You: �??Wait, I�??m still choosing a filter.�?�
Also you: Once you put a filter on your photos, you can never go without it.
Still you: Your collection of ~aesthetic~ filters just keeps growing.?�
If you�??re guilty of all the above, you�??re at the right place. Instagram releases new filters periodically but user-generated filters steal the spotlight. With a ton of creative users globally, the possibilities are endless.
On the lookout for new ways to keep your content interesting? Keep reading to find out which filters you should use for your next food or OOTD shot.
Polaroid Memories

Image: @ft.nishu
This filter comes with 7 different polaroid frames, and most of them are complete with a scrapbook theme, further enhancing the look of your photo. There are many apps which allow you to decorate your IG stories with washi tapes and cute stickers, but this filter does it for you instantly - what�??s not to love about it?
Journal stories

Image: @marinarossa
Recently, simple filters showing the date, day and time have been basking in the limelight. Minimalist, aesthetically-pleasing and suitable for all photos, no wonder everyone�??s a fan. This filter comes with 3 different styles as seen from the image above.

Some Instagram accounts have been blessed with fanciful fonts but if you�??re not part of the chosen few, this filter is worth a shot. With a simple calligraphy font, journalier is another filter made with minimalists in mind. Its clean aesthetic has a way of making your content look professional. With a total of 5 color effects and 11 phrases to choose from, this filter by @lakeishalfl gets extra points for versatility.

Image: @iannadria
With everyone cooped up at home, many influencers especially, have taken to Instagram to share their mirror selfies. If you don�??t own a mirror, or you�??re unsure about photo editing, you can still achieve the same effect with this filter. Heads-up mirror lovers, this filter comes with 7 mirror options, perfect for each day of the week.
kodak frame

Image: @notyoyohuang
#filmisnotdead. Remember when film cameras were all the rage? This filter is perfect for those who are too lazy to carry a separate camera around, but wish to achieve the film effect. With 9 different styles to choose from, deciding on your personal favorite would be a challenge.
�?��?��?��?� meal diary

Image: @vviivian
Food makes a common appearance on Instagram stories so it�??s no surprise that there are many filters to elevate your food shots too. A filter created by @vviivian caters to all the mealtimes in a day. What�??s more, the filter showcases the time, and you have the option to display the day and date as well.
Whether you�??re taking a selfie, scenery or food shot, Instagram story filters are a sure and effortless way to make your content more interesting. Try these filters out for your next IG story campaign and who knows? You might even get more views!?�