Whether you�??re a new or seasoned Partiposter, here�??s a list of things you should and shouldn�??t do to make your partiposting journey more enjoyable!
Seek help from the correct channels

Partipost should always be your first point of contact. If you�??ve got campaign-related questions and general enquiries, write in to us at info@partipost.com or check out our detailed guide.
Be mindful of campaign deadlines

If you miss a task or deadline after the campaign is full, you won�??t receive your payout! Campaign status automatically changes to �??submissions full�?� once we receive the max number of receipts needed, so please avoid joining campaigns with no available slots.
Wait for approval before posting online

Regardless of which campaign you join, all submissions require brand approvals prior to posting, unless stated otherwise. If you post your content without the brand�??s approval, you�??ll have to take it down and repost the approved version (this decreases your engagement rate).
Submit a variety of photos

How to maximize your rate of approval: Give brands the option to choose the content they prefer by submitting multiple photos taken from different angles/different photo ideas as suggested in the brief (e.g. one product shot and one portrait shot).
Join interest campaigns only if you�??re truly keen

Submit your interest for interest campaigns only if you�??re genuinely keen on joining the actual campaign, and can commit to the deadlines. Otherwise, you won�??t be given priority for future interest campaigns.
Avoid editing or removing sponsored posts

Shout-out for brands you truly love so that you won�??t be inclined to edit or remove sponsored postings, upon receiving the payout. Doing so reduces your chances of approval for future campaigns!
Stay real

Avoid buying followers. Brands are cautious about the influencers they engage, and are more likely to work with creators with organic growth and engagement rates. Click here for ways to grow your account organically.
Post a mix of content

Brands use influencers to add a human touch to regular ads, but if an influencer posts sponsored content and nothing else, it defeats the purpose. Avoid posting sponsored content only. Instead, share various content (e.g. your personal life). Tap here for some content ideas.
Now that you�??re aware of how to become a better partiposter, it�??s time to put your new new-found knowledge into practice. Head over to the Partipost app to join our latest campaigns!