, this is it.?�
Now that you know what the highly sought-after skills are, you must be wondering how to equip yourself with these skills. If you�??re a Singaporean currently studying in a local University, Polytechnic, or ITE, we bring good news!?�
Smartcademy is a digital academy that offers in-demand tech courses taught by Industry experts. Available courses include Digital Marketing and Data Analytics, which would give you an edge over other job applicants. Each course spans across 7 lessons and costs $2,500 in total. However, funding support is available for most courses (T&Cs apply).
Join our campaign and tell your friends about Smartcademy to receive $15 cash - it's that easy!
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All the best in your job search, and we hope that you're now one step closer to securing your dream job!