
5 easy steps to building impactful influencer marketing campaigns with Partipost ????

May 18, 2022

Thinking of creating awesome, cost-effective, and impactful influencer campaigns for your brand? It�??s no secret that influencer marketing has been on a steady rise and is projected to continue even more so in 2022 and beyond, thanks to its unmistakable effectiveness in reaching real people and bringing measurable results.

But it isn�??t always a walk in the park. Like any marketing strategy, there are challenges to influencer marketing that every marketer will have to learn to navigate. Some of these painpoints include:

  • Understanding the different types of influencers and which work best for your brand
  • Finding out where to source and activate influencers time and cost-effectively
  • Deciding which influencer campaigns is the best fit for your brand
  • Monitoring influencers�?? deliverables and performance for future learnings
  • Recording and measuring your influencer campaign�??s impact

But the good news is, you don�??t have to navigate all these alone.

At Partipost, we make it our mission to make impactful influencer campaigns that you can activate with scale and speed, all within a few clicks on your laptop! We do this with a combination of diverse talent and state-of-the-art tech to help your brand deliver real, measurable results.Here�??s a quick guide on how you can create your own influencer marketing campaign with Partipost in just 4 easy steps, and eventually lead your brand to success!

Step 1: Create and launch your campaign

To get started on your influencer marketing journey, the first thing you�??ll need to do is to create your campaign. It�??s easy�??all you need to do is fill out a few details on the form provided, including your campaign name, category, budget, duration and so on, so Partipost can get a better idea of what you�??ll need to produce the best possible results!

Once you�??ve filled in all your campaign details and double-checked everything, the next step is to click launch! This will automatically run your campaign in the Partipost app.

Step 2: Partiposters register interest and submit content 

Once your campaign goes live in the Partipost app, it�??ll immediately be visible and eligible for Partipost�??s influencers to join and submit their content for review. At this stage, you�??ll also be able to track your campaign�??s progress and details anytime you need via Partipost�??s easy-to-use dashboard. 

Step 3: Review and approve Partiposters�?? submitted content and social tasks

Once your campaign�??s been running for some time, you�??ll then be able to monitor Partiposters�?? content submissions and campaign tasks within the very same dashboard. Think their content and profiles are a good fit? Go ahead and click approve, and they�??ll automatically get the go-signal to post! You can also request some edits to their content if needed, or reject their submission altogether if it isn�??t up to standards.

Step 4: Partiposters complete campaign tasks and post approved content

Once you�??ve approved all the best content for your campaign, congratulations! All the hard work is done. All you�??ll need to do is sit back and wait while Partiposters complete all the campaign tasks and post their approved content, you�??ll soon be seeing your campaign take off!

Step 5: Receive campaign results

Of course, no campaign is over until you see real, measurable results, which is why Partipost�??s dashboard makes it easier than ever to let you see your campaign�??s performance directly from our Partiposters�?? inputs themselves. From impressions to engagements, you�??ll be able to see everything you need, all within a few clicks. Check out our case studies and learn how you can maximize your ROI at an affordable rate.

By the way, did we tell you that you will have the right to use all the User-generated-content (UGC) in your future marketing campaigns? Usage period? Up to 1 year!

And there you have it! Optimizing influencer marketing has already proven to be one of the most impactful additions to your marketing strategy in the 2020s. And one of the best developments of the industry is leveraging on the power of tech to do this more scale, speed, and effectiveness than ever.

But don�??t just take our word for it: try out Partipost�??s platform today and see results for yourself! 

Interested in running impactful and cost-effective influencer campaigns? Let Partipost help you elevate your social media presence and maximize your ROI. We humanize your brand with the power of word-of-mouth of everyday people. Leave us your email address and experience the Partipost difference today.