When visiting brick and mortar shops is no longer an option, the next best thing businesses can do is to adapt. With everyone stuck at home, social consumption is at an all-time high. It therefore makes sense for your brand to move online where the bulk of your audience is. Owing to the virus, brands now understand the importance of having an online presence and offering delivery services.
Benefits of going online
Convenience for customers
Delivery service has become the norm across all industries, especially for supermarkets and the F&B industry in Asia. Numerous F&B companies are now offering bundle deals, island-wide delivery and online orders for takeaways in a bid to operate through the current Circuit Breaker measures.
Consumer traffic to physical stores is down, but eCommerce platforms like Shopee Singapore and Qoo10 have noticed increased activity and sales online. With an online site, mobile app or third party delivery platforms, brands can easily reach their customers anywhere and at any time. Customers are able to browse and make their purchases 24/7 due to the convenience of being online.
Customer insights
Going online might also give you more data on your customers�?? purchase behaviors which can be translated into meaningful insights and improved customers�?? experience through personalization.

Image: Quadient
To increase the stickiness of your consumers, you must first understand their needs and interests. Research shows that with a personalized customer experience, sales typically increase by 20% with close to 50% of consumers becoming repeat buyers. An example would be - going into Lazada�??s homepage and it�??ll show you items based on your past search/browsing history. Or even something as simple as allowing customers to reorder their past purchases with the click of a button.
Increased brand awareness
Words can spread like wildfire in the realm of social media due to the ease of sharing; one click is all you need. One great example would be this Facebook group. What started off as a support group for hawkers without marketing capabilities, has now expanded to helping the entire F&B industry. Within 6 days of creation, this group has gained about 143K members.?�
Unlike traditional media like Out Of Home advertising, social media drives more eyeballs and traffic as a result of actionable Call To Action, thus, generating greater ROI due to ease of access.
Engage your customers
Going online allows brands to connect with their customers like never before. With the help of social media, customers can better express their love for brands by posting a photo, sharing a story or even something as simple as leaving a comment or liking a photo posted by the brand. Brands can even obtain their customers�?? feedback/opinions by sharing an Instagram story poll for instance. The ability to build a community has never been easier.?�
You can even engage with consumers that are not your customers by collaborating with another brand. For instance, a nail salon can partner with a nail wrap brand to offer consumers a solution for their nails during this Circuit Breaker period. Fans of the nail wrap brand could potentially become customers of the nail salon in future.
Generating awareness quickly in the midst of cutting costs
Undoubtedly, F&B businesses are badly hit by the Circuit Breaker measures and for some, the dead end might be looming. Partipost would like to help!
Actively posting about your promotions online is great but the long and slow journey through this battle is not easy. Let us be your sidekick and help you gain traction with our team of influencers, at a faster pace.?�
Influencers engage with their audience to different extents depending on their tier, and are therefore a valuable asset to brands. If you�??re exploring influencer marketing for the first time, we recommend engaging nano-influencers as they are the most cost-effective. These inexpensive nano-influencers are also seen as more genuine and can pay greater attention to their audience since their followers are smaller than that of regular influencers we�??re familiar with. As such, engagement levels are higher and they are the most trustworthy of the lot. With COVID-19 in action, close to 80% of influencers have seen an increase in engagement. Authentic reviews by these niche influencers brings about maximized sales for you.?�
To paint a better picture, we recently helped A-One to drive sales and to maximize awareness for their promotion through an influencer marketing campaign. Within 2 weeks, the restaurant saw a 42% increase in intended promo code usage.
Get in touch with our experts now for a free consultation and uncover how our tailored solutions can help you reach your marketing objectives.
Find out how to leverage the fastest growing network of influencers in Asia!
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Regardless of your medium, providing a seamless experience is key. Meeting the needs of customers can make or break your brand especially in times of adversity. If you�??re reliable in uncertain times, you can be sure they�??re here to stay. With that, don�??t lose hope! Use this as an opportunity to improve your business operations.
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