Tired of dull and lifeless tresses? If you�??re reading this now, it�??s your signal to spice up your hair colour. Trends come and go, so if there�??s a look you�??ve been wanting to try, the time is now!
Without further ado, here are 4 of the hottest hair trends from Korea for your consideration:
Two tone hair

2021 is all about embracing bold colours. If you need some getting used to while the colour fades to a less intense hue, fret not because you�??d probably be unrecognisable with a mask on. Jokes aside, since you�??ve decided to switch up your hair colour, might as well go all out right?
Some popular combinations we�??ve seen are black-blonde, black-blue, brown-blonde and black-pink. If you�??re apprehensive about being the centre of attention, opt for ashy hues - these are currently in trend too. The best part? It does wonders for hair of all lengths.
Ashy hues

Having been in the spotlight for the past few years, you�??d think that ash coloured hair will be out of trend by now. But whether you like it or not, it seems that this timeless style is here to stay.
Ashy hair colours appear smokey and slightly more muted. They are essentially cool tones consisting mainly of blue and green pigment. Any colour looks gorgeous with a slight ashy tone. But if you need some inspiration, consider opting for ash beige, ash brown, ash violet, or ash pink. Click here to find out which colours are best suited for you according to your skin tone.
Thinking of adding some colour to your life? You�??re in luck because Goldwell wants to give you an in-salon makeover (worth min. $300) at $100 only!
In addition to creative colouring and a haircut of your choice, you�??ll receive FREE homecare products (worth up to $60). If that isn�??t enough to motivate you, you can earn up to $140 cash by joining our campaign to share your experience online from now till 28 May 2021.
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Maple brown hair

Created by incorporating hints of copper and cinnamon to brown hair, maple brown hair has been all the rage in Korea since late last year. K-Drama fans should be familiar with this colour by now. It has been spotted on actor Lee Dong Wook in Tale of the Nine Tailed, and actress Han So Hee in The World of the Married.
This colour pays homage to Autumn but since it�??s Summer all year round in Singapore, we say go for it. Just look at how it appears in the sunlight - who can resist a perfect medley of brown shades? On top of that, this colour looks flattering on most Asian skin tones.
Face-framing highlights

Fun fact: This style is also known as Money Piece due to the glamorous outcome. It is attainable with the help of lightening the front section of your hair. The colour runs from the roots to the ends of your hair, and can be customised to frame your face perfectly.
Though this hairstyle made its first appearance back in the 90s thanks to Rogue from X-Men, it was Jennie from Blackpink that brought this trend back. She had black hair and blonde streaks for the longest time, but switched to silver streaks, followed by a black-pink combo at one point. For those who are more adventurous, opt for blonde and ash pink or blue like Jamie.
Unlike other styles, you need not worry about your face shape and skin tone as much with Money Pieces because it is universally flattering.
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