The pandemic came with learnings in tow and for content creators in particular, it was clear: Transform your living quarters into a photoshoot studio worthy of the gram, or risk losing out to your peers.
Whether you shoot for work or leisure, it�??s possible to take nice photos from the comfort of your home with the help of props. Not just any prop, but one that�??s inexpensive and pleasing to the eye because that�??s what we�??re all about. And there�??s no better place to search than�??Taobao. #NotAnAd.

Image: @elkantlers
Isn�??t it amazing how a piece of fabric can instantly elevate your photo and make it look classy, yet effortless? Use it as a backdrop to transform your room into a photoshoot studio, or simply as a prop for flat lay shots. The great thing about this prop is it�??s versatility. For the price of one, you can easily achieve different styles - whether it�??s crumpled, folded, or ironed to create a blank canvas or folds for an added texture.
Do a quick search on Taobao to choose from a variety of lengths, colors and textures without breaking the bank. If you�??re just starting out, we recommend going for earth tones such as brown, gray and white.
Dried flowers

Image: @lindsayvoitton
Perfect for every occasion, flowers are great for adding a touch of color in your masterpiece. Better yet, get your money�??s worth and opt for dried flowers which last a lifetime. There�??s nothing wrong with holding them traditionally as most people do but it doesn�??t hurt to get creative and stick �??em on your wall or in your pockets and hair. You can also go the extra mile to remove the stalk or pluck individual petals for your flat lay shots. When you�??re done with your shoots, they double as home decor too.
Depending on the style you have in mind, stores on Taobao either sell them individually (for you to mix and match) or in bunches.

Image: @dianaohy
In addition to flowers, mirrors have been a go-to prop for many content creators. Unlike regular and boring bathroom mirrors, these new-age mirrors are designed with the perfect mirror selfie in mind. Some popular styles to opt for on Taobao are vintage table mirrors, round or uniquely-shaped ones. Functional, gorgeous and affordable? It doesn�??t get any better than this.
Try experimenting with different angles, backgrounds and poses on your next mirror selfie. Other ways to elevate your photo include decorating your mirror with flowers or playing around with reflections and multiple mirrors for an artistic touch.

Image: @qiyunz/ @jodiaarielle
Cards may not rank as high as the others in the versatility department, but they�??re not one to belittle. Particularly useful in making flat lay shots or plain backgrounds more interesting (without the use of apps like Photoshop, PicsArt or Meitu), cards available on Taobao come in various sizes and designs which will leave you spoiled for choice. If you�??d like, you can even frame these cards up as interior d??cor, or feature a large one in the background of your full-length mirror selfie.
Trends come and go but these practical props are bound to stand the test of time. The bottom line is to use them together in unconventional ways. For all you know, you might be the next trend-setter!?�
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