
Unconventional Influencer Marketing Campaigns You Didn't Think Of

Lynette Chua
April 25, 2023
August 13, 2024

We've all seen and heard of influencer marketing from companies partnering with influencers to create sponsored posts that promote a brand or product to their followers.

It can take many forms, such as influencer-created content like photos or videos, sponsored blog posts, Instagram stories, or product review reels. Influencers may also host giveaways or discount codes to their followers to encourage them to purchase a product.

Another common approach is to invite influencers to events or send them free products in exchange for social media coverage. These tactics have proven effective for many brands and have become a staple in the influencer marketing industry.

In this article, however, we'll explore some innovative influencer marketing campaigns that you might not have thought of before, which can potentially spark new ideas for brands and influencers.

Unlocking Insights: The Power of Survey Campaigns in Influencer Marketing

Survey campaigns have become unique way of influencer marketing that helps brands gather valuable research about their products and target audience.

A typical survey campaign can generate hundreds to thousands of testimonials and user feedback or data. It provides valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. Brands would have better clarity and understanding to market their products to maximise investment and returns based on knowing what their customers want.

In addition, survey campaigns can work hand in hand with other marketing efforts to optimise results. For instance, a brand can collect data about a product by utilising a survey campaign and then use this data to create content for a subsequent influencer marketing campaign. By analysing the results of a survey campaign, brands can gain a deeper understanding of the overall effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

ACUVUE Eye Health Survey Campaign

A great example of a successful survey campaign is the Acuvue campaign. In this campaign, the goal was to conduct market research on youth's attitudes towards the brand by acquiring two surveys regarding eye health. They split the survey campaign into 2 parts, where they gathered results from people who submitted for the 1st survey and used that information to tweak the questions for the 2nd survey. The campaign was able to amass 500 survey responses for the brand, providing valuable insights into the target audience's preferences and attitudes towards eye health. The brand was able to gather even more informative data and refine its research by utilising the results from the first survey to inform the second survey.

Real People, Real Reviews: Harnessing the Influence of Authentic Feedback

Consumers today rely heavily on reviews before making a purchase decision. As such, review campaigns have become well-known for brands to build trust with their target audience. In these campaigns, brands typically work with influencers or Partiposters to leave reviews on platforms like Google, e-commerce sites like Shopee or Lazada, social media platforms, or the brand's website. Some platforms require reviewers to purchase the product before leaving a review, leading to conversion and becoming a customer. It automatically increases revenue and brand awareness. The more reviews a brand receives, the more established the brand comes off. One example of a review campaign that showcases the effectiveness of this strategy in generating user-generated content and increasing consumer trust is the "Try and Review Cif Scrub Daddy!" campaign, which resulted in 60 reviews on Shopee.

Cif Scrub Daddy Review Campaign

Review campaigns are an easy-to-do influencer marketing strategy brands can leverage from the beginning. Instead of forcing people to give 5-star reviews, these campaigns can highlight the unique USPs of the product that people can talk about, allowing for genuine feedback and opinions from consumers. After all, potential buyers will more likely read through reviews and comments before purchasing a product to make an informed decision. When was the last time you bought something without searching and reading reviews?

Spread the Word: How Resharing Can Elevate Influencer Marketing

The technique of resharing involves the audience actively sharing the brand's content on their social media platforms. This method is similar to boosting content but with the added benefit of word-of-mouth marketing. It creates a FOMO (fear of missing out) effect among the audience, and it's an effective way to create buzz quickly. Brands can give the participants content or template to reshare, or they can reshare from previous influencer content created by micro or macro influencers. For example, a brand like Imperial Door created an Instagram Reel and encouraged users to share about their new showroom at Bangkit. By using the power of resharing, brands can reach a wider audience and create a buzz around their products or services. It can increase the brand's visibility, leading to greater engagement and interest among the audience to create a more significant impact with minimal effort.

Imperial Door Reshare Campaign

While traditional influencer marketing campaigns such as sponsored posts have proven effective, there are many unconventional approaches that brands can take to stand out and generate buzz. Survey campaigns can provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences, while review campaigns can build trust with potential customers by highlighting the unique USPs of a product. Resharing can also be a powerful tool for creating a FOMO effect among audiences and increasing brand visibility. By exploring these unconventional influencer marketing campaigns, brands and influencers can unlock new possibilities and reach their target audience in exciting ways.