
Self-Care Tips You Need To Know

March 23, 2022
August 13, 2024

As the world is still adjusting to the pandemic, let’s not forget to care for ourselves. Self-care is always one of the important factors to having a healthy mind and life. Here are some great tips you can incorporate to look out for yourself:

Get Your Beauty Sleep

As an adult, it is important to get as much as 7 hours of sleep. Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel both emotionally and physically. It could also affect your productivity as well, waking up feeling refreshed is important!

So, make sure you put away distractions such as the television, smartphone, laptop and other electronic devices 30 minutes before you head to bed. Also, reducing the amount of caffeine and sugar you consume can help improve your sleep quality!

Practice Saying No

Do you find it difficult to say “No” to others? It’s time for you to put yourself first, it is totally okay to say “No”! This is especially important if you find that accommodating to the request of others is taking a toll on you physically and mentally. 

We should always take care of ourselves first before taking care of others. If you need to catch a break, discuss with your colleagues or superiors for some time off, or a decrease in workload. Balancing your physical and mental health first before offering a hand to others!

Declutter & Organize 

A simple activity like decluttering and organizing can help you declutter your mind and refocus on what’s important. You can start small by decluttering and reorganizing your desk or wardrobe or start a bigger project to declutter your home!

Pro Tip: Getting a planner or calendar to write notes, To-Do Lists or schedule your plans could help you plan your day better. Use boxes or drawers to keep your things in one place can also make your space look much cleaner.

Keep Your Body Moving

Your physical health matters! Incorporating healthy habits into your current lifestyle helps you to feel more energetic and positive. Exercising helps to boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety – not to mention, it helps to shred some weight off!

Go for a quick run, jog or workout in the gym. If you’re not into high intensity exercises, join a yoga class or catch up with your friends over a session of your favourite sport. You might pick up some new hobbies while you’re at it!

These are some top self-care tips recommended to come in handy for you. If you felt that these tips helped you to be more positive, do follow us on Instagram for more!