
Email and DM Template to Help Brands Reach Out to Influencers for Collaboration

Bryan Koh
November 21, 2023
August 13, 2024

Reaching out to an influencer for collaboration is like asking the match you just got on Tinder for your first date.

It's scary. You don't know what the response would be. You might be wondering whether you said the right thing.

Fortunately for brands, there is a straightforward process for engaging with influencers of interest.

After pinpointing fitting influencers, the subsequent action involves reaching out to them through Instagram DMs or their provided contact email.

Here are three tips to keep in mind when crafting your message to influencers:

  1. A well-crafted email template and strategy can substantially enhance open and response rates.
  2. An effective email comprises five essential elements: writing the right subject title, personalising the message, presenting a distinctive value proposition, including a clear call to action (CTA), and cultivating relationship-building.
  3. Cultivate authentic connections with influencers by demonstrating sincerity and reliability, offering transparent next steps, and ensuring an effortless response process.

Now that you are clear, let’s take a look at three actionable, customisable and adaptable message templates to reach out to influencers of interest that you feel your brand and planned campaign can resonate with. 

P.S. Our team at Partipost uses these templates, catering to nano, micro and macro-influencers. Hence, it’s important to personalise these templates to align with the specifics of your campaign, the characteristics of the influencers' profiles, the expected deliverables, and your allocated influencer marketing budget.

1. A general email template for brands

Hi [insert influencer's name],

We hope you're doing well! I am [insert your name, role and from which brand], and I am reaching out to you for a [insert campaign title]. 

We noticed that your aesthetics on your social media are suitable with our upcoming campaign, and your posting style is what we're looking for!

About the Client

[insert a short write-up about your brand]

Campaign Objectives

[insert clear and concise campaign objectives]


[insert what is required from the influencer]


[insert the approximate timeline of the campaign from start to end, including posting and payout period]


[insert payout details if applicable]

If you're interested, please reply to this email, and we can proceed with the next phase!

We are looking forward to hearing back from you and collaborating together!


[insert signature and company details for their reference i.e. email address, contact number and address]

Here are tips you can adapt into your outreach email:

  • The clearer your email is, the better, and this includes the authenticity of your message.
  • You want to avoid coming off as spam, so the more personalised your message is, a higher chance of them responding.
  • You can state a short background check on them to showcase that you’ve done your homework so that they know you’re serious about collaborating with them.

2. A general DM template for brands

To save time and be direct, you can use this DM template to reach out to influencers of interest. The most important thing is to be clear with the details, and if they are interested, you can schedule a video call to get them fully onboard.

Hey there, 

I am [insert your name, role and from which brand], and I am reaching out to you for a [insert campaign title].  

We have an ongoing campaign that you might be interested in!

Campaign Details: [insert relevant campaign details]

Deliverables: [insert what is required from the influencer]

Payout: [insert payout details]

Let me know if you’re interested. 


We usually craft a short and sweet DM to nano and micro-influencers of interest because they check through your DMs more often than their emails. 

We only send detailed email versions to macro or celebrity influencers because they usually have an agent or someone to filter out emails for them.

The takeaway

The templates above are mere starting points for you to start reaching out to influencers. It can be used for seeking collaborations for giveaways, reviews and testimonials, brand ambassador opportunities or affiliate-related outreach. 

As long as you are clear in your campaign details, deliverables and timeline, you can easily adapt the templates above to suit your brand messaging and get those open rates up!

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