�??Do this!�?� �??Avoid that!�?� �??Use these instead!�?�
Welcoming a new addition to your family is exciting but if you�??re a first-time mum, it's easy to be a bundle of nerves. After the wave of �??congratulations!�?�, friends and family would start sending you advice on what you should and shouldn�??t do, on top of your own research.?�
With these apps, you can now access such information without overloading yourself too much!
Pregnancy Tracker?�
Developed by What to Expect, the brains behind a globally recognized parenting site and a series of educational books for mums and dads, this mobile app is popular among mums-to-be.

Image: What To Expect/ App Store
Upon entering the app, you�??ll be prompted to enter your EDD - this allows for personalized information better suited to your needs. Apart from accessing parenting articles, mums can track the development of their baby weekly and learn new tips from experts. This app has an in-built forum as well, allowing parents across the globe to share and learn best practices. The team managing this consists of parenting experts so rest assured that you�??re in good hands!
Existing parents may use this app and receive their dose of customized topics as well.
Available for download on iOS and Android.
Crumblyy (Life Hacks)
Always on-the-go? This app is a godsend. With Crumblyy, mums (and dads) can acquire bite-sized hacks and articles from a variety of topics across 15 categories - Parenting, Money Savers, Photography and random fun facts you never knew you needed. They have mini games in-app too if you need to de-stress, because you deserve it!

Image: Crumblyy/ Google Play
Found a hack or article you really like? Create an account to bookmark it for future reference, or share it with your friends who face the same problem. What�??s more, these apps are updated daily to keep you in the loop!
Available for download on Android.
theAsianparent Baby & Pregnancy
Travelling back to Asia, theAsianparent (tAp) should be familiar to you. In addition to managing their parenting website, tAp created their very own app for parents to obtain the latest updates at their fingertips.

Image: theAsianparent/ Google Play
With a base in Singapore, this superapp is great because it not only provides localized content for parents at all stages, but also allows mummies to track the development of their baby (in 3D). Plus, users can post their concerns to other parents in this tight-knit community, as well as gain meaningful insights shared by healthcare experts. Other features include polls, giveaways and healthy recipes specially curated for you.
Available for download on iOS and Android.
Baby2Body: Pregnancy Wellness
As your baby bump grows, moving from point A to B would gradually require more energy. Don�??t get me started on the numerous body aches that would start to show over time. To minimize weight gain, swelling, soreness and pregnancy complications such as the need for C-section, experts recommend expectant mothers to do simple workouts approved by your Doctor.

Image: Baby2Body Limited/ App Store
Baby2Body provides tailored workout routines according to your pregnancy journey - prenatal and postnatal. To ensure you get the most of this app, their bespoke workout plans are carefully thought out by industry experts, and come with videos for better visualization. Also included are recipes aligned with your fitness plans, daily tips and motivational quotes because you�??ll need every bit of encouragement that comes your way!
Available for download on iOS.
Stuck indoors due to COVID-19? Wish to be more productive? Partipost is a great app for you to shout out for your favorite brands on social media. In return, you�??ll receive a payout ranging from $5 to $150! Just think of how much you�??ll potentially save on baby expenses with your payouts - diapers, food and clothing!

To get you started, join our Palmer�??s campaign and try out their Cocoa Butter Massage Oil for free! With an improved formula, this product contains zero parabens and moisturizes your skin, without feeling tacky - a great plus.
Prevent stretch marks today!
Earn up to $70 by sharing your experience!
Find out more about the campaign here
In addition to Palmer�??s, we�??ve previously partnered with Shiny Shiny and of course, brands targeted at parents such as Dutch Lady, Kellogg�??s and Three Legs Brand. You�??re one app away from working with brands across different industries including F&B, Beauty and Fashion!
Available for download on iOS and Android.
Becoming a mother comes with its ups and downs, but you�??re not alone. With the right support group, your journey through motherhood will definitely be an unforgettable one. We hope these apps worked well for you. Share this article with a fellow sister to help her out!